Introduction Internet – largely a read only medium Searchlets is an open source concept that enables us to use the internet in a read and write mode. Termed.

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1 Introduction Internet – largely a read only medium Searchlets is an open source concept that enables us to use the internet in a read and write mode. Termed by us as generic blogging Allows users to have a dynamic webpage of desired search results without a complete knowledge of the tools involved.

2 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 How is Searchlets different? Can’t search for you Have to manually access each individual page and blog to publish your findings. Cannot designate a schedule for publishing What Blogger cannot do Wouldn’t it be good if some tool can help me search my interests and post it to my web page periodically? Searchlets Automated searching and blogging of Generic things Provision for scheduled publishing of search results

3 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004

4 Typical Output

5 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Search and Publish Options

6 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Development Methodology eXtreme Programming way!!! Simple design, small releases, Iterations Test-driven programming Coding standard Communication Customer feedback at every step Team meetings, e-mails CVS Management

7 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 What is blogging? Blog e.g. a what's new page or a journal posts Blog posts are like instant messages to the web A blog is a web page made up of usually short and frequently updated posts Blogging is the process of publishing a blog to the web A growing area of web publishing Tools for blogging B2 Blogger Diaryland Live Journal MovableTypePHP-Nuke TypePad Userland

8 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004

9 Architecture

10 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Blog it! ----- An example of Blogging Blogging tools Click here to Publish it

11 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Use the application without registering

12 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Development Strategy Customer is a team member! Simple design and iterative improvement Weekly meeting and progress report. Weekly update of schedule and to-do list CVS management Code testing and refactoring.

13 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Features Advanced search and publish options Web-based Service Create a customized search Publish the results at a certain schedule Email notification Google search engine API used to find search results

14 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Advantages Search for any topic of interest Publish the search result any time you want Easy to use No complicated software or technologies required at all! Quick to update your web page Suitable for both personal and business website

15 By Gooblors Team, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 12, 2004 Searchlets Customer Paul English Advisor Ethan Bolker Computer Science Departement The University of Massachusetts at Boston May 12, 2004 Satish Vemuri ChanQuan Liu Di Luo Team Members:

16 Great Market Value Blogger doing extremely well “ There is a sense that blogging is about to explode in the business area, but who’s brave enough to do it yet? “ ------Weidlich, Thom. The Corporate Blog Is Catching On. New York Times, June 22, 2003 RegisteredActiveAs of LiveJournal1,121,464526,53523 June 2003 Blogger1,500,000705,0009 June 2003 DiaryLand850,000400,000March 2003 The Estimate: 2.4 to 2.9 million weblogs

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