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Blogging Week 1 Lecture 2. Website of the week Map Crunch Allows you to click on a country You go there You can start moving.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogging Week 1 Lecture 2. Website of the week Map Crunch Allows you to click on a country You go there You can start moving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogging Week 1 Lecture 2

2 Website of the week Map Crunch Allows you to click on a country You go there You can start moving around You can press “go” and go to another place You can deselect that country and go to another one.

3 What is a blog? Intro Basic form it is a diary It is created on-line Can be read by whoever you decide Usually written but you can make video and audio blogs

4 What is so interesting about them? Access to massive audience On some you can include sound, video, pictures etc You can allow comments You can keep favourites You can create communities They help to keep you in the search engines Free

5 Benefits in ELT? Can play several roles Students make blogs Students read blogs ( consume) Teachers make blogs Teachers read blogs (consume)

6 Features of a blog Date stamped Normally text based Normally can add widgets Readers can vote, leave comments Can be searched Can add additional metatags Can be seen by search engines Can control access/readership Normally written by a single reader

7 Examples of blogs in ELT (creating them) Teachers using them to add information for the class. Teachers using them to talk about their teaching Students for reflection on a class, course etc Students for writing practice (simple diary) Students for homework, weekly questions to answer etc

8 Famous Blogs in ELT General Blogs ( for reading) Ken Wilson Scott Thornbury Jeremy Harmer ELT Blogs ( for getting information) Nik Peachey Ian James Blog Vicky’s Blog

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