Advertising and Commercial Culture History: First in the Colonies: Boston News- Letter (1704) Benjamin Franklin: early innovator as copywriter and publisher.

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1 Advertising and Commercial Culture History: First in the Colonies: Boston News- Letter (1704) Benjamin Franklin: early innovator as copywriter and publisher Penny Press (1833): retail advertising First advertising agencies were space brokers: individuals who bought space in newspapers and then sold that space to merchants

2 Advertising and Commercial Culture History: First modern advertising agency: N.W. Ayer (1869) Worked for advertiser and product companies: space buyer copywriting and creative work research (on market and publications) financial structure (based on fee per advertisement

3 Advertising and Commercial Culture History (1850s on): Trademarks and Packaging: derived from the need to differentiate among similar products Patent Medicines: claims for curatives, often false and misleading. Lead to Pure Food and Drug Act (1906). Department stores: More than 20% of the ad space by the 1890s International Trademark Association

4 Advertising and Commercial Culture Advertising and Social Change By the 20th century: 1. Influential in the change from producer- directed economy to consumer-based economy: stimulating demand. 2. Aided in the diffusion of technological advances (whether necessary or not): planned obsolescence.

5 Advertising and Commercial Culture Advertising and Regulation 1. Pure Food and Drug Act (1906): Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 2. Better Business Bureaus (1913): locally based self-regulation 3. Audit Bureau of Circulation (1914): Created to guarantee accurate newspaper sales figures 4. Federal Trade Commission (1914): to regulate false advertising (FTC) 5. American Association of Advertising Agencies: Nationally based self-regulation of advertising claims (AAAA)

6 Advertising and Commercial Culture Types of Advertising Agencies Full service agency 1. Full service agency: Provides complete client services. By the 1980s, “mega” agencies were being formed by the merger of large firms, both domestic and foreign Boutique agency 2. Boutique agency: More personal service with an emphasis on creative advertising design In-house 3. In-house: A department in a company devoted to creating advertising for that company Media buying services 4. Media buying services: Will place ads created elsewhere

7 Advertising and Commercial Culture Structure of Advertising Agencies 1. Research:Demographics Psychographics (VALS) 2. Creative Development: copywriting and creative design 3. Media Selection 4. Account and Client Management

8 Advertising and Commercial Culture Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles Developed at Stanford University in 1978, VALS is the basis for most modern marketing and advertising. VALS Segments

9 Advertising and Commercial Culture Pitches: Persuasive Rhetoric 1. Testimonials (Celebrities and Professionals) 2. Plain folks (Actual and dramatizations) 3. Snob appeal (Will raise social class) 4. Band Wagon Effect 5. Irrational/Hidden Fears 6. Irritation 7. Avant-garde 8. Association: associate with some social value or image (from The Responsive Chord by Tony Schwartz)

10 Advertising and Commercial Culture Critical Issues in Advertising 1. Children and Advertising 2. Advertising in Schools (Channel One) 3. Health and Advertising (Impact on lifestyle) 4. Commercialization of media (product placement, hidden advertiser support) 5. Commercialization of culture in general 6. Advertising and democracy Political advertising and the shift from issues to images Political advertising and the cost of campaigns

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