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Car,Gab,Kev.  -noun  1. A conqueror, especially one of the 16th- century Spanish soldiers who defeated the Indian civilizations of Mexico, Central America,

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Presentation on theme: "Car,Gab,Kev.  -noun  1. A conqueror, especially one of the 16th- century Spanish soldiers who defeated the Indian civilizations of Mexico, Central America,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Car,Gab,Kev

2  -noun  1. A conqueror, especially one of the 16th- century Spanish soldiers who defeated the Indian civilizations of Mexico, Central America, or Peru.

3  -Adjective  1. given to inquiry, research, or asking question s; eager for knowledge; intellectually curiousinquiry  2. unduly or inappropriately curious; prying.  -Noun  3. an inquisitive person

4  –adjective  1. required or necessary for a particular purpos e, position, etc.; indispensable: required  -noun  2. something requisite; a necessary quality, thin g, etc.

5  –noun  1. an incidental payment, benefit, privilege, or a dvantage over and above regular income, salary, or wagesprivilege  2. a gratuity or tip.  3. something demanded or due as a particular privilege

6  –verb  1. to ask questions (formally) of (a person), sometimes to seek ans wers or information that the person questioned considers personal or secret.askthe  2. to examine by questions; question formally.

7  –noun  1. a presentiment or foreboding.  2. something that portends or foreshadows a fu ture event; an omen, prognostic, or warning indication.

8  –noun  1. a search or pursuit made in order to find or o btain somethingsearch  2. Medieval Romance. an adventurous expedition undertaken by a knight or knights too.

9  –noun  1. acuteness of mental discernment and soundn ess of judgment.

10 –verb 1. to abolish by formal or official means; annul by a n authoritative act; repeal 2. to put aside; put an end to.

11  –noun  1. a person appointed to act for another; deputyact  2. (in some states) a judicial officer having jurisdi ction over the probate of wills, the administration of estates, etc. the  3. a substitute.


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