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OntoGrid Semantic Grid Tutorial Manchester, February 2007 Semantic Grid. Future Work Oscar Corcho University of Manchester.

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1 OntoGrid Semantic Grid Tutorial Manchester, February 2007 Semantic Grid. Future Work Oscar Corcho University of Manchester

2 2Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Contents  Our agenda in OntoGrid  S-OGSA and the Semantic Binding Service  WS-DAIOnt  Prototypes  Usage guidelines  Service-Oriented Knowledge Utilities

3 3Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Semantic Binding Service. WS-SBResourceLifetime  SB Housekeeping service Stable Stale GE changed KE changed Archived Deleted Semantic Binding Service WS-Notif. [state] WS-Notif [lastModificationTime] Client Grid Entity Knowledge Entity Client Query-RP [state] subscribe

4 4Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Semantic Binding Service. Container in a browser http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/SemanticBindingService/1234567/content SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4...

5 5Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt: What’s missing in the puzzle?  2+4 ontology inter-ontology relationships coverage  Self-contained vs Cross-contained schemas  Isolated instantiations vs Aggregated instantiations  Naming vs Addressing solution for providing inter-ontology relationships  How do we refer to an specific element of an ontology inside the grid?  How do we access to an specific element of an ontology inside the grid given its name?  Low level management stuff  Ontology access service’s life cycle management  Trust & Security issues:  Who may use an specific ontology access service?  Who may read/write the specific elements of an ontology?  Quality & Reliability issues:  Who controls/evaluates the validity of the ontologies served by ontology access services?  If ontology access services are federated, what happens when any is unavailable?  Distributed ontology support  Replica management ...

6 6Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt: Standardisation roadmap  2006.02: GGF16 at Athens  DAIS for RDF BOF: Share the Motivation  2006.05: GGF17 DAIS-WG at Tokyo  Charter Discussion  Focus on RDF and RDF Schema (RDF(S))  Scope/Roadmap/Deliverables  2006.06: RDF F2F at Edinburgh  Decide to make an informational document Motivational Document : Structure Discussion  2006.09: OGF18 at Washington  Informational document presented  Draft specifications presented  2007.01: OGF19 at Chapel Hill  Specification strawmans presented

7 7Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 The origins…  3 rd GGF Semantic Grid Workshop: two R&D projects interested in RDF(S) access in grids  OntoGrid: WS-DAIOnt-RDF(S) Ontology Interface, Message-based, Schema Oriented  AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology): OGSA-DAI-RDF SPARQL Interface, Query Language, Instance Level

8 8Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 GGF16 – DAIS for RDF BOF  Meeting: GGF16, Athens  Date: February 2006  Objectives:  Try to integrate the two approaches into one specification  Decissions:  Make a charter proposal for an RDF(S) access initiative for next GGF

9 9Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 GGF17 – DAIS WG Session 2 (DAIS for RDF/Ontology)  Meeting: GGF17, Tokyo  Date: May 2006  Objectives:  Discuss a charter proposal: 1.Format: Within DAIS-WG. Not a separate group. 2.Scope : Setting RDF access specification (WS-DAI-RDF/Ont) based on the existing WS-DAI specifications, which is defined by the DAIS-WG. 3.Goals: The following document will be added to the current DAIS goals/milestones. Data Service Specification: RDF/Ontology Realization 4.Schedules: March 2007: Initial draft of the WS-DAI-RDF/Ontology Specifications, which is consistent with WS-DAI and the OGSA data architecture. August 2007: Revised draft of the WS-DAI-RDF/Ontology specifications. March 2008: Final specifications, submitted as a recommendation GGF Document: GGF Recommendation (Due March 2008)  Decissions:  Split the specification in two: ontology access and query access  Hold a trillateral meeting DAIS-WG – OntoGrid – AIST for chartering process

10 10Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 DAIS RDF(S) F2F Meeting  Meeting: DAIS RDF(S) F2F Meeting, Edinburgh  Date: June 2006  Objectives:  Set up the processes needed for beginning the RDF(S) access initiative  Decissions:  Write an informational document for introducing the background and motivational scenarios  Create an internal list for internal use (  Announce the initiative to the DAIS WG and SemGrid RG once the informational doc is produced  Have an specific session on this in the next GGF

11 11Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 OGF18 - Access Services for RDF Data Resources  Meeting: OGF18, Washington DC  Date: September 2006  Objectives:  Present the RDF(S) access initiative  Decissions:  Finish the separate specs and submit them to the DAIS mailing list for review  Contact W3C (and any other third party interested) for sanity check

