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Support and evaluation of pedagogical innovation using ICT: The TECFA approach with the roman community of the Swiss Virtual Campus Jacques VIENS, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Support and evaluation of pedagogical innovation using ICT: The TECFA approach with the roman community of the Swiss Virtual Campus Jacques VIENS, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support and evaluation of pedagogical innovation using ICT: The TECFA approach with the roman community of the Swiss Virtual Campus Jacques VIENS, Ph.D. Nathalie DESCHRYVER, assistante Daniel PERAYA, Ph.D. TECFA, Université de Genève

2 Jacques Viens2/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland PLAN Context Mandate (goals/tasks) Method Early results Questions/Conclusions

3 Jacques Viens3/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland CONTEXT Swiss Virtual Campus (SVC) : a national response… - 50 eLearning projects (3 y., 3 uni., prof.) - 28 in 2000, 22 in 2001 - Matched funding, app. 1M Euro - 4 mandates (2 ped, 1 inst., 1 tech.)

4 Jacques Viens4/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland CONTEXT Swiss Virtual Campus (SVC)... - Consolidation phase 2003-2007 1.Maintenance of projects + user community support 2.19 professional production teams 3.A third call for projects (76 with less $) 4.Coordination, mandates and program management

5 Jacques Viens5/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland CONTEXT Emergent information society - eLearning is new for most of us - our culture of education is old/traditional - eLearning a catalyst for a renewed pedagogy - pedagogical innovation in 4 points 1.Learners’ autonomy and deep involvement 2.Contextualised activities (real world), projects 3.Collaboration, co-elaboration of knowledge 4.Deep learning, high level cognitive skills/activities

6 Jacques Viens6/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland MANDATE Goals/Tasks To provide pedagogical support to the projects To make an inventory of the projects’ pedagogical practices, mainly the exploitation of the innovative and interactive potential of ICT; To set the bases of an evaluation framework assessing the innovative nature of eLearning pedagogy, in collaboration with the national and international community.

7 Jacques Viens7/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland METHOD “Recherche-action-formation” Participative and collaborative 5 initial steps First contact meeting with each projet Interview : current situation, needs analysis and follow up planning Specific support to the projects Animation of a virtual community of practice Collective face to face activities and workshops

8 Jacques Viens8/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland METHOD… Data collection Notes from meetings of step 1-3 Transcription of interviews (step 2) Egroup activities and emails Literature review Data analyses Qualitative Cycles of readings, linking, sense making Validation by triangulation

9 Jacques Viens9/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland EARLY RESULTS Global observations Stepped in after launching Complex challenge : 3 uni., 3 lang., 3 cult. of ed. (vision/rep., goals, abilities/exp., practice) Systematic development: (intuitive production) Analysis Design Production Pilot/evaluation Revision Implementation

10 Jacques Viens10/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland EARLY RESULTS… Global observations… Many projects are eager to integrate innovative pedagogies and learning strategies Some deeply involved in IntersTICES activities Some wants to go their way

11 Jacques Viens11/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland EARLY RESULTS… Technological aspects Platform or no platform (time/energy cons.) Many members of teams not familiar with eTech. Many do not really know what is technically possible A culture to be developed… Hire eLearn dev. staff is difficult and expensive Initial planning under-estimate cost and time Links between technology and pedagogy…

12 Jacques Viens12/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland EARLY RESULTS… Pedagogical aspects Heterogeneity intra-inter projects Mostly mediated and individualized instruction Some efforts to integrate actice pedagogy communicative/collaborative/knowledge construction Emergent stoppers are : How to ? Big groups ? Novice learners ? How to convince partners ? Too much is done to change ! SVC wants individualized instruction

13 Jacques Viens13/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland EARLY RESULTS… Institutional/management aspects Multiple partners/uni/cultures/problems Those who have collaborated before SVC…OK Some decided to cooperate not collaborate Project management is underestimated, difficult and too often combined with development responsibilities Implementation issues are just being addressed by many projects..

14 Jacques Viens14/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland QUESTIONS What is an innovative pedagogy ? What is to change ? How can we support transition ? How to implement active pedagogy with big groups ? What for ? When ? How much ? Online vs face-to-face activities group vs individual activities Tutoring issues … Evaluation issues … Communicate desire/know how of innovative ped.

15 Jacques Viens15/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland Conclusion A high level and complex challenge … many dimensions and actors A matter of culture transition ? Innovative eLearning is to be seen as a progressive process… Small contributions count in the long run

16 Jacques Viens16/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland Conclusion Innovative eLearning is to be seen as a progressive process… Small contributions count in the long run 1.Learners’ autonomy and deep involvement 2.Contextualised activities (real world), projects 3.Collaboration, co-elaboration of knowledge 4.Deep learning, high level cognitive skills/activities metacognition, reflexive/critical thinking, Cognitive tools A continuum… where are you according to :

17 Jacques Viens17/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland Conclusion Multidimensional and systemic analyses: “dispositif” (mediated, online and face to face), many actors and roles (professors, developers, site maintenance, content developers, tutors, learners…) Institutional context (programs, faculties, Uni, etc.) Societal context : SVC, job requirements, etc… Culture in terms of : representations, attitudes, abilities and practice

18 Jacques Viens18/18 September 19th 2002GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland Objects Processes Products Representations Abilities & Ressources Practices Attitudes Pedagogy/learningTechnology LearnersTeachers Institution Factors in interrelation O-P-P Content Objectives Competencies Knowledge Competencies Dispositif… media

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