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Exploring Earth’s Surface Chapter 1 Section 4. Standard  6.2 Topography is reshaped by the weathering of rock and soil and by the transportation and.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Earth’s Surface Chapter 1 Section 4. Standard  6.2 Topography is reshaped by the weathering of rock and soil and by the transportation and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Earth’s Surface Chapter 1 Section 4

2 Standard  6.2 Topography is reshaped by the weathering of rock and soil and by the transportation and deposition of sediment.

3 Anticipatory Set  Color the Contour map that was given to you according to the directions on the bottom.

4 Language of the Discipline  Topographical Maps  Contour Line  Contour interval  Index contour

5 Mapping (Input)  Mapmakers use contour lines to represent elevation, relief, and slope on topographical maps  Contour line- connects points of equal elevation  Contour interval- the change in elevation from contour line to contour line  Look at page 29  Index contours- labeled with the elevation in round units. How any meters above sea level

6 Mapping (Input)

7 Topographic Maps (Input)  Used to identify landforms  To read a topographic map, may must familiarize yourself with the map’s scale and symbols and interpret the map’s contour lines

8 Topographic Maps (Input)

9 Scales, Symbols, Interpreting Contour Lines  Scales- use large scale maps  Close up view of Earth’s surface  Symbols used to show houses and other small features  Symbols  What symbols would you use to represent a forest, campground, swamp, or school?  Interpreting Contour lines  Find the elevation of a feature, begin at the index contour (heavier line), then count the number of contour lines up or down to the feature.


11 Interpreting Contour Lines  Closely spaced lines- steep slopes  Widely spaced lines- gentle slopes/flatter areas  It also helps to show ridges and valleys. (V shaped)  If they point downhill it is showing a ridge  If they point uphill it is showing a valley  A stream will flow towards to the opening at the end of the V.

12 Checking For Understanding  Topographical maps show what?

13  Surface features of an area

14 Checking For Understanding  Elevation, relief, and slope on a topographic map are shown using symbols called?

15  Contour lines

16 Checking For Understanding  The change in elevation from contour line to contour line is called what?

17  Contour interval

18 GP and IP  Guided Practice  #1-3  Stop!!! You must have a stamp to keep going!  Independent Practice  #4-6  Homework  #7-end

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