ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 1 企業資源規劃 企業 e 化之營運管理 Oracle Purchasing 採購.

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Presentation on theme: "ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 1 企業資源規劃 企業 e 化之營運管理 Oracle Purchasing 採購."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 1 企業資源規劃 企業 e 化之營運管理 Oracle Purchasing 採購

2 2 Outline Overview Requisitions RFQ and Quotations Purchase Orders Receiving

3 3 Overview Purchasing Concept 1.Purchasing Overview 2.Oracle ERP Overview 3.Purchasing Process 4.Purchasing Integration Create Supplier Data

4 4 Purchasing of Overview 公司主要的業務功能之一,通常是取得組織所需 的材料、服務及設備等。 企業的利潤來自投入與產出的差距,而採購決定 企業投入端的效率,對企業利潤有極重要的影響。

5 5 Oracle ERP Overview

6 6 應付帳款成立 發票處理 應付帳款對帳 總帳科目更新 應計作業 - 暫記項目 - 傳票 - 月結 內部轉移 Inventory 供應商交貨 Supplier 收 貨 ( 料 ) Receipt 判 退 Reject 退 貨 Return 允 收 Accept 檢 驗 Inspection 異動處理 - 收貨 Receipt - 調撥 Transfer - 運送 Deliver 自動產生訂購單 AutoCreate PO 各種採購單 PO - 標準式 Standard - 合約式 Contract - 大宗式 Blanket - 計劃式 Planned 核 准 Approval 列印 /EDI 發 放 Release 定義企業流程 - 收料控制 - 核准及安全管制 - 交貨來源 - 採購預算管制 - 異動處理方法 存貨狀況 Inventory MRP 需求 在製品 WIP External System 核 准 Approval 請購單處理 Requisition 手開請購 Manually 詢價 RFQ ( 選擇性項目 ) 報價單收集 Quotation 供應商挑選 Sourcing Rule Purchasing Process

7 7 Purchasing Integration Oracle Payables Oracle General Ledger Oracle Supplier Scheduling Oracle Assets Oracle Bill of Material Oracle Cost Management Oracle Inventory Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP Oracle Order Entry Oracle Work in Process Oracle Human Resources Oracle Project Accounting Oracle Purchasing Oracle QualityEDI Gateway

8 8 Overview Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data –Looking for Supplier –Create New Supplier Information –Site-Specific Information

9 9 Looking for Supplier Purchase order 採購 Purchase requisition 請購 Payment 付款 Supplier Request for quote (RFQ) 詢價 Receipts 收貨 Quotation 報價 Returns 退貨

10 10 Create New Supplier Information ParisChicago Washington, D.C. Supplier Supplier sites ContactContactContactContact ContactContact

11 11 Performance 執行績效 ParisChicago Washington, D.C. Payment method 付款方式 Online review 線上查詢 Terms and conditions 期限和條件 Site-Specific Information

12 12

13 13 Outline Overview Requisitions –Purchase Requisition –Internal Requisition RFQ and Quotations Purchase Orders Receiving

14 14 Overview of Requisitions Oracle WIP Other systems Demand Manually create Import/reschedule requisitions Create internal sales order Order entry Oracle inventory Oracle MRP Source ? Define requisition template Requisition pool Requisition Approve You can print, assign, and control requisitions.

15 15 Requisition Manually Create Demand Manually create requisition Requisition pool Approve or forward requisition Approve Reject

16 16 Requisition Manually Create

17 17 Requisition Manually Create

18 18 Outline Overview Requisitions RFQ and Quotations Purchase Orders Receiving

19 19 Overview of a Request for Quotation Enter RFQ Suppliers from supplier list Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Supplier 3 Request for Quotation Header information – Doc. type, ship-to, bill-to – Quote effective date Line information – Quantity – Unit of measure – Target price Min/max quantities Terms and conditions Hazardous materials Multiple shipment quotations

