Berkeley Lab Overview. 2 Founded in 1931 on Berkeley Campus Moved to Current Site in 1940.

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Presentation on theme: "Berkeley Lab Overview. 2 Founded in 1931 on Berkeley Campus Moved to Current Site in 1940."— Presentation transcript:

1 Berkeley Lab Overview

2 2 Founded in 1931 on Berkeley Campus Moved to Current Site in 1940

3 3 UC Berkeley Berkeley Lab A National Laboratory Next to a University Campus

4 4 Berkeley Lab Mission  Solve the most pressing and profound scientific problems facing humankind –Basic science for a secure energy future –Understand living systems to improve the environment, health, and energy supply –Understand matter and energy in the universe  Build and safely operate leading scientific facilities for the nation  Train the next generation of scientists and engineers

5 Berkeley Lab’s Scientific Strengths Scientific Computing Particle Physics and Nuclear Science Nanoscale Materials and Synthesis Quantitative Biology X-Ray Science and Accelerators Earth and Environmental Science Energy Science and Technology

6 6 FY 2008 Costs: $589M October 2008 Other DOE ($35M) Work for Others (excluding NIH) ($65M) Energy Efficiency & Renewables & Electric Transmission ($29M) Fusion Energy Sciences ($5M) Nuclear Physics ($21M) Basic Energy Sciences ($132M) Biological and Environmental Research ($106M) Math and Computing Sciences ($97M) High Energy Physics ($49M) Fossil Energy ($7M) National Institutes of Health ($43M)

7 7 Berkeley Lab Staff Technical Staff Scientists and Engineers Postdoctoral Associates* Graduate Students* Undergraduate Students* Support Staff July 2008 657 322 296 205 589 1352 262 Employees: 3683 Guests:3677 Total: 7360 Faculty* *Joint affiliation with UC Berkeley and other campuses

8 Berkeley Lab Organization

9 9 Eleven Nobel Laureates Luis W. AlvarezMelvin CalvinOwen ChamberlainDonald A. Glaser Ernest Orlando Lawrence Glenn T. Seaborg Emilio G. Segrè Yuan T. Lee Edwin M. McMillan George F. Smoot Steven Chu

10 10 Major Scientific Facilities Serving Government, Universities, and Industry Advanced Light Source Molecular Foundry National Center for Electron Microscopy National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center 88-Inch Cyclotron Joint Genome Institute Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)

11 Berkeley Lab Energy Research Strategy Energy PolicyEnergy Efficiency Demand Carbon Sequestration Water Resources Climate Change Consequences Geological Approaches Materials & Non-living Systems NuclearBioenergy Supply


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