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Interoperability. What is Interoperability? As defined by the Department of Homeland Security, and with regard to Communications, Interoperability is:

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Presentation on theme: "Interoperability. What is Interoperability? As defined by the Department of Homeland Security, and with regard to Communications, Interoperability is:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interoperability

2 What is Interoperability? As defined by the Department of Homeland Security, and with regard to Communications, Interoperability is: “the ability for public safety, emergency response agencies and government officials to be able to communicate across levels of government, across disciplines/organizations, across jurisdictions as needed, on demand and as authorized.”

3 Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) In 2007, a Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP), required that each state form a multi-agency, multidisciplinary working group or State Interoperability Governing Body (SIGB) to develop the plan This group, once established, became the foundation for SIEC structure and member agencies today These member agencies along with additions based upon DHS/OEC recommendations established NC’s SIEC NC SIEC is comprised of over 35 Departments and Agencies; meets on a quarterly basis.

4 Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) A collaborative effort to synchronize the strategic planning of local, tribal, regional, state and federal government emergency response agencies. Provides all stakeholders with improved communications systems, improved first responder safety and support to their communities (Non-governmental emergency response organizations are included).

5 CY 2013 Training Sessions APR 23 & 24 - Incorporating Communications into Public Safety Exercises [RAL & CLT] JUN 1 & 2 – Training AUXCOMM: Auxiliary Communications Workshop [RAL] JUN 17 thru 20 - Public Safety Communications Center Operations Workshop [RAL & CLT] Q4 2013 – AUXCOMM Train the Trainer [TBD]

6 CY 2013 Projects 3 Branch-based functional exercises during Q2-Q3 2013 The development of a Tactical Interoperable Communications Field Operation Guide (TIC FOG) with mobile apps

7 Tactical Interoperable Communication Plans All nine (9) TICPs for each DPR is now posted to WebEOC Hosted at WebEOC for Emergency Responders’ “eyes only” display.aspx?function=filelist&filefolderid=70

8 Contact North Carolina Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management - Interoperability 4231 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4231 Clay Benton - Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (Interim) (919) 825- 2256- office; Alyssa Young - Technical Writer (919) 825-2772 – office;

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