E-Business Integration with Short Work Placements Rikke Duus Senior Lecturer in Marketing The Business School

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Presentation on theme: "E-Business Integration with Short Work Placements Rikke Duus Senior Lecturer in Marketing The Business School"— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Business Integration with Short Work Placements Rikke Duus Senior Lecturer in Marketing The Business School (r.1.duus@herts.ac.uk)

2 Business & Academia Coming Together Learning through business engagement Business briefing Mentored by agencies Live client projects Commercial pitch Work placements e-mktgEDGE (event)

3 The Digital Marketing Agency #1 Placement Winner Selecting the Work Placement Teams Student Team 1 Student Team 2 Student Team 3 Student Team 4 Commercial Project Pitch Academic Teaching Team Digital Marketing Agencies

4 Commercial Project Pitch Student attitudes towards the commercial project pitch... 71%...I intend to submit the pitch 73%...it’s important for me to submit the pitch 72%...important for me to include on CV 78%...would be a great victory to win 50%...adds additional pressure 83%...will help me get a job once I graduate 94%...expand my knowledge of e-marketing 56%...the placement can help me get a sandwich placement 83%...I have a good chance of winning

5 Commercial Project Pitch Student expectations towards the work placement... Expectations ExperienceKnowledgeInsightFeedback

6 Student Work Placements Assignment linked with work placement: Creative e-Marketing Project (30%) Purpose of the placement;  To get the opportunity to work on the Creative e-Marketing Project with help from the agency  Unique insight into the everyday operations of a digital agency  Potential placement/internship opportunities  Achievement for the CV

7 What did the winning student teams think of the work placement?

8 Evaluation of Work Placements Were you surprised that you won the work placement? YES – 7 students  Wasn't too sure whether we had done enough to win  Was unexpected (...) other groups’ pitches were more creative  I didn’t feel we were creative enough  Presentation was quite basic and we thought it might not be enough  Other groups were submitting so I thought the chance of winning would be low  I thought that other teams would have done as well as us NO – 3 students  Put a lot of effort into our pitch and believed it was good  Work was of a high standard  We exceeded our limit

9 Evaluation of Work Placements What have you learnt from attending the work placement?  More about putting ideas into action  How things get done in a real business  There should always be an explanation behind a suggestion  To think through an idea – is it achievable and how much will it cost?  Even small details can have a big impact  How agencies use online marketing to attract customers  The different roles within a marketing agency  More about the subject area and general office workings Themes: Application of theory / Justification of ideas Subject knowledge / How an agency works

10 Evaluation of Work Placements If you were given the opportunity to go on a work placement again, would you be interested?  Insight into working life, experience and something to put on your CV  The amount of experience you gain is invaluable  It was good experience and will help me to apply the theory  The more experience the better and it would look better on my CV  Great opportunity to apply theory to a real business environment  Understand the subject from a company’s view and learn from it as you are doing practical work for that company  The placement was interesting, beneficial and motivating by achieving real life goals Themes: Experience / CV / Application of theory 10 out of 10

11 Evaluation of Work Placements Has the work placement helped you with your Creative e-Marketing Project?  More ideas & research and confirmed to us that we were on the right track  More viable and understandable ideas useful to the client  Chance to discuss our ideas with agency and pick the most suitable  Improved content of the work through discussions with the agency  Helped us to understand the work a lot better, get new ideas & make improvements  Learned to work well in a team Themes: New ideas through interaction with agency / Improve content of work 9 out of 10

12 Evaluation of Work Placements 10 out of 10 students: would like it if more modules included a work placements to prepare them for the future 8 out of 10 students: thought they would receive a higher mark for the Creative e-Marketing Project due to having been on the work placement 8 out of 10 students: thought the work placement would enhance their job opportunities upon graduation

13 Unique Achievement Student offered paid 10-month placement with agency due to achievements on the work placement... Student offered paid 10-month placement with agency due to achievements on the work placement...

14 Conclusions  More communication with agencies regarding the activities planned during the work placement  More clear communication to the students on what will happen during the placement to manage their expectations and make them able to prepare better  Purpose of placement & student experience is a match  Subject knowledge was enhanced through ‘real’ business case studies and application of theory to practice during the work placement  The students saw the benefits of the experience gained and how it will add value to their CVs

15 Discussion Questions  Should the project pitch be mandatory or optional?  Is it important that all students get to do the placement?  How can the placement scheme be taken further?  How can we engage students so they fully understand what opportunities are offered to them e.g. work placements?

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