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Why is Java so popular? Floundered until adapted for internet. 90% of personal computers have Java Run on client – so load to server is drastically reduced.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is Java so popular? Floundered until adapted for internet. 90% of personal computers have Java Run on client – so load to server is drastically reduced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is Java so popular? Floundered until adapted for internet. 90% of personal computers have Java Run on client – so load to server is drastically reduced Portable – cross platform Objected oriented – leads to extensibility Built in security Removes undesirable features of C++ Hype Chapter 3 Louden

2 (Gosling, the inventor of Java, is also a creator of Netbeans)
Microsoft's C# is Java without the reliability, productivity or security - They had this problem in their design rules that they had to support C and C++, which means you have to have a memory model where you can access everything at all times. It's the existence of those loopholes that is the source of security, reliability and productivity problems for developers. (Gosling, the inventor of Java, is also a creator of Netbeans) Chapter 3 Louden

3 Why is C++ popular Criticisms (too high or too low):
writing efficient code in C is easier than C++ because the level of information hiding hides inefficiencies its powerful features and complexities are often the source of many errors. C++ suffers under the burden of backwards compatibility Success dominant language for game dev C++ adds layers of abstraction to C multi-paradigm (generic, imperative, OO) large audience of C programmers. Early C++ compilers just emitted C code. efficiency willingness and readiness of compiler vendors to add another language to their packages Chapter 3 Louden

4 Chapter 3 - Language Design Principles
4/16/2017 Chapter 3 - Language Design Principles Programming Languages: Principles and Practice, 2nd Ed. Kenneth C. Louden Chapter 3 Louden

5 Thought question What characteristics should be present in your “perfect language”? Chapter 3 Louden

6 The language design problem
Language design is difficult, and success is hard to predict: Pascal a success, Modula-2 (successor to Pascal – fixed syntactic ambiguity and added modules) a failure Algol60 a success, Algol68 a failure FORTRAN a success, PL/I a failure Conflicting advice Chapter 3 Louden

7 Efficiency The “first” goal (FORTRAN): execution efficiency.
Still an important goal in some settings (C++, C). Many other criteria can be interpreted from the point of view of efficiency: programming efficiency: writability or expressiveness (ability to express complex processes and structures) reliability (software doesn’t crash, is secure). maintenance efficiency: readability. (saw this as a goal for first time in Cobol) Chapter 3 Louden

8 Reliability and Programming Language?
Helps Hurts bad syntax source of bugs (if a=b when mean if a==b) complex syntax distracts the programmer (errors are more likely) Name hiding - confusion machine dependencies (length of Integer could cause different results when ported) rigorous type checking eliminate undefined variables (always init) runtime checks (array bounds, types) simple syntax less implicit computation (force explicit casts) compiler helps (check for declared but not used) correct return value types Chapter 3 Louden

9 Other kinds of efficiency
efficiency of execution (optimizable) efficiency of translation. Are there features which are extremely difficult to check at compile time (or even run time)? e.g. Algol68 – solved dangling else problem (case/esac if/fi, do/od closing) Implementability (cost of writing translator) Chapter 3 Louden

10 Features that aid efficiency of execution
Static data types allow efficient allocation and access. Manual memory management avoids overhead of “garbage collection”. Simple semantics allow for simple structure of running programs (class variables, run time inheritance type checking - expensive). Chapter 3 Louden

11 Visit with you neighbor: can you see any conflicts with efficiency?
Writability, expressiveness: Software reliability, efficiency: Expressiveness, writability, readability: Chapter 3 Louden

12 Some goals conflict with efficiency
Writability, expressiveness: idea: no static data types (variables can hold anything, no need for type declarations). [harder to maintain] Reliability, efficiency: idea: automatic memory management (no need for pointers). [runs slower] Expressiveness, writability, readability: idea: more complex semantics, allowing greater abstraction. [harder to translate] Chapter 3 Louden

13 Internal consistency of a language design: Regularity
Regularity is a measure of how well a language integrates its features, so that there are no unusual restrictions, interactions, or behavior. Easy to remember. Regularity issues can often be placed in subcategories: Generality: combining closely related constructs into a single more general one. Ex. Ruby collections/ranges/ arrays/files all have each Orthogonality (independence): are there strange interactions? Uniformity: Do similar things look the same, and do different things look different? Chapter 3 Louden

14 Generality deficiencies
In pascal, procedures can be passed as parameters, but no procedure variable to store them (not a true object). Pascal has no variable length arrays –length is defined as part of definition (even when parameter). This is a much bigger deal than you would think. Chapter 3 Louden

15 Orthogonality: independence
Not context sensitive Seems similar to “generality” but more of an “odd” decision rather than a limitation. For example, if I buy a top: sweater, sweatshirt, shirt short sleeve, long sleeve, or sleeveless small, medium, or large red, green, or blue Chapter 3 Louden

16 Orthogonal – independent decisions
Sweater Sweatshirt Shirt Size S,M,L,XL Sleeve Length Short/Long Color RGB Chapter 3 Louden

17 Non-Orthogonal – dependent decisions (if sweater, no choice on sleeve length)
Sweater Sweatshirt Shirt Size S,M,L,XL M,L,XL (no S) S,M,L,XL,XXL Sleeve Length Long (no Short) Sleeveless/ Short/Long Color RGB Yellow, Purple RGB Chapter 3 Louden

