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Exit Portfolio of Your name Area of Licensure Completion date 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Exit Portfolio of Your name Area of Licensure Completion date 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 exit Portfolio of Your name Area of Licensure Completion date 2011

2 exit BIOGRAPHYPicture

3 exit Resume

4 exit Philosophy of Education

5 exit Technology Statement

6 exit Classroom Management Philosophy

7 exit Diversity Statement

8 exit 1. Subject Matter 2. Student Learning 3. Diverse Learners 4. Instructional Strategies4 5. Learning Environment 6. Communication 7. Planning Instruction 8. Assessment 9. Reflection & Professional Development 10. Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships STANDARDS OF EFFECTIVE PRACTICE The Standards of Effective Practice

9 exit Standard 1: Subject Matter A teacher must understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines taught and be able to create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

10 exit Subject Matter D

11 exit Standard 2: Student Learning A teacher must understand how students learn and develop and must provide learning opportunities that support a student's intellectual, social, and personal development. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

12 exit Student Learning D

13 exit Standard 3: Diverse Learners A teacher must understand how students differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to students with diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

14 exit Diverse Learners D

15 exit Standard 4: Instructional Strategies A teacher must understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

16 exit Instructional Strategies D

17 exit Standard 5: Learning Environment The teacher encourages an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interactions, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

18 exit Learning Environment D

19 exit Standard 6: Communication A teacher must be able to use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

20 exit Communication D

21 exit Standard 7: Planning Instruction A teacher must be able to plan and manage instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

22 exit Planning Instruction D

23 exit Standard 8: Assessment A teacher must understand and be able to use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the student. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

24 exit Assessment D

25 exit Standard 9: Reflection and Professional Development A teacher must be a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of choices and actions on others, including students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community, and who actively seeks out opportunities for professional growth. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

26 exit Reflection and Professional Development: D

27 exit Standard 10: Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships A teacher must be able to communicate and interact with parents or guardians, families, school colleagues, and the community to support student learning and well-being. Subject Matter Student Learning Diverse Learners Instructional Strategies Learning Environment Communication Planning Instruction Assessment Reflection & Professional Development Collaboration, Ethics & Relationships

28 exit Collaboration, Ethics, & Relationships HOME D

29 exit CriteriaLevel 3 – ProficientLevel 2 – BasicLevel 1 - Unsatisfactory Selection of Evidence  The evidence demonstrates a clear understanding and application of performance competencies of the standard with in-depth, high caliber artifacts that support the standard The evidence demonstrates understanding and application of performance competencies of the standard with satisfactory artifacts that support the standard The evidence demonstrates understanding and application of performance competencies of the standard with artifacts that minimally support the standard Description of Evidence The description of the evidence and the context in which it was created (and implemented, if applicable) is clear and detailed. The description of the evidence and the context in which it was created (and implemented, if applicable) is clear but lacks detail. The description of the evidence and the context in which it was created (and implemented, if applicable) is vague or unclear. Rationale for Evidence The supporting statement provides multiple justifications linking the evidence to the standard. The supporting statement provides justification linking the evidence to the standard. The supporting statement does not provide justification linking the evidence to the standard. Description of Professional Growth The supporting statement thoroughly describes the growth of the student in relationship to all performance competencies of the standard. The supporting statement adequately describes the growth in relationship to most performance competencies of the standard. The supporting statement minimally describes growth in relationship to performance competencies of the standard. Writing Mechanics Writing is at a professional level with accurate conventions and fluent style. Control of conventions is consistent but style sometimes distracts from the message. Control of conventions is inconsistent and style distracts from the message. Rubric for Supporting Statements

30 exit Evaluation

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