20 20 Quotations Approve supplier quote Unapprove supplier quote Requests for quotation Quote repository Supplier 1Supplier 2Supplier 3Supplier 4

21 21 Quotation Approvals Quote repository Approve Supplier 1 Item 1 Approve Supplier 1 Item 3 Approve Supplier 2 Entire quote Approve Supplier 3 Item 2 Supplier 1Supplier 2Supplier 3Supplier 4

22 22

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27 27 Outline Overview Requisitions RFQ and Quotations Purchase Orders –Standard purchase order ( 標準採購 ) –Contract purchase agreement ( 合約採購 ) –Blanket purchase agreement ( 大宗採購 ) –Planned purchase order ( 計劃性採購 ) Receiving

28 28 Standard Purchase Orders Oracle WIP Other systems Demand Manually create Import/reschedule requisitions Create internal sales order requester Order entry Create supplier purchase order Oracle Inventory Oracle MRP Source Approve

29 29 Contract Purchase Agreement You do not know details of goods or services to be purchased. You set terms and conditions with your supplier. You reference contract purchase agreements directly on standard purchase order lines. Contract purchase agreement Delivery 1 Standard PO 1 Delivery 2 Standard PO 2

30 30 Blanket Purchase Agreements Long-term (dates of delivery not known). Effective date and expiration date You know details of goods or services that you can buy. Actual purchases occur when a blanket release is issued. Blanket purchase agreement Delivery 1Release 1 Delivery 2Release 2

31 31 Planned Purchase Orders Dates of delivery are tentatively scheduled. Goods to be purchased must be specified. Actual purchases occur when a scheduled release is issued Planned purchase order Delivery 1Release 1 Delivery 2Release 2 Tentative: June 1 Tentative: July 1

32 32 Comparison of purchase order types 金額產品交期採購訂單 合約採購確定不確定 需要 大宗採購確定 不確定不需要 計畫性採購確定 不需要

33 33 Created Purchase Orders Requisition line pool Query existing lines PO Choose lines from query results Automatic creation Manual creation

34 34 Purchase Order Components Document detail (Header) Item or service details (Lines) Supplier delivery details (Shipments) Internal distribution details (Distributions) Document detail (Header) Item or service details (Lines) Supplier delivery details (Shipments) Internal distribution details (Distributions) 供應商, 貨幣別, 採購期間和狀態, 訂單編號, 訂購者 項目描述, 項目類別, 價格, 數量, 供應商項目名稱 收貨調節, 運送地點, 運送量, 運送日期 內部運送位置, 會計, 分配, 需求量與運送量

35 35 Standard Purchase Orders

36 36 Standard Purchase Orders

37 37 Standard Purchase Orders

38 38 Standard Purchase Orders

39 39 Standard Purchase Orders

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44 44 Outline Overview Requisitions RFQ and Quotations Purchase Orders Receiving

45 45 Delivery Overview of Receiving Receiving AReceiving B Standard receipt ( 標準收貨 ) Direct receipt ( 直接收貨 ) Inspection required ( 必需驗收 ) Delivery AcceptRejectReturn to supplier Inspect Delivery

46 46 Returns and Corrections Receiving Return delivery reason code (optional)Return to supplier Identify item for return Receiving Identify error in receiving Correct as many transactions as necessary Returns Corrections

47 47 Substitute & Unordered Receipt Unordered receipt Delivery Match to PO? Yes Receive item B instead of A Is B a valid substitute? Delivery Yes NoReturn No Requires matching or return

48 48 Payment on Receipt Receipt Payment付款 應付帳款 Oracle Payables 應付帳款 Delivery : Pay on options: Invoice consolidation options: By packing slip By receipt By site 收貨單合併選擇 付款選擇 收貨 By 收據 By 地點 入庫 By 包裝

49 49 Receiving

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53 53 練習 User:erp Password:erp1234

54 ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 54 企業資源規劃 企業 e 化之營運管理 2003/09 完 Oracle Purchasing 採購

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