GIBSON GIRLFLAPPER  Pre-Great War  Pride in length of hair  Outfits included long straight skirts to around ankles  Waited to be asked out  Only.

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2 GIBSON GIRLFLAPPER  Pre-Great War  Pride in length of hair  Outfits included long straight skirts to around ankles  Waited to be asked out  Only “loose women” wore make-up  Smoking and drinking only for men  Submissive to their husband  The majority saved themselves for marriage  First used in Great Britain  Broke the mold for women  Smoke, drank, and cut hair  Eligible to vote  Went out on dates  Clothing- Trimmed down and lightened for easier movement  No longer wore corsets when dancing  Skirts ended an inch below the knee Wore make-up  Reckless and took risks  Promiscuous  Truthful, blunt, fast-living  Smoked and drank  Participated in petting parties



5  Inspired by the creation of Jazz music  Younger generations began to do quicker paced dances  Echoed the free-living lifestyle of men and women  Rise of a consumer-oriented society  Mass culture invented for the first time  “Red Scare”- post-war fear of Communism

6  Harding elected President in 1920  Harding’s Campaign: “Normalcy”  Pro-business  Anti-tax  Anti-regulation  Harding considered corrupt President:  Tax cutes for wealthiest people (73% to 25%)  Wealthy got richer and poor got poorer  By 1929, richest 1/10 of 1 percent owned as much wealth as the bottom 42%

7  Refers to the communism scare in the 1920’s  Believed to be over 150,000 anarchists or communists in the US  1901- Communist shot the American President in the head  1917- Communists overthrew royal party in Russia  1918- Communists murder royal family.  1919- Series of strikes occurred, Boston Police and 100,000’s of coal and steel workers  1919- Series of bombs were blamed on Communists  January 1, 1920- Over 6,000 arrested and put in prison

8  1919- 18 th Amendment ratified  January 16, 1920- 18 th Amendment went into effect  Led by the Anti-Saloon League and Women’s Christian Temperance Union  Advocate Beliefs: eliminate corruption, end machine politics, and help Americanize immigrants.  Speakeasies- Underground saloons where alcohol was sold  You could drink alcohol on the open water as long as you were more than 3 miles off of land

9  Alcoholic poisoning increased dramatically  Doctors could prescribe whiskey to patients  Gangsters controlled much of bootleg business which led to increase in profits  Al Capone came into prominence  Increase in lawlessness  Corrupted politicians and police officers through bribes  Restaurants failed and economy went down  States could no longer rely on liquor tax, had to rely on income tax

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