12 12Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 OGF19 – DAIS WG Update to the community  Meeting: OGF19, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)  Date: January-February 2007  Objectives:  Present the RDF(S) access strawmans  Decissions:  Complete RDF(S) Ontology Strawman  Provide more use cases  Work on glossary

13 13Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt: Current status  Motivational document created:  “DAIS RDF(S) Realization: Background and Motivational Scenarios”  1 st version is completed, already available in GridForge (  Ontology access and Query access strawman specification available:  RDF Querying:  RDF(S) Ontology:

14 14Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt: The informational document  DAIS RDF(S) Realization: Background and Motivational Scenarios  Aim of the document:  To define the scope of this activity  To appeal to wider audience

15 15Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt: Informational document outline 1.Introduction 2.Background 2.1.Ongoing Research and Development Projects 2.1.1.Ontology Access in Grids 2.1.2.Semantic Service Oriented Architecture: AIST-SOA 2.2.GGF Database Access and Integration Services Working Group 2.3.W3C RDF Data Access Working Group 2.4.RDF Storage (Database) Systems 3.Motivational Scenarios 3.1.Ontology-based Access to RDF(S) Data Resources 3.2.Query-based Access to RDF(S) Data Resources 4.Roadmap 4.1.Specification Organization 4.2.Scope and Goals 4.3.Schedule 5.Conclusions

16 16Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt: Future work (within OGF DAIS WG)  Polish strawmans  Create a common glossary of terms  Sanity check with W3C people  Develop at least two reference implementations of the specifications (required for standardization)

17 17Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt: Where to look for further information  DAIS WG GridForge site:   DAIS WG mailing list:   DAIS-RDF(S) internal mailing list:   OntoGrid Contact person:  Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez (

18 18Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Beyond WS-DAIOnt-RDF(S)  Aggregation of RDF(S) repositories  OWL support  General ontology access mechanism  Integration of interesting ontological engineering functionalities:  Ontology evolution  Ontology alignment  …

19 19Footer INFO....... Prototypes. S-OGSA-DAI Comply with existing architecture Minimally intrusive to OGSA- DAI code Find Extensibility points of source code OGSA-DAI provides supports for extensibility

20 20Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Prototypes. EGEE Information Integration Service  Information integration from gLite and GT4 information services  BDII  RGMA  MDS  Trade-off between...  Continuous update or on-demand access, fresh information  Consolidated data but possibly non-fresh information

21 21Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Contents  Our agenda in OntoGrid  S-OGSA and the Semantic Binding Service  WS-DAIOnt  Prototypes  Usage guidelines Understanding Semantic-Aware Grid Middleware for e-Science. Alper P, Corcho O, Goble CA. Journal of Computing and Informatics. Special issue on Semantic e-Science. To appear in 2007.  Service-Oriented Knowledge Utilities

22 22Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Contents  Our agenda in OntoGrid  S-OGSA and the Semantic Binding Service  WS-DAIOnt  Prototypes  Usage guidelines  Service-Oriented Knowledge Utilities

23 Next Generation Grids Reports NGG1 – 2003 European Grid Research 2005 – 2010 NGG2 – 2004 Requirements and Options for European Grids Research 2005-2010 and Beyond NGG3 – 2005 Future for European Grids: GRIDs and Service Oriented Knowledge Utilities Vision and Research Directions 2010 and Beyond Main source of inspiration for FP6 Grid Research and beyond Source: David de Roure

24 24Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007  Building on existing industry practices and emerging technologies  Support ecosystems that promote collaboration and self-organisation  Towards increased agility, lower cost, broader availability of services  Empowering service providers, integrators and consumers of ICT  (R)evolution of concepts from Web, Grid & Knowledge technologies  Safe, ease and ubiquitous as existing utilities like electricity or water NGG3 A flexible, powerful and cost-efficient way of building, operating and evolving IT intensive solutions for business, science and society. Next Generation Grids Report 2005 Future for European Grids: GRIDs and Service Oriented Knowledge Utilities – Vision and Research Directions 2010 and Beyond, December 2006 Vision and Research Directions 2010 and Beyond, December 2006 Service-Oriented Knowledge Utility (SOKU) Source: David de Roure

25 Service Oriented Knowledge Utilities  Next Generation Grids Expert Group Report 3 (NGG3) published January 2006  Converged vision of Next Generation Grids and Service Oriented Knowledge Utilities  Service Oriented –services may be instantiated and assembled dynamically  Knowledge –knowledge-assisted to facilitate automation, and processing and delivering knowledge  Utility –directly and immediately useable service with established functionality, performance and dependability Ecosystem of Dependable, Knowledge-aware, Societal, Autonomic, Stateful services

