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Coin Lab 1. Place a paper towel on your table and set the four coins on top of the towel. 2. Slowly add drops of water to the penny. Hold the eye dropper.

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Presentation on theme: "Coin Lab 1. Place a paper towel on your table and set the four coins on top of the towel. 2. Slowly add drops of water to the penny. Hold the eye dropper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coin Lab 1. Place a paper towel on your table and set the four coins on top of the towel. 2. Slowly add drops of water to the penny. Hold the eye dropper no more than 20 centimeters above the coin. Count how many drops you have to add before the water slides off the coin. Record one drop less than this number. 3. Repeat Step 2 two more time for the penny. 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the other three coins.

2 Discussion 1. How did the size of the coins affect the numbers of drops the coin could hold? 2. How could you improve this experiment? 3. What other experiment could you conduct with the same materials?

3 Lab Report Question – What do you want to find out?
Hypothesis – What do you think will happen? Procedure – List the materials used. Write detailed steps describing how the experiment was conducted. Remember – Someone else should be able to do this experiment exactly the same, using only your notes. Safety – Are there any safety precautions that need to be taken? Data – Record your data (trials, type of coin, number of drops) in a table. Create a graph to show this data visually. Conclusion/Analysis – What did you find out? Did your results support your hypothesis? Are your results reliable? How might the experiment be improved?

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