Office of Mental Health Wireless Communication Project April 24, 2002.

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1 Office of Mental Health Wireless Communication Project April 24, 2002

2 Project Overview Primary focus to support the clinical agenda Promote safety for patients and staff Monitor Mobile Assets Providing information at point of use HIPAA Compliant Partnership with vendor Rapid delivery schedule Targeted solution Concept investment by OMH and Vendor Available off the shelf technology and software

3 History of Wireless Wireless Lan at OMH Introduced November of 2001 Communication protocol 802.11b Unsecured for confidential information Signal leak of 3/8 mile outside of building Flexible options for infrastructure Solution for confidential information V-LAN with VPN for encryption

4 History of Wireless Wireless WAN at OMH Began July of 2001 Concept of mobile computing for staff New direction for OMH and vendor technology based on cell modem Compaq’s iPAQ  Windows CE 3.0  OMH infrastructure difficult to integrate Choices and options have changed

5 Wireless Hardware Platform Compaq iPAQ  3670 Pocket PC Fujitsu LT P-600 Tablet PC  Sprint PCS 510 Air Card  - CELL Verizon Air Card  – CDPD GPS Receiver - Teletype  or Pharos 

6 Off the Shelf Software Suite Pocket Streets and Trips 2002  Physician Desk Reference  PDR Desk Top Software – MSWord  etc Signature Signon OMH Applications MHARS  – Electronic Medical Record GroupWise  – Web based e-mail Dragon Naturally Speaking 6  – Tablet only

7 Technical Overview for Security HIPAA Compliant – Privacy and Security iPAQ  / Tablet Protection - signature signon, RSA , password and combination of all three McAfee  Anti-Virus Encryption for Internet traffic is provided by a VPN or SSL Interfaces to standard OMH security protocol Hard Drive encryption iPAQ  - sqlserver database encryption Tablet – encryption Safeguard Easy 

8 Overview of Costs per Unit Compaq 3670 iPAQ  $600.00 Fujitsu LT P-600  $3,500.00 Sprint Air Card 510  $150.00 Cell 2 year $80.00/month Verzion Air Card 310  $150.00 CDPD 2 Year $25.00/month GPS Hardware/Software $500.00 Off the Shelf Software $50.00 - $100.00

9 AURORA iPAQ  Login Authorization MHARS  - iPAQ 1. User enables application and signs in. SALUTE (DLL) 2. User enters token for virtual connection 3. Server authenticates user using new SALUTE.DLL 4. Authorization message is sent back to iPAQ 5. Application is displayed with proper rights invoked. MHARS  - Server OMH - Server

10 Tablet Login A uthorization MHARS  - Server Virtual connection is already established AURORA (Oracle) OMH - Server 1. User enables application and signs in. 2. User enters token for virtual connection 3. Server authenticates user using SALUTE.DLL 4. Authorization message is sent back to tablet 5. Application is displayed with proper rights invoked.

11 GPS Communication Path

12 GPS and Emergency Notification Under development and testing Notification via SMTP to OMH Helpdesk via e-mail specifying last know position of user Helpdesk procedures to locate and advise Contact information for Local Authorities

13 E-mail Notification to Helpdesk

14 Downside of Wireless WAN Narrow bandwidth for cell connection Need to cradle for maintenance Coverage -too many dead spots If not CDPD then it’s expensive Cell service start-up is time consuming Anything but Web-based tough to run Battery time is short Re-connect options are manual Hardware is portable so are the problems

15 Downside of Wireless LAN Currently 802.11b is unsecured for confidential information OMH building not configured for wireless Hardware becomes portable so do the problems Must use VPN or other method for strong encryption – 128bit or higher

16 Upside of Wireless WAN Allows staff to communicate with others while in the field especially during emergencies Increases the safety/productivity of staff Allows real-time management of resources from Central Office Web Based Application best choice Client/Server possible although difficult

17 Upside of Wireless LAN Reduced effort for cabling Client/server applications work fine Computer support now mobile no longer office bound Messages and information at your fingertips Not much different from wired desktops

18 Closing Remarks Project is technology neutral Use of Corporate partnership Leverages investment in existing OMH infrastructure Technology is transportable Short development cycle with focus Base software components are replaceable

19 Contacts for more information Michael Mittleman Ph.D. Chief Information Officer Deputy Commissioner Scott Derby Project Coordinator Director Patient Systems Phone: 518-474-1558

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