Student Success with the Society of STEM Scholars Student Success with the Society of STEM Scholars Tara Eisenhauer Ebersole, Professor Biology and STEM.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Success with the Society of STEM Scholars Student Success with the Society of STEM Scholars Tara Eisenhauer Ebersole, Professor Biology and STEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Success with the Society of STEM Scholars Student Success with the Society of STEM Scholars Tara Eisenhauer Ebersole, Professor Biology and STEM Liaison Laura LeMire, Associate Professor Engineering and Engineering Coordinator The Community College of Baltimore County

2 Presentation Overview CCBC at a glance Background on our STEM initiative Rationale and explanation of Society of STEM Scholars Objectives Organizational framework - student profile Outcomes - 2010/11 activity report Feedback and assessment - testimonials

3 CCBC at a Glance Multi-campus suburban in Central Maryland Enrolls approximately 74,000 students each year: over 30,00 credit students and over 40,000 non-credit students Represents 2/3 of all county residents attending an undergraduate institution Offers more than 50 different associate degrees and more than 100 certificate programs Enrolls a student population that closely mirrors Baltimore County’s rich diversity

4 CCBC’s Definition of STEM STEM Education is defined inclusively as STEM disciplines and those that speak to the applied and innovative learning that results from a holistic and integrated connection between each of those STEM disciplines. CCBC also encourages the interaction between STEM disciplines and many areas that are not traditionally part of STEM. Below are the classifications for programs as they relate to STEM at CCBC: STEM Programs or Course Series STEM Related Programs or Course Series STEM Outcomes in a Program or Course Series STEM Activities and Support Initiatives

5 CCBC’s STEM Initiative VISION: ◦ The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) has a holistic approach, with metrics, for the CCBC STEM initiative to include job preparedness and career services strategies in STEM business sectors, or transition to a transfer academic program. GOALS: ◦ Respond to workforce needs in the STEM area ◦ Ensure a challenging multidisciplinary STEM curriculum for CCBC’s students and support STEM literacy ◦ Expand, enhance and communicate on specific initiatives for students with aptitude and interest in the STEM fields ◦ Increase the engagement of minorities and females in the STEM areas ◦ Continue to be a prominent force in the community with regards to STEM related activities and initiatives

6 How Do We Achieve This? We develop a comprehensive initiative that focuses on: Professional development Interdisciplinary faculty teams Data Collection Collaborative Alliance Internal and external communication Student Support

7 What are you doing for your STEM students? Program attending science festivals across country – Mind trekers Internships at university labs STEM ambassadors with K-12 Joint grant between 2 yr and 4 yr institutions STEM center – provides support for minorities and women; workshops etc. Best Robotics STEM Seminar Teaching assistantships at high schools Energy club – windmill Early college STEM high school Coordinating different departments, green club, building meaningful academies with high schools

8 Pre Society of STEM Scholars Math Club Society of Engineers Math Competition Programming Team Bio-Premed Club

9 Organizational framework Constitution Multi-campus structure Officers Division of labor Faculty involvement ◦ Cross disciplinary ◦ Mentoring ◦ Advisors to committee chairs

10 Goals 1. Promote fellowship among students in STEM fields 2. Encourage cross disciplinary thinking and discussions 3. Recruit and retain students into STEM 4. Generate interest in STEM via discussions, lectures and field trips 5. Raise awareness of career paths and educational opportunities

11 Goals 6. Form study groups and encourage “self” tutoring 7. Compete in STEM competitions 8. Raise awareness of CCBC’s STEM initiatives within the school and community 9. Develop leadership, planning and organizational skills 10. Encourage members to attain high levels of education and professional achievement, and become leaders in their fields

12 Indirect objectives Formation of community Development of ties to CCBC ◦ Return as guest speakers ◦ Alumni giving Enhancing reputation of CCBC as a STEM school Connection to four-year institutions

13 Committees Field trips Study groups Guest speakers Competitions Outreach Professional development Social events

14 Activities and Events Regular meetings for members and officers Attendance at Math Seminar Series Parties Field Trips ◦ NIH Vaccine Production Facility ◦ Tour of Direct Dimensions, Inc. ◦ NCIS in DC ◦ Capitol College Cyber Battle Lab Guest Speakers ◦ Genetics Update Conference ◦ Mechanical Engineer and CCBC Alumni ◦ Computer Software Engineer ◦ Career Panel Night Outreach ◦ Stream Waders Training with DNR ◦ Students present to local high schools

15 Other Outcomes Developed website: TEM_Scholars.html Data Collection and student profile

16 Characteristics of STEM students


18 Feedback and Assessment Participation and success in competitions ◦ increase in participation ◦ Improved success Tracking students after CCBC Graduation survey What do the students say……?

19 Forming a STEM Club Email all STEM faculty Develop goals and objectives Acquire constitution from an existing STEM club (we will be happy to share!) Establish organization structure Establish a meeting location Plan an exciting first field trip as the hook Decide membership criteria & advertise Elect officers and you’re on your way!

20 Questions and Answers

21 Contact information Tara Eisenhauer Ebersole 443.840.5948 Laura LeMire 443. 840.5904

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