Today we will: Talk about scheduling for Unit 2 and read the description for feeder 2.2 together; Develop a stance for our own PSAs; Think about the task.

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Presentation on theme: "Today we will: Talk about scheduling for Unit 2 and read the description for feeder 2.2 together; Develop a stance for our own PSAs; Think about the task."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we will: Talk about scheduling for Unit 2 and read the description for feeder 2.2 together; Develop a stance for our own PSAs; Think about the task and resources lists. ----------------------------------------------------------- We will workshop your storyboards on Monday.

2 Unit 2 Calendar MONWEDFRI Week 7Presentation by Will Bosley, MRC Topic: Production Process Presentation by Will Bosley, MRC Topic: Visual Storytelling Draft Workshop #1 Feeder 2.2 TODAY Week 8Draft Workshop #2 Feeder 2.2 Tour of MRC 018 Graham Memorial, 9am Finalize Pre-Production Feeder 2.2 DUE and Short Group Presentations Week 9Meet at MRC, 9am Finalize Production FALL BREAK Week 10Unit Project Workshop Finalize Post- Production Presentations (location TBA) Presentations (location TBA)

3 The Stance of a PSA 1.In your groups, discuss the underlying assumptions and the political message of this PSA. What behaviors are seen as “good,” which ones as “bad”? 2.Try to encapsulate the PSA’s message in 2-3 sentences of less than 250 words. 3.Upload these sentences to our website (Post Your Work > Week 7 > Stance Exercise) and get ready to share them with the group.

4 So, what’s your message? In your groups, develop your PSA’s stance together. Again, try to limit it to 250 words. Upload it to our website (Post Your Work > Week 7 > Stance Exercise) and get ready to share your PSA’s stance with the class.

5 Logistics Group Work Take the rest of today’s class to discuss the logistics of your production process. Come up with a task list: Who does what? Who is in charge of storyboarding, checking out equipment, research, casting, … ? Use this list to keep track of all individual contributions. As well as a list of the resources: video camera and other recording devices, lights, costumes, catering, settings, actors, etc. editing space and time, … scheduling dates for planning, filming, and editing.

6 Homework for Monday As a group, fine-tune the necessary documents for feeder 2.2. We will further workshop these documents on Monday. One group member will email me your group's documents (in draft) by Monday, 9am. These documents are: 1.Works Cited page. 2.A detailed tentative script and/or storyboard. 3.A task list. 4.A list of the resources. You should finalize the pre-production process during the first half of week 8 (Oct 10-12).

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