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USC MPH Program Division of Health Behavior Department of Preventive Medicine Keck School of Medicine Thomas W. Valente, PhD MPH Program Director

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Presentation on theme: "USC MPH Program Division of Health Behavior Department of Preventive Medicine Keck School of Medicine Thomas W. Valente, PhD MPH Program Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 USC MPH Program Division of Health Behavior Department of Preventive Medicine Keck School of Medicine Thomas W. Valente, PhD MPH Program Director / TEL 626.457.6678 Darleen Schuster, MA, MPH, CHES MPH Program Manager / TEL 626.457.6677 Patty Pumpupang, MPH MPH Graduate Advisor / TEL 626.457.4034 Nemesia Lockhart MPH Program Specialist / TEL 626.457.6676

2 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA  INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTION RESEARCH USC MPH Program History  Created in 1998 (BS HP in 1997; PhD in 1984)  Pre-accreditation from CEPH in 2001  Full 5-year accreditation 2003  Medical School MPH versus School of Public Health  Established traditional MPH curriculum

3 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA  INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTION RESEARCH What is Public Health?  The science & art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency through organized community efforts for: Improvement and maintenance of sanitation Control of communicable infections Education in self-care and lifestyle behaviors Organization of medical and nursing services

4 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA  INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTION RESEARCH Career Specializations in Public Health  Public Health Practice & Program Management  Biostatistics  Epidemiology  Environmental Sciences  Nutrition  Biomedical and Laboratoy Practice  Health Education/Health Communication  Occupational Safety  Health Services Administration  International Public Health

5 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA  INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTION RESEARCH USC MPH Program Mission  “To assist in creating healthy communities by preparing graduates to lead and collaborate with others in organized community efforts across a variety of settings, focusing on disease prevention and health promotion among diverse populations.”

6 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA  INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTION RESEARCH MPH Program Goals  Instruction Prepare public health professionals Build community capacity  Research Prepare professionals to utilize research in public health practice  Service Communicate and collaborate with community in improving public health conditions

7 USC MPH Curriculum Core Courses (19 units) 1. Statistics, 2. Epidemiology, 3. Health Services, 4. Health Behavior, 5. Environmental Health 4. Tracks Biostatistics/ Epidemiology Health Promotion Health CommunicationNutrition 3 Track Core Courses (12 units) 2 Track Elective Courses (7 units) Practicum (4-8 units)

8 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA  INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTION RESEARCH Curriculum  Core training in Biostatistics/Epidemiology  Applied training in theory and research courses  8 unit practicum to transition from school to work  Capstone experience is built on practicum, dossier, presentation, and grant proposal.

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