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ADDRESS A ctive D istribution network with full integration of D emand and distributed energy RES ource S Marina Lombardi, Enel Distribuzione

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Presentation on theme: "ADDRESS A ctive D istribution network with full integration of D emand and distributed energy RES ource S Marina Lombardi, Enel Distribuzione"— Presentation transcript:

1 ADDRESS A ctive D istribution network with full integration of D emand and distributed energy RES ource S Marina Lombardi, Enel Distribuzione National Town Meeting on Demand Response and Smart Grids 13-14 July 2009 active demand

2 2 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project The project ADDRESS A large-scale, EU 7° Framework Programme, Integrating Project To enable the active participation of domestic & small commercial consumers to the power system markets and the provision of services to the different participants started on June 1 st 2008 lasts 4 years (2008 – 2012) total budget 16 M, EC financing 9M ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE is the COORDINATOR CONSORTIUM of 25 partners from 11 European countries

3 3 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project The Consortium A multidisciplinary group including: Research centres Distribution and Transmission Operators Energy supply and retail companies Electric equipment manufacturers Home appliances and white goods manufacturers Communication equipment and ICT solutions providers Utilities 30% Manifacturers 30% Research and universities 40% Experience Knowledge Competence

4 4 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project The Objectives Develop technical solutions for consumers premises & for the power system Propose recommendations and solutions to remove the possible barriers Identify the potential benefits for the stakeholders Develop appropriate markets and contractual mechanisms Validate most promising solution in 3 complementary test sites Conduct dedicated dissemination activities for the stakeholders Study of accompanying measures to deal with societal, cultural, behavioural aspects ENABLE ACTIVE DEMAND EXPLOIT THE BENEFITS VALIDATE THE RESEARCH DISSEMINATE THE RESULTS

5 5 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project Methodology 8 Work Packages Project management Dissemination 6 technical WPs Organised to support the methodology adopted for –development –validation and –deployment of the concepts and solutions.

6 6 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project Main concepts Interaction based on real-time price and volume signals real-time = 20 to 30 min ahead or longer modulated by geographical / topological information direct load control by DSO will be not considered Demand approach services provided on a voluntary and contractual basis appropriate technologies and request for consumers accompanying measures for societal and behavioural aspects

7 7 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project Aggregator : mediator between the consumers and the markets collects requests and signals from markets and participants gathers flexibilities & contributions of consumers different levels of optimisation to meet the requirements of topologically dependent services Consumers : optimisation and control of appliances and DER at consumers premises Energy Box is the interface with the aggregator ADDRESS Architecture (1/3) Retailer B ALANCING R ESPONSIBLE P ARTY DG & RES Trader Centralized Generation AGGREGATOR Different levels of optimization and aggregation MARKETS AND CONTRACTS Energy Supply and provision of services TSO DSO ADDRESS adaptation DMS ADDRESS link adaptation MV – LV transfos Sub station

8 8 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project ADDRESS Architecture (2/3) Retailer B ALANCING R ESPONSIBLE P ARTY DG & RES Trader Centralized Generation AGGREGATOR Different levels of optimization and aggregation MARKETS AND CONTRACTS Energy Supply and provision of services TSO DSO ADDRESS adaptation DMS ADDRESS link adaptation MV – LV transfos Sub station Markets and contracts: Energy supply Ancillary Services: voltage regulation, tertiary reserve and tertiary frequency control Balancing services (incl. compensation of RES variability) Overload and network congestion relief Load shaping services (e.g. peak shaving) Power exchange markets and... Bilateral Contracts

9 9 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project ADDRESS Architecture (3/3) Retailer B ALANCING R ESPONSIBLE P ARTY DG & RES Trader Centralized Generation AGGREGATOR Different levels of optimization and aggregation MARKETS AND CONTRACTS Energy Supply and provision of services TSO DSO ADDRESS adaptation DMS ADDRESS link adaptation MV – LV transfos Sub station Distribution System Operator: Consumers considered are directly connected to the distribution network Key participant in active grids of the future Enable active demand and ensure secure and efficient network operation Interacts through markets Direct interaction with TSO for system security

10 10 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project SWITZERLAND EKZ: DSO HES SO: University FRANCE ADEME: public agency ERDF: DSO RTE: TSO CAPENERGIES: association ITALY AEEG: regulator ALTROCONSUMO: watch dog CONFARTIGIANATO: association FEDERUTILITY: association TERNA: TSO BELGIUM: SPE-LUMINOUS: Balancing Responsible Party CALIFORNIA EPRI: Electric Power Research Institute SPAIN EUTC: association ITA: research ITE: research REE: TSO Group of users, experts and stakeholders Composition An unique group of watch dog, regulators, associations, researchers, utilities

11 11 National Town Meeting, Washington DC, 13-14 July 2009 The ADDRESS project Next Public Results DateDescription Sep. 2009 Conceptual architecture including description of: participants, signals exchanged, markets and market interactions, overall expected system functional behaviour Oct. 2009Application of the conceptual architecture in 4 or 5 specific scenarios BRUSSELS, SPRING 2010 FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP They will be published on the web site:

12 Thank you for your attention ! active demand

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