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“More than 700 schools now our fingerprint scanners in canteens or libraries, or to register pupils.” “Biometric systems currently.

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Presentation on theme: "“More than 700 schools now our fingerprint scanners in canteens or libraries, or to register pupils.” “Biometric systems currently."— Presentation transcript:

1 “More than 700 schools now our fingerprint scanners in canteens or libraries, or to register pupils.” “Biometric systems currently used in schools are based on fingerprint recognition technology. The system works by taking measurements of the fingerprint, but they do not capture a complete image. This means that the original fingerprint cannot be reconstructed from the data.” Becta, Government’s schools ICT agency "If a child has never touched a fingerprint scanner, there is zero probability of being incorrectly investigated for a crime.” Brian Drury, IT Security consultant CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITY Fingerprint Technology - Biometrics

2 "While people are still nervous about fingerprints and still have a concern that fingerprints are associated with criminality, we're gradually moving away from that. It's amazing how many schools are starting to use fingerprints just as a simple mechanism for checking kids in and out.'‘ James Hall, Chief Executive Identity and Passport service, August 2007 "It has been suggested that fingerprinting in schools is part of a concerted attempt to 'soften up' the younger generation for increased state privacy intrusion, including initiatives such as ID cards and DNA testing.'‘ The Information Commissioner’s Office, July 2007 “You can change your bank account number and password if the government loses it. But fingerprints and fingerprint templates are for life. One slip-up and your identity is permanently compromised.” CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITY

3 “Proposals to fingerprint children aged 11 to 15 as part of new passport and ID card plans are being considered…Under existing plans every passport applicant over 16 will have details - including fingerprints - added to a National Identity register from 2008...Last month the opposition parties expressed anger that all fingerprints collected for ID cards would be cross-checked against prints from 900,000 unsolved crimes.” BBC News 24, Sunday, 4 March 2007 “There is no better test of a registration system than to launch it in a school (Loughborough Grammar School) of 1,000 inquisitive boys – the boys haven’t hacked into it, and if they can’t, no one can!” John Weitzel, Headmaster, Loughborough Grammar School CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITY

4 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Should our school introduce fingerprint scanning; For the library? For the School Kitchens’? For registration? What are the benefits and risks of fingerprint technology (known as biometric technology)? Should everyone’s fingerprints be on file or should we be able to decide? CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITY

5 SOME BENEFITS: Cuts down on bullying Students can’t lose money Quick, it cuts down on administration time by 35% Doubles the books borrowed from Library Increases uptake of School Meals by 20% CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITY SOME RISKS: Swipe cards are 100% accurate, fingerprint scanners only 93% Questions of security, what if the fingerprint data goes missing? Who can access this information? Police have a right to?

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