Ohio Hazardous Materials Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Notification SOP.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Hazardous Materials Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Notification SOP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Hazardous Materials Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Notification SOP

2 TAC Mission Statement The Hazardous Materials, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Decontamination Technical Advisory Committee will assure appropriate risk-based hazardous materials/WMD response capabilities throughout the state of Ohio in order to strengthen the capability of Ohio’s local jurisdictions to cope with complex incidents affecting the lives and property of Ohio’s citizens and the infrastructure of state, county and local governments.

3 Homeland Security Regions

4 TAC Chairs Co-Chairs Co-Chairs –Greg Locher419-779-4290 –Harry Burdick740-225-3378 –Tim Flock419-834-0758

5 Regional Coordinators Regional Coordinators Regional Coordinators –1 Tom Jaksetic (419) 466-6792 –2 Mark Vedder (440) 337 1491 –3 Dennis Bristow (937) 901 5112 –4 Bill Brobst (614) 774 0550 –5 Silverio Caggiano (330) 740 2200 –6 Miles Davis (513) 263 8062 –7 Brian Robertson (740) 385 2307 –8 Jeffrey Corder (740) 622 2555

6 Type III Team Known Industrial chemicals Known Industrial chemicals –Fuel spills –Industrial accidents with known chemicals

7 Type II Team Known and Unknown chemicals Known and Unknown chemicals –Incidents in which the chemical is not known at this time. –Larger more complex incidents they may have mixtures of chemicals.

8 Type I Team Very large and complex incidents Very large and complex incidents Suspected terrorist activities with unknown CBRNE products Suspected terrorist activities with unknown CBRNE products


10 Statewide Hazmat/Decon Type III Organized public safety HazMat response team consisting of at least 10 members trained to hazardous materials technician Organized public safety HazMat response team consisting of at least 10 members trained to hazardous materials technician Capable of handling known industrial chemical releases, making Level B entries Capable of handling known industrial chemical releases, making Level B entries Supplements basic intervention/control techniques such as damming, diking, and absorption Supplements basic intervention/control techniques such as damming, diking, and absorption Directs Technical decontamination of known chemicals 12 hour operational period with logistical support Directs Technical decontamination of known chemicals 12 hour operational period with logistical support

11 Statewide Hazmat/Decon Type II Organized public safety HazMat response team consisting of at least 15 members trained to hazardous materials technician Organized public safety HazMat response team consisting of at least 15 members trained to hazardous materials technician Capable of handling known and unknown industrial chemical releases, making Level A or B entries Capable of handling known and unknown industrial chemical releases, making Level A or B entries Supplements basic intervention/control techniques such as damming, diking, and absorption Supplements basic intervention/control techniques such as damming, diking, and absorption Directs Technical decontamination of known and unknown chemicals Directs Technical decontamination of known and unknown chemicals 12 hour operational period with logistical support 12 hour operational period with logistical support

12 Statewide Hazmat/Decon Type I Organized public safety HazMat/WMD response team consisting of at least 20 members trained to hazardous materials technician Organized public safety HazMat/WMD response team consisting of at least 20 members trained to hazardous materials technician Capable of handling known and unknown industrial chemical releases and WMD events, making Level A and B entries Capable of handling known and unknown industrial chemical releases and WMD events, making Level A and B entries Supplements basic intervention/control techniques such as damming, diking, and absorption Supplements basic intervention/control techniques such as damming, diking, and absorption Directs Technical decontamination of known, unknown and WMD chemicals Directs Technical decontamination of known, unknown and WMD chemicals 12 hour operational period with logistical support 12 hour operational period with logistical support

13 Statewide Hazmat/Decon Response - Type III  On-site within 1 hour of a request  Regions completing development of this capability Type II  On-site within 2 hours of a request  Regions building this capability Type I  On-site within 4 hours of a request  State currently has limited capability in this area

14 What is expected to be done before our arrival? All Operations level objectives All Operations level objectives –IC established –Rescue viable victims and Gross Emergency Decon –Control zones –Confinement of HazMat by ERG suggestions –Brief HazMat team prior to response (to assure needed resources are being addressed.)

15 Notification SOP Purpose To provide statewide uniformity for local jurisdictions to request additional resources specifically for assistance in managing hazardous material or WMD incidents. To provide statewide uniformity for local jurisdictions to request additional resources specifically for assistance in managing hazardous material or WMD incidents.

16 Notification SOP Rationale The Ohio Fire Service Emergency Response System (OFSERS) serves as the basis for the notification procedure. When a community is affected by a hazardous material / WMD incident, the incident commander will initially request additional assistance by utilizing any local mutual aid agreements. When the local jurisdiction is no longer able to obtain additional assistance through local mutual aid, they may choose to activate the OFSERS by calling the Central Dispatch Center and requesting additional hazardous material / WMD assistance in the form of a Special Team Response – HazMat. The Ohio Fire Service Emergency Response System (OFSERS) serves as the basis for the notification procedure. When a community is affected by a hazardous material / WMD incident, the incident commander will initially request additional assistance by utilizing any local mutual aid agreements. When the local jurisdiction is no longer able to obtain additional assistance through local mutual aid, they may choose to activate the OFSERS by calling the Central Dispatch Center and requesting additional hazardous material / WMD assistance in the form of a Special Team Response – HazMat.

17 Notification SOP Procedure All requests for OFSERS assistance will be processed through the Central Dispatch Center. The contact number for the OFSERS Central Dispatch Center is 1-888-822-4900. All requests for OFSERS assistance will be processed through the Central Dispatch Center. The contact number for the OFSERS Central Dispatch Center is 1-888-822-4900.

18 Notification SOP Procedure (cont.) When Central Dispatch is contacted the following questions will be asked of the caller: When Central Dispatch is contacted the following questions will be asked of the caller: –Name of the affected jurisdiction and the name of the fire department responsible for providing service to that community. –Name of the calling agency; name and rank of caller, Call back and Fax numbers. –Incident Commander’s info (name, rank, and department) requesting assistance. –Specific type of emergency if known. (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Transportation, Fixed site.)

19 Notification SOP Procedure (cont.) When Central Dispatch is contacted the following questions will be asked of the caller: When Central Dispatch is contacted the following questions will be asked of the caller: –Level of HazMat Team needed - if known. –The location of a Staging Area utilizing an easily identifiable area that can be identified on a highway map (gas station map). –The type of response needed: SCRAMBLE (Enroute within 30 minutes and be able to be on site for up to 12 hrs.) or LONG TERM (Enroute within 3 hours and be able to be on site for up to 12 hours. Additional teams may be called if necessary for operational periods that exceed 12 hours. –Identify MARCS radio channels) (Preferred) or local radio frequency, and or cell phone numbers for command and control communications. –Requests for specific equipment should be identified to central dispatch.

20 Notification SOP Procedure (cont.) Central Dispatch, after obtaining the requested resources, will notify the call back point that the request has been filled. Central Dispatch, after obtaining the requested resources, will notify the call back point that the request has been filled.


22 Questions Contact your regional HazMat TAC Coordinator. Contact your regional HazMat TAC Coordinator. Contact your county or regional coordinator for the Ohio Fire Service Emergency Response System. Contact your county or regional coordinator for the Ohio Fire Service Emergency Response System.

23 Ohio Response System (ORS)/Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) questions: Ohio Response System (ORS)/Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) questions: Ohio Emergency Management Agency 1.614.889.7160 Ohio Fire Service Emergency Response System (OFSERS): Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association 1.800.347.3704 Contact Information – if regional or county coordinators unknown

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