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ADDRESS European Project Integration of Active Demand Eric Lambert, Cyril Effantin, EDF R&D UCA CIMUg Prague May 2011 CIM usage, one year after Active.

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Presentation on theme: "ADDRESS European Project Integration of Active Demand Eric Lambert, Cyril Effantin, EDF R&D UCA CIMUg Prague May 2011 CIM usage, one year after Active."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADDRESS European Project Integration of Active Demand Eric Lambert, Cyril Effantin, EDF R&D UCA CIMUg Prague May 2011 CIM usage, one year after Active Distribution network with full integration of Demand and distributed energy RESourceS

2 2 Agenda  Introduction  Methodological working framework for Interoperable information exchanges  Results  Role Model  Use Cases Modeling  CIM-ADDRESS Information Model  CIM-ADDRESS XML Messages  Prototype testing interoperability through SOA + IEC61968-1-2 standards  Conclusion and next steps

3 ADDRESS : what is it ?

4 ADDRESS : Some results 4 Some results from the ADDRESS European project: -Deliver a technical and commercial framework for the development of Active Demand and for the market-based exploitation of its benefits -Active Demand: active participation of domestic and small commercial consumers in system markets and the provision of services to the different participants -Architecture based on the concept of Demand flexibility aggregation OUR MISSION : Promote Standards, Method and Tools to insure interoperability Keep It Simple !

5 Promoting and using standards in ADDRESS TC8 PAS 62559 UML notation UML « Role Model » Message Payload : Common Information model Promote CIM profiles (61970-452/456, 61968-13) Methodology & Tools Expressing the WHAT HOW Expressing the WHAT ?


7 Methodological working framework  From Use Cases down to message modeling  Leveraging interoperability in communication between ADDRESS components

8 8 AD ProductsConditionality Typical example Scheduled re-profiling (SRP) Unconditional (obligation) The aggregator has the obligation to provide a specified demand modification (reduction or increase) at a given time to the product buyer. Conditional re- profiling (CRP) Conditional (option) The aggregator must have the capacity to provide a specified demand modification during a given period. The delivery is called upon by the buyer (similar to a reserve service) Bi-directional conditional re- profiling (CRP-2) Conditional (option) The aggregator must have the capacity to provide a specified demand modification during a given period in a bi-directional range [ ‑ y, x ] MW, including both demand increase and decrease. The delivery is called upon by the buyer of the AD product (similar to a reserve service). One Business Example before to start Standardized AD products AD Product/service description: –power delivery charac. –“use cases” approach for the 31 AD services

9 9 AD PRODUCT ΔC decrease (MW) PayBack Effect t ΔC decrease (MW) PayBack Effect t C decrease C increase : ex: shift of consumption ΔC decrease (MW) t PayBack Effect (MW) t Aggregated Curves C decrease C increase

10 10 Interface for external data interchanges Aggregator Internal Applications Energy Box Market … Message Service Bus : Single Common Semantic for Message Payload DSO TSO Centralized Producer Retailer Methodology to leverage interoperability in ADDRESS message exchanges IEC CIM

11 11 Interface for external data interchanges Internal Applications ADDRESS Actor

12 12 ADDRESS Actor Message Payloads XSD Encapsulation in services WSDL Plugged Into ESB API Automated Generation Contract First Message Service Bus Interoperability based on SOA integration

13 13 Modeling Methodological Framework : 5 Steps WP4 T4.4 responsible for 3,4,5 2b Use Case Definition (text) 1 2a UML Use Case Definitions WP1,WP2,WP3, WP5 Find Business Objects in CIM model or extend CIM 3 CIM-ADDRESS UML Information Model T4.4 UML needs for Message Payload Definition from WP1, WP2,WP3,WP5 IEC WG14 Verb + payload Define Message Payloads from CIM-ADDRESS 4 5 Generate XML XSD

14 Results From Use Cases down to Message Modeling  Models – UML Role Model – UML Use Cases definition based on IEC TC57 WG14 conventions – CIM-ADDRESS UML information Model – XML messages definition for the use cases information exchanges  Demonstrating Interoperability – Prototype leveraging SOA + IEC61968-1-2 standards

15 15 ADDRESS Actors glossary

16 16 5 Reusable Core Use Cases

17 17 Configure Load Areas

18 18 Configure Load Areas

19 19 Exchange flexibility tables

20 20 Clear Active Demand Market

21 21 Validate Technical Feasibility

22 22 Activate Active Demand Product

23 23 Designing common XML structures : CIM Message Types Message TypesMessage Noun LoadAreaConfigMacroLoadAreaConfig LoadAreaConfig FlexibilityTablesTSOFlexibilityTables DSOFlexibilityTables ADBiddingProcess ADSchedulesDemandADBids SupplyADBids ADMarketClearings AggrClearedADBids DSOClearedADBids TSOValidatedADBids DSOValidatedADBids ADActivation

24 24 Overview of the CIM-ADDRESS Information Model

25 25 Building XML schemas (XSD) for ADDRESS Messages Types UML CIM-ADDRESS Information Model CIMTool Project XSD for messages types

26 26 Prototype testing interoperability through SOA + IEC61968-1-2 standards OpenESB Actor1 Axis Actor2 AXIS WebService Interface Orchestration BPEL Business Service IEC61968-1-2 XML

27 Conclusion Feedback from the regulated package [JOSEBA JIMENO (TECHNALIA)] Towards Field Tests… Final word

28 CIM used for ADDRESS regulated players (TSO, DSO) CIM models have been used as input and outputs for: –State Estimation –Validation of AD products –Load area definition –Generation forecasting –Etc. For the State Estimator the following information has been modeled: –Equipment at MV level: ACLineSegment, PowerTransformer, SynchronousMachine, ComformLoad etc. –Equipment at LV level: Combination of real equipment as in the MV level and equivalents (EquivalentBranch, EquivalentNetwork, etc.) –Topology for MV and LV using ConnectivityNode and TopologicalNode –Generation forecasts: An extension to CIM has been used as provided by ABB (QuantityAxis, QuantityData etc) –Measurements: Analog, AnalogValue, Quality etc. –Network state: SvVoltage, SvInjection, SvPowerFlow

29 Use of CIM for the regulated ADDRESS actors Advantages of using CIM –It is a very complete model providing support for many different applications (from SE to AD validation) –UML modeling and the use of CIMTool are very useful Issues found –CIM allows multiple ways of modeling the same thing. This brings the need to agree between the different developers about common profiles –The model is quite complex and it takes some time to learn it –The need of XML parsing and RDF navigation can be resource consuming

30 How to Implement the WHAT ? Simulation platform + Field Tests Stakes Minimize Gaps Minimize iterative loops Field tests requirements Field Test = integration with some real application TSO DSO Aggregator Energy Box Retailer market Centralized Producer Message Bus : CIM-Address Messages … Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API

31 Final Word ! Use Case MANAGEMENT is essential : UC LIFE CYCLE We have to distinguish between –What is/can be done at IEC level –What is/can be done during interoperability tests conducted by Users Associations –What is/can be done during a EUROPEAN PROJECT with Field test –ADDRESS is the first European FP7 project using CIM

32 Thanks for your attention Questions ?

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