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RF and Microwave Safety A Self-Paced Safety Class Presented By Environmental Health and Safety Cornell University EH&S Rev 1 12/2010.

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1 RF and Microwave Safety A Self-Paced Safety Class Presented By Environmental Health and Safety Cornell University EH&S Rev 1 12/2010

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8 This Program is Presented By Department of Environmental Health and Safety, Research and Radiation Safety Section Contact person: ▫Jeff Leavey, Radiation Safety Officer ▫Phone: 255-8200 or 255-7397 ▫Email:

9 Purpose of this Program To increase awareness in RF / microwave safety ▫Applies to RF and microwave transmitters such as radio, cell phone, data communications, paging radios, etc. ▫Review the hazards, exposure limits, and safety requirements. Download the Cornell RF & Microwave Safety Guide ▫RF & Microwave Safety GuideRF & Microwave Safety Guide

10 Program Outline Some definitions RF fundamentals RF & microwave hazards Exposure limits Safety guidelines and requirements RF measurements Final comments

11 Definitions Specific absorption rate (SAR) ▫Power absorbed by the body when exposed to electromagnetic radiation. The current SAR is 4 W/kg. To be conservative, standards are usually set to 1/10 of this value. Power density ▫Power per unit area, typically milliwatts/cm 2 or W/m 2. Near field ▫The region close to an RF emitter (i.e. antenna) where the electric and magnetic fields are not perpendicular to each other and their orientation to each other varies from point to point. Extends a distance about 2 to 5 wavelengths from the emitter. Power density measurements are not useful in the near field.

12 Definitions Far field ▫The region where the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and do not vary from point to point. Power density can be measured in the far field. Generally beyond about 5 wavelengths. ISM bands ▫Frequencies designated for industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) use where radiated power is not regulated. Some typical ISM frequencies are 3.56 MHz, 27.12 MHz, 9.5 MHz, 2450 MHz, and 5800 MHz. Because emitted power is not regulated, safety hazards may be created due to high radiated power.

13 Definitions E field ▫Electric field strength component of RF energy measured in volt/meter (V/m). H field ▫Magnetic field strength component of RF energy measured in amps/meter (A/m).

14 RF & Microwave Fundamentals Some useful conversions ▫1 W/m 2 = 0.1 mW/cm 2 ▫E = electric field strength in V/m ▫H = magnetic field strength in A/m ▫Power density (PD) = E x H V-A/m 2 = W/m 2 ▫Approximate PD can be found from  PD = E 2 / 3770 mW/cm 2  PD = 37.7 x H 2  Impedance of free space = 377 ohms (Ω)

15 RF & Microwave Fundamentals Electromagnetic radiation ▫Energy waves propagated through space. ▫Characterized by wavelength or frequency.

16 RF & MicrowaveFundamentals RF and microwave have long wavelengths. f = c / E = h * f f = freq sec -1 (Hz) = wavelength cm c = speed light 3x10 10 cm/s E = wave energy eV h = Planck’s const 4.13x10 -15 eV-s E = 1240 /  nm

17 RF & Microwave Fundamentals Extremely low freq (ELF) ~30 Hz to ~300 Hz. Radiofrequency ~300 Hz to ~300 MHz. Microwave ~300 MHz to ~300 GHZ. 3 regions ▫Reactive field – very close, 1 to 2 λ. ▫Near field – 2 to ~5 λ. ▫Far field – > ~5 λ. ▫Highly dependent on antenna design.

18 RF & Microwave Biological Hazards Energy absorption ▫Atoms and molecules have “favorite” or resonate frequencies. ▫Macro bodies more strongly absorb when wavelength matches size of body. ▫Whole body resonate freq 40 to 90 MHz. ▫Arm resonate freq 175 MHz, head 375 MHz. Energy absorption causes atoms/molecules to vibrate creating heat. Can affect internal organs, lens, whole body.

19 RF & Microwave Biological Hazards Whole body ▫Greater than 10 GHz mostly outer skin absorption. ▫10 GHz to 2.5 GHz penetrate 3 mm to 2 cm. ▫2.5 GHz to 1 GHz penetrate even deeper. ▫2.45 GHz is water resonance frequency (ovens). Wireless computer equipment operates at 2.45 GHz in ISM band (Industrial, Scientific, Medical band at low power unregulated by FCC), cordless phones at 915 MHz, 2450 MHz, and 5800 MHz.

