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“A tremendous expansion of commercial, cultural, and biological exchanges around the world” Major changes from previous era: Introduction of the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "“A tremendous expansion of commercial, cultural, and biological exchanges around the world” Major changes from previous era: Introduction of the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A tremendous expansion of commercial, cultural, and biological exchanges around the world” Major changes from previous era: Introduction of the Americas as a cultural, political, and economic force Establishment of large empires: Spanish, Portuguese, French, and British African slavery in the Americas began a large cultural exchange The printing press spread ideas quickly as literacy improved in North America and Europe By 1750 the balance of power had shifted from East to West.

2  Formation of the United States and Canada  Portuguese in Brazil, Spanish in the rest of Latin America  Brazil is world’s main source of sugar 1600  Dutch bring slavery and sugar to West Indies  Silver is discovered in Bolovia  French and Indian War (1754-1763)

3  1500-1600 Spain’s Golden Century  1519 Protestant Reformation/Catholic Reformation  Scientific Revolution  1618-1648 Thirty Years’ War  1700-1800 Enlightenment  1600-1700 Netherlands’ Golden Century  Power shifts in Europe’s favor as they militarize competitively

4  1505 Portuguese begin assault on Swahili cities  1591 Morocco conquers Songhai Empire  1640s expansion of transatlantic slave trade  1750-1800 growing slave trade reduces population

5  1520-1566 reign of Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman sultan)  1683 Last Ottoman seige of Vienna  1722 Fall of Safavid Empire  1718 Ottoman military decline  Taj Mahal is built

6  1526 Mughal Empire begins  1556 rule of Akbar begins  1592 Japan invades Korea  1603 Tokugawa Shogunate founded in Japan  1639 “Closing” of Japan  1644 Qing Empire begins in China  1691 British begin trading post at Calcutta

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