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Earth’s Rotation v.s Gravitational Pull of H 2 O. By : Brittany Swan.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Rotation v.s Gravitational Pull of H 2 O. By : Brittany Swan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Rotation v.s Gravitational Pull of H 2 O. By : Brittany Swan

2 The Problem (Question) How does the rotation of the earth affect the gravitational pull of liquids? (In this case H 2 O)

3 Hypothesis As the time of day changes and the earth rotates the the liquids splatter patterns main points will change from how they were at noon, because the earths gravitational pull will very with is rotation pulling the splatters main points in different directions than normal.

4 Variables MV : The time of day RV: Main points in H2O’s splatter patterns CV: Height balloon is dropped CV: Amount of liquid

5 Materials 1 Ladder ____Ft tall 14 large pieces of paper 14 water balloons ( 12 and 2 extra) Blue dye Red dye Green dye Purple dye Scale - oz. Measuring tape - Cloth Water ( H2O ) Board about 3 ft. Long

6 Procedure 1. Set up (ladder, paper, board see diagram) 2. Make a water balloon before tying, add 5 drops of purple dye, then tie it. Weight the balloon and measure the distance, in inches, horizontally around the balloon. 3. Repeat step two, two more times, making them the same size around and weight (in oz.) as the first balloon. 4. Make three more balloons the same weight and size as the purple, but use 5 drops o red dye instead of purple. 5. Repeat step four using blue dye and green dye, making sure all the water balloons are the same size and weight. 6. Go outside to the ladder and paper, at 11:59 am, take a purple balloon and set it on the edge of the board, sitting on the top of the ladder. 7. At exactly noon, gently push the balloon off the board.

7 Procedure continued 8. Gently, yet quickly soak up the water on the paper below, leaving a purple splatter stain. Record data. 9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 over a period of three days. Notice the similarities in the main splatter points. 10. Repeat steps 7 & 8, another three days with the red balloons, at 3:00 pm. 11. Repeat steps 7 & 8 with the blue balloons, over three days, at 6:00 pm. 12. Once again, repeat steps 7 & 8 but with the green balloons, over three days, at exactly 9:00pm. SAFETY TIPS - 1. Have some one hold the ladder. 2. Make sure no one is too close to the paper when dropping balloon, the dye may damage eyes.

8 DATA Table Color of dye Time trial #1 trial #2 trial # 3 Purple 12:00 pm Red 3:00 pm Blue 6:00 pm Green 9: 00 pm

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