20 RF & Microwave Biological Hazards

21 Body must deal with extra heat load. Organs with poor blood flow at risk e.g. eye lens. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) ▫4 W/kg hazardous ▫Limit 0.4 W/kg ▫Body resting is ~1 W/kg, activity is ~5 W/kg, heart’s metabolic rate is ~33 W/kg ▫Temp ~102 o F can impair body function, fatal ~107 to 108 o F Non-uniform exposure can cause hot spots.

22 RF & Microwave Biological Hazards Eye lens damage causes cataracts. Animal studies show critical freq is 800 to 10,000 MHz.

23 RF & Microwave Biological Hazards Electric shock and burns a larger issue at lower frequencies. ▫3 kHz to 100 MHz range. ▫Induced currents in body causes shock when contacting or near a conductor. ▫AM radio tower workers – shielded mesh suits. Non-thermal effects (animal studies). ▫Behavioral changes. ▫Immunological changes. ▫Possible synergistic cancer effects (cell phones) being studied. No conclusive results to date. ▫Power freq (50/60 Hz) HV line childhood leukemia being studied.

24 RF & Microwave Exposure Limits Lots of different but similar limits ▫OSHA, FCC, IEEE/ANSI, ICNIRP, countries, etc. OSHA ▫10 mW/cm 2 to protect against thermal, 6 min avg ▫Freq independent FCC, IEEE/ANSI ▫Cornell follows FCC, see next slide Limits set to meet 0.4 W/kg SAR

25 RF & Microwave Exposure Limits FCC MPE Maximum Permissible Exposure Note: for 100 GHz to 300 GHZ the 100 GHZ limit applies

26 Safety Guidelines and Requirements Perform regular visual inspections ▫General safety / housekeeping conditions in the surrounding area. ▫Presence and functionality of safety interlocks. ▫High voltage safety features (e.g. grounding rods, etc.) ▫Condition of cables and coax lines that transmit RF. ▫Presence and condition of RF shielding.

27 Safety Guidelines and Requirements Perform regular operational inspections ▫Monitoring or survey of RF levels, especially in occupied spaces. ▫Test of interlocks to inhibit RF generation when tripped. ▫Verify proper use of “lockout / tagout” for RF and/or high voltage equipment.

28 Safety Guidelines and Requirements RF shielding ▫Shields can be solid panels or metallic mesh screening. Materials for shielding E fields include tin, copper, aluminum, silver, and gold. These have high reflective losses for E fields. H field shielding materials include ferrous materials like iron, steel and special alloys (e.g. Hypernom and Permalloy). ▫See the RF & Microwave Safety Guide for assistance in designing shielding mesh dimensions. ▫Equipment enclosures, access panels, doors, etc. should be sealed with metal braid or other conductive gaskets.

29 Safety Guidelines and Requirements RF shielding ▫Grounding straps and wires should not be bent at sharp angles - sharp angles act as antenna to radiate RF. ▫Conductors and straps carrying RF should bend gently and blend smoothly at connection points. Screws used to connect conductors should have smooth, rounded heads, not sharp edged angular heads. ▫Solder connections should be as large in area as possible.

30 Safety Guidelines and Requirements Signs and posting requirements ▫A warning sign is required at the entrance to areas where RF fields can exceed limits (e.g. usually at the entrance to the lab). ▫Signs are available from EH&S.

31 Use This Sign At the entrance to an area where RF may exceed the PUBLIC limits.

32 Use This Sign At the entrance to an area where RF may exceed the OCCUPATIONAL limits.

33 Use This Sign At the entrance to an area where RF exceeds the OCCUPATIONAL limits.

34 RF Measurements Reactive field ▫Avoid measurements in this region, highly variable. Near field ▫Measure E and H separately, use formula to calc equivalent plane PD, use highest value. Far field ▫Measure PD directly, or can measure E and H and calc PD, should be similar. Measure where person exposed ▫Head to toe, determine 6 min Time Weighted Average (TWA).

35 RF Measurements Estimate PD from source parameters ▫Distance to far field = A /(2 * ) or ((  r 2 ) / (2 *  ▫Max PD in near field = (4 * P) / A. ▫Max PD in far field = (P * A) / ( * r) 2. ▫Where  A = antenna area  = wavelength  P = output power  r = distance from antenna.

36 RF Measurements For pulsed sources e.g. radar. ▫Duty cycle = pulse width (sec) * PRF (pulses/sec). ▫Avg power P = peak power * duty cycle. EH&S can assist with measurements, contact 255-8200.

37 Final Comments Please contact EH&S if you have any questions or wish assistance with RF/microwave safety. Thank you for taking this EH&S safety class!!!

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