26 26Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 A utility is a directly and immediately useable service with established functionality, performance and dependability, illustrating the emphasis on user needs and issues such as trust Services are knowledge- assisted (‘semantic’) to facilitate automation and advanced functionality, the knowledge aspect reinforced by the emphasis on delivering high level services to the user Service-Oriented Knowledge Utility NGG3 The architecture comprises services which may be instantiated and assembled dynamically, hence the structure, behaviour and location of software is changing at run-time Source: David de Roure

27 27Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 What is a SOKU service?  SOKU services are semantically described, i.e. annotated with machine-processable metadata which facilitates their automated use.  Can be dynamically composed and configured  Adapt automatically, providing self-management and autonomic behaviour Source: David de Roure

28 28Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Reliable Knowledge-aware Societal Autonomic Stateful Service Utility = SOKU Web and Web Services Methodologies Service Oriented Architecture Grid Stateful Service Utility Agent Technologies Autonomic Stateful Service Utility Semantics Societal Autonomic Stateful Service Utility Heuristics Knowledge-aware Societal Autonomic Stateful Service Utility Formal Languages Next Generation Grids and SOKU NGG3 Source: David de Roure

29 29Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 NGG3 NGG1&NGG2 vision and research challenges Research Challenges Future for European Grids: GRIDs and Service Oriented Knowledge Utilities – Vision and Research Directions 2010 and Beyond, December 2006 Vision and Research Directions 2010 and Beyond, December 2006 End-User – Business/Enterprise –Manufacturing/Industrial Research Topics Driving Scenarios Lifecycle Management Trust and Security in VOs Adaptability Scalability Dependability Raising the Level of Abstraction Pervasiveness Context Awareness Semantic Technologies Human Factors and Societal Issues

30 30Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lifecycle Management Trust and Security in VOs Adaptability Scalability Dependability Raising the Level of Abstraction Pervasiveness Context Awareness Semantic Technologies  Mechanisation of composition  Scalable reasoning and formalisation  Heterogeneous and dynamic semantic descriptions  Lifecycle of knowledge  Collaboration and sharing Semantic Technologies NGG3 Research Topic 6 Source: David de Roure

31 31Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lifecycle Management  On-the-fly service creation and deployment  Robust, efficient and semantically aware discovery of services  Composition of services  Management of functional and non-functional properties and requirements  Support for multiple “economy models” for the grid Lifecycle Management NGG3 Research Topic 1 Source: David de Roure

32 32Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lifecycle Management Trust and Security in VOs  Ad hoc and managed virtual organisations of digital and physical entities  Policy and business practice  Service-level agreements  Authentication and authorisation in a multi-domain environment in which entities have multiple identities and multiple roles Trust and Security in VOs NGG3 Research Topic 2 Source: David de Roure

33 33Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lifecycle Management Trust and Security in VOs Adaptability, Scalability, Dependability  Self-* systems  self-managing, self-optimising, self- configuring, self-healing, self- protecting, self-organising  autonomic systems  Peer-to-peer  Scalability Adaptability Scalability Dependability NGG3 Research Topic 3 Source: David de Roure

34 34Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lifecycle Management Trust and Security in VOs Adaptability Scalability Dependability Raising the Level of Abstraction  Higher level programming models and tools  New or improved management abstractions  Better operating systems capable of managing more complex resources and requirements from application, service and system contexts  Abstract/virtual service containers  Compact data formats Raising the Level of Abstraction NGG3 Research Topic 4 Source: David de Roure

35 35Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lifecycle Management Trust and Security in VOs Adaptability Scalability Dependability Raising the Level of Abstraction Pervasiveness and Context Awareness  High-level interoperability, smooth composition and automatic self-organisation of software with structure and behaviour changing at run-time  Non-functional requirements related to interoperability, heterogeneity, mobility, and adaptability Pervasiveness Context Awareness NGG3 Research Topic 5 Source: David de Roure

36 36Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lifecycle Management Trust and Security in VOs Adaptability Scalability Dependability Raising the Level of Abstraction Pervasiveness Context Awareness Semantic Technologies Human Factors and Societal Issues  User requirements and evaluation  Intersection between the physical world and the digital  Personalisation techniques  Issues of collaboration and community  Socio-economic aspects Human Factors and Societal Issues NGG3 Research Topic 7 Source: David de Roure

37 OntoGrid Semantic Grid Tutorial Manchester, February 2007 Semantic Grid. Future Work Oscar Corcho University of Manchester

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