18 Orthogonality a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways. Every possible combination is legal. Is orthogonal if it can be used without consideration as to how its use will affect something else (no side effects) Language features are orthogonal when they can be understood in isolation and freely combined with no surprises. Orthogonality thus allows a simple definition to cover lots of possibilities. Orthogonality makes it easier to understand what happens when things combine. Is closely related to simplicity - the more orthogonal, the fewer rules to remember. Can make implementation more complicated as implement things that might not really need. Chapter 3 Louden

19 Orthogonal: Alternative definition
Cleanly integrated features: All features must be cleanly and elegantly integrated into the language. Composability of features: It must be possible to use features in combination to achieve solutions that would otherwise have required extra separate features. Ex. Arrays of records Avoid special purpose features: There should be as few spurious and "special purpose" features as possible. Performance independence: A feature should be such that its implementation does not impose significant overheads on programs that do not require it. Ex. array element deletion Understatement independence: A user need only know about the subset of the language explicitly used to write the program. Ex. reserve word Understatement is a form of speech which contains an expression of less strength than what would be expected. Chapter 3 Louden

20 Operators Bad: For example - in IBM assembly language there are different instructions for adding memory to register or register to register (non-orthogonal). Good: In Vax, a single add instruction can have arbitrary operands. Orthogonality seems to be in opposition with security, since it allows potential errors to go unnoticed Chapter 3 Louden

21 Most Languages contains array records files arrays yes no res
Chapter 3 Louden

22 Pascal Functions Integers Float Arrays Strings input parameters Yes
return values no Chapter 3 Louden

23 If not allow user to overload operators
Operator Use integer float complex strings User defined types + yes no Chapter 3 Louden

24 Most Languages Switch integer Boolean Float string Case Labels yes no
Chapter 3 Louden

25 Java – non orthogonalities
Declarations Type = int Type = SomeClass Type i i is variable of type integer i is a pointer to SomeClass type object Chapter 3 Louden

26 Thought question Where does non-orthogonality come from? If it is “bad design”, why not eliminate it? How would you rate Ruby in terms of regularity? Chapter 3 Louden

27 For examples of non-orthogonality consider C++:
We can convert from integer to float by simply assigning a float to an integer, but not vice versa. (not a question of ability to do – generality, but of the way it is done) Arrays are pass by “what appears to be” reference while integers are pass by value. A switch statement works with integers, characters, or enumerated types, but not doubles or Strings. Chapter 3 Louden

28 Regularity examples from C++
Declarations are not uniform: data declarations must be followed by a semicolon, function declarations must not. Lots of ways to increment – lack of uniformity (++i, i++, i = i+1) i=j and i==j look the same, but are different. Lack of uniformity Chapter 3 Louden

29 Other design principles
Simplicity: make things as simple as possible, but not simpler (Einstein). (Pascal, C) We can make things so simple that it doesn’t work well – no string handling, no reasonable I/0 (some languages left out of documentation) Can be cumbersome to use or inefficient. Chapter 3 Louden

30 Other design principles
Expressiveness: make it possible to express conceptual abstractions directly and simply. (Scheme) Helps you to think about the problem. Ruby, for example, allows you to return multiple arguments: a,b= swap(a,b) Chapter 3 Louden

31 Other design principles
Extensibility: allow the programmer to extend the language in various ways. Types, operators, create libraries, extend built in classes Security: programs cannot do unexpected damage. (Java) discourages errors allows errors to be discovered type checking Chapter 3 Louden

32 Other design principles (cont.)
Preciseness: having a language definition that can answer programmers and implementers questions. If it isn’t clear, there will be differences. Example: Declaration in local scope (for loop) unknown/known after exit Example: implementation of switch statement Example: constants – expressions or not? Example: how much accuracy of float? Example: order of operations Chapter 3 Louden

33 Other design principles (cont.)
Machine-independence: should run the same on any machine. (Java- big effort) Consistent with accepted notations – easy to learn and understand for experienced programmers (Most languages today, but not Smalltalk & Ruby) 42 factorial (sends 42 to function factorial – Smalltalk) Symbols, yield, leave off parens in method calls, use of $1 Restrictability: a programmer can program effectively in a subset of the full language. (C++: avoids runtime penalties) Chapter 3 Louden

34 Wikipedia moment: Syntactic sugar is a term coined by Peter J. Landin for additions to the syntax of a computer language that do not affect its expressiveness but make it "sweeter" for humans to use. Syntactic sugar gives the programmer (designer, in the case of specification computer languages) an alternative way of coding (specifying) that is more practical, either by being more succinct or more like some familiar notation. Chapter 3 Louden

35 C++ case study Thanks to Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ is not only a great success story, but also the best-documented language development effort in history: 1997: The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition (Addison-Wesley). 1994: The Design and Evolution of C++ (Addison-Wesley). 1993: A History of C , SIGPLAN Notices 28(3). Chapter 3 Louden

36 Major C++ design goals OO features: class, inheritance
Strong type checking for better compile-time debugging Efficient execution Portable Easy to implement Good interfaces with other tools Chapter 3 Louden

37 Supplemental C++ design goals
C compatibility (but not an absolute goal: no gratuitous incompatibilities) Incremental development based on experience. No runtime penalty for unused features. Multiparadigm Stronger type checking than C Learnable in stages Compatibility with other languages and systems Chapter 3 Louden

38 C++ design errors Too big?
C++ programs can be hard to understand and debug Not easy to implement Defended by Stroustrup: multiparadigm features are worthwhile No standard library until late (and even then lacking major features) Stroustrup agrees this has been a major problem Chapter 3 Louden

39 Review: Language Design Features
Efficiency -execution -translation -implementation Reliability Readability Writability Expressiveness Regularity -generality, -orthogonality -uniformity Simplicity Extensibility Security Preciseness Chapter 3 Louden

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