MVC Nick Lopez Duplication of course material for any commercial purpose without the explicit written permission of the professor is prohibited.

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1 MVC Nick Lopez Duplication of course material for any commercial purpose without the explicit written permission of the professor is prohibited.

2 Design Patterns so far Simple problems regarding class interactions – Patterns so far involve few classes Are there larger problems that patterns can also support?

3 MVC Model View Controller Divides an application in 3 parts – Model – Views – Controller

4 MVC Provides a mechanism to propagate updates Guarantees consistency between info in the model and the what is presented in views The observer pattern is key

5 Motivation Allows for definition of highly cohesive models Emphasizes business logic over user interface Minimizes impact of changes when the interface evolves

6 Motivation Allows for definition of multiple views over the same model New views can be added without changes to the other components The model can be reused for other interfaces

7 Model Encapsulates the functionality of the application Registers observers Notifies observers of changes in the model Collaborates with views and controllers: – The controller can invoke methods from the model to make changes – The views and controllers get access to data for update

8 Model Application services Get data Notify changes Observer Update *

9 Model Application services Get data Notify changes Observer Update * ViewController

10 View Displays info to the user – Contains an update service activated when the model notifies changes Collaborates with model and controllers: – Obtains data from model – Can provide controllers with data visualizationservices

11 Controllers Receives input from the user Translates user events to service invocations in the model Collaborates with model and views: – The controller can also react to changes in the model (also can behave as a view)

12 Model Application services Get data Notify changes Observer Update * View Controller Update Display information Update Manage events

13 Exercise Does the number trains design implement MVC? Where is the model, views and controllers? – Make changes if necessary to make them explicit

14 Exercise Make changes to include a new view and a new controller Build a sequence diagram showing how views are registered Build a sequence diagram showing – an event from the user (adding a track) from one controller

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