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SPEED READING Tips to Increase Speed. Today’s Agenda  Clear up vocab confusion  Fire drill safety procedures  Quick getting to know you activity 

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Presentation on theme: "SPEED READING Tips to Increase Speed. Today’s Agenda  Clear up vocab confusion  Fire drill safety procedures  Quick getting to know you activity "— Presentation transcript:

1 SPEED READING Tips to Increase Speed

2 Today’s Agenda  Clear up vocab confusion  Fire drill safety procedures  Quick getting to know you activity  Tips for beginning to increase speed

3 Objectives  Today you will:  Learn an effective way to turn pages  Increase your speed with simple finger movement tips  Begin to train your eyes to move faster

4 Get those fingers moving!  Watch the following video for instructions on “The Sweep Method”  http://www.regent.ed u/admin/stusrv/studen t_dev/online_worksho ps/speedreading/less on4.cfm http://www.regent.ed u/admin/stusrv/studen t_dev/online_worksho ps/speedreading/less on4.cfm

5 Why “The Sweep Method Works”  Prevents fixation (one word at a time)  Keeps you from losing your place  Keep you from pausing at the end of the line

6 Why “The Sweep Method” Works  Your eye moves in two ways 1. Saccade – jumpy movement 2. Smooth pursuit  Let’s put this theory to the test  Thumb test  Circle Test

7 3-2-1 Drill  Step 1: Mark your starting spot and begin reading for three minutes. Mark your stopping point. 3

8 3-2-1 Drill  Step 2: Go back to your starting point and try to read from your start to stop point in two minutes this time. 2

9 3-2-1 Drill  Step 3: Cover the same amount of text in one minute 1

10 New WPM  Now that you have warmed up and are practicing with the Sweep Method let’s see if your reading speed increases

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