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COB 10/Treehouse Concept Libby Huber Dirk Nicholson Leah O’Leary Jennifer Shepard.

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Presentation on theme: "COB 10/Treehouse Concept Libby Huber Dirk Nicholson Leah O’Leary Jennifer Shepard."— Presentation transcript:

1 COB 10/Treehouse Concept Libby Huber Dirk Nicholson Leah O’Leary Jennifer Shepard

2 Concept Statement To create an updated design for several study areas on the University of Minnesota campus, some of which have mixed uses, including studying, eating, and chatting. Crisp, straight lines will underscore a clean look and give balance to existing materials. Line will continue to play a role in strong geometric shapes of furnishings, which will punctuate the space with rhythm. Variety will be heightened through the use of texture, which will be found in details for flooring, furniture, and textiles. Further, textiles with bold geometric patterns and exuberant colors will give emphasis, enlivening the character and environment of each space. Color will also define function from space to space. A judicious application of artificial lighting will balance abundant natural lighting and harmonize the design. The new design will result in vibrant and easily identifiable space that students will be excited to use. Office of Classroom Management

3 Key Concepts Three main concerns behind concept: – Aesthetics – Functional Considerations – Building Identity and Cohesion Additional – Streamlined and Uncluttered – Light, crisp – Colorful, vibrant, and energetic – Flexible – Youthful and fun Office of Classroom Management

4 Design Strategies Brand task-based zones through color blocking and space planning – eating: red – socializing: green and pink – studying: blue – working: yellow Brand is flexible and can be used across campus, regardless of study space size or function – Essentially, a white and gray shell with wood accents, punctuated by identifiable color-coded zones Furnishings reflect functions: – tables and chairs for small groups – counter and chairs for individual study – outlets and task-based lighting for specific functions within zone – long table and supplies for public use in work area Office of Classroom Management

5 COB 10 Design features: – More furniture, smarter arrangement – Color-coded for function – Room divided into task-related zones – Appointed with task-appropriate furniture Office of Classroom Management

6 COB 10 Office of Classroom Management Design features: cont’d – Changes in floor define study, social, work, and eating areas; in addition to defining major circulation paths – Streamline vending options, make less visible

7 COB 10 Design features: – More furniture, smarter arrangement – Color-coded for function – Room divided into task-related zones – Changes in floor define study, social, work, and eating areas; in addition to defining major circulation paths – Appointed with task-appropriate furniture – Streamline vending options, make less visible Office of Classroom Management

8 Treehouse Design features: – Becomes two defined zones: Work and Study Addition of work table for project based tasks Less furniture, smarter arrangement Color coded for function Grid system for displaying student work Change in floor delineating study and work areas Office of Classroom Management

9 Materials Vibrant color serves as a focal point Sleek, shiny surfaces, such as stainless steel, add variety through value changes to existing brick and wood Soft furnishings temper hard edges and provide additional texture Textiles sport patterns that enliven and enrich environment, as well as reinforce function of zones and unify the space Office of Classroom Management

10 Solutions Aesthetics – Color blocking – Bright, updated – Clean geometry – Timeless in simplicity, fitting of it’s environment Function – Organized – Work zones – Comfortable Identity – White/Gray envelope – Applied color married to function Office of Classroom Management


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