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Selected pictures from the 1985 Toronto production of the Towneley plays by Garrett PJ Epp.

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2 Selected pictures from the 1985 Toronto production of the Towneley plays by Garrett PJ Epp

3 Creation: Temptation

4 Cain and Abel

5 Noah and the Flood

6 Abraham and Isaac

7 Shepherds

8 The Raising of Lazarus

9 Conspiracy

10 Conspiracy: The Last Supper

11 Conspiracy: In the Garden

12 Conspiracy: Trinitas the Throne of Grace

13 The Buffeting

14 The Scourging: the Via Dolorosa

15 Crucifixion: The Nailing

16 Crucifixion: Raising the Cross

17 The Dice [Talentorum]

18 Deliverance of Souls

19 Resurrection: Appearance to Mary Magdalene

20 Pilgrims to Emmaus

21 The Last Judgement


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