Chapter 5.  Textbook Definition  Thoene Definition  Motivation  Homeostasis  Self-improvement.

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1 Chapter 5

2  Textbook Definition  Thoene Definition  Motivation  Homeostasis  Self-improvement

3  Maslow’s Hierarchy  Particular Need  Utilitarian  Hedonic Source: http://www.abraham-

4  Consumer Involvement  Moderating variable  Different types  Product involvement  Product enthusiasts  Shopping involvement  Situational involvement  Enduring involvement  Emotional involvement Source:

5  Emotions  Psychobiological  Visceral  Cognitive Appraisal Theory  Anticipation appraisal  Agency appraisal  Equity appraisal  Outcomes

6  Mood  Effects  Mood-congruent  Effects  Affect  Measuring Moods  Autonomic measures  Examples:  Self-report  PANAS  PAD

7  Why do people act differently to the same situation?  Personality  Bad service  Involvement  Movies  Flow  Shopping, gaming  Emotional expressiveness  Emotional intelligence

8  Semantic Wiring  Emotions and schema are tied together  Mood-congruent recall  Autobiographical  Nostalgia (1980s)  Schema-based affect  Emotional contagion  Emotional labor

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