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Part Two: Organizational Domains and Considerations Defining and Applying Cultural Competence for Kansas SPF-SIG Prevention Programs and Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Part Two: Organizational Domains and Considerations Defining and Applying Cultural Competence for Kansas SPF-SIG Prevention Programs and Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part Two: Organizational Domains and Considerations Defining and Applying Cultural Competence for Kansas SPF-SIG Prevention Programs and Services

2 Organizational Cultural Competence Behaviors + Attitudes + Policies = Effectiveness in cross-cultural situations Cultural competence affects substance abuse prevention outcomes positively = Reduction of substance use and abuse across diverse populations 2

3 Seven Domains of Cultural Competence 1.Organizational Values 2.Governance 3.Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation 4.Communication 5.Staff and Volunteer Development 6.Organizational Infrastructure 7.Prevention Services, Activities, Strategies, and Interventions 5/24/20153

4 Components of a Cultural Competence Action Plan Identified organizational domains (focus areas) Key leverage points (that is, high benefit or critical actions) to address or make the most difference in areas of focus Necessary resources Individuals responsible Completion date *Refer to the Cultural Competence Planning Guide 5/24/20154

5 Domain One Organizational Values: An organization’s perspective and attitudes regarding the worth and importance of cultural competence, and it’s commitment to providing culturally competent services. Leadership, Investment, and Documentation Information/Data Relevant to Cultural Competence Organizational Flexibility Evaluation 5/24/20155

6 Domain Two Governance: The goal-setting, policy-making, and other oversight vehicles and organization uses to help ensure the delivery of cultural ly competence services, supports, and activities. Community Involvement and Accountability Board Development Policies 5/24/20156

7 Domain Three Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation: The mechanisms and processes used for a) long and short-term policy, programmatic, and operational cultural competence planning that is informed by internal and external consumers; and b) the systems and activities needed to proactively track and assess an organization’s level of cultural competence. Client, Community, and Staff Input Plans and Implementation Collection and Use of Cultural Competence-Related Information/Data 5/24/20157

8 Domain Four Communication: The exchange of information between the organization/providers and the clients/population, and internally among staff, in ways that promote cultural competence. Understanding of Different Communication Needs and Styles of Service Culturally Competent Oral Communication Culturally Competent Written/Other Communication Communication with Community Intra-Organizational Communication 5/24/20158

9 Domain Five Staff Development: An organization’s efforts to ensure staff and other service providers have the requisite knowledge, attitudes, and skills for delivering culturally competent services. Training Commitment Training Content Staff Performance 5/24/20159

10 Domain Six Organizational Infrastructure: The organizational resources required to deliver or facilitate delivery of culturally competent activities. Financial/Budget Staffing Technology Physical Facility/Environment Linkages 5/24/201510

11 Domain Seven Prevention Services, Activities, Strategies, and Interventions: An organization’s delivery or facilitation of evidence-based prevention services in culturally competent manner. Community/Population Input Needs Assessment Program Planning Program, Practice, Intervention, Strategy, Policy Selection and Implementation Evaluation 5/24/201511

12 Next Steps: Module One: Exploring and Defining Diversity (posted 3/26/10) Module Two: Organizational /Coalition Processes (posted 4/2/10) Action Planning Tool for Identifying Priority Areas and Leverage Points (posted 4/2/10) Module Three: Inclusivity in Community Planning and Prevention Programming (posted 4/9/10) Review of process and resources during Individual TA Calls (scheduled for 4/14/10 - 4/15/10 and 5/12/10 – 5/13/10) Submission of action plan (due 5/21/10)

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