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Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I. Free Choice Review 17 slides Copyright © 2003 - 2009 Kenji Tachibana.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I. Free Choice Review 17 slides Copyright © 2003 - 2009 Kenji Tachibana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I. Free Choice Review 17 slides Copyright © 2003 - 2009 Kenji Tachibana

2 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I REVIEW: Mac and Artshare usage Procedure: Start your Mac No computer sign-in is required. Just press the power button to boot up all the way to the Desktop. Each Mac has a unique ‘M’ number. Our Macs runs slow because they are on a network. Please be patient, pressing the Enter key multiple times will not speed things up. In fact, it’ll only invite your Mac to crash! North Campus Only

3 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I REVIEW: Mac and Artshare usage North Campus Only Procedure: Open Artshare Double click on the Artshare Network icon Which is usually found at bottom right on the Mac Desktop. The ‘requester’ window will open with Artshare pre-selected. Type with Artshare pre-selected. Type 3404 3404 for the Password and click on the Connect button. To show the Mac file manager in the ‘preferred’ column view, select Menu>View>as Column.

4 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I REVIEW: Mac and Artshare usage Procedure: Our class folder Column 2 will show Art 114sp as the First Folder. The others are Art 210 and Art 210 Evening. Art 210 is the design class that I recommend. Computer Art is taught by Mark Meyers. Class Assign-In Folder Content: 0_bonusWriting assignments 0_lateHopefully none but create sub-folders as needed 01_showLibrary show viewing and writing assignment 02_3qQuestions reading and writing assignment 03_meWriting assignment about you and your skills 04_fcFree Choice shooting assignment North Campus Only Column 1234

5 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assign Folder Usage 04_fc Folder: ‘fc’ is the assignment name I expect to see all your assignment images in numbered groups in the file manager. And each group displayed in first name alphabetical order as shown below: Group: 1_firstnameBest-fc.jpg image from all the students Group: 2_firstnameNext -fc.jpg image from all the students Group: 3_firstnameLeast-fc.jpg image from all the students Group: 4_firstnameLight-fc.jpg image from all the students There will be a single sub-folder, report. Turn in your report into this folder. I expect to see all the assignment report in alphabetical order. File name: firstnameAssign.doc. - kenjiFC.doc. Both Campuses

6 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Procedure: Open the Adobe Bridge 1.Click on the Br icon on the taskbar at the bottom of the Desktop. 2.Bridge application has radically changed from the previous versions. 3.Bride has Display Options like your digital camera. The default setting (choice 1) is similar to the previous versions. On the top left panel, you will find the file manager. Point it to Artshare and select the assignment folder.

7 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Procedure: Point to and display images 4.Assignment folder is Artshare > art1145w > assign > 04_fc. 5.Selecting 04_fc folder will display everyone’s assignment images in the center column as small thumbnail images in both numbered and alphabetical order. 6.Use the slider bar at the bottom right to enlarge the images so that only the ‘Best’ image group is displayed in the ‘Content’ pane.

8 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Procedure: Compare your image with others… 7.You’re probably seeing 5 images across in 4 rows. 8.This thumbnail size is just right for comparing your work in relationship to everyone else. 9.Make a gut judgment as to the top 3 most successful solutions to the Free Choice assignment (read the next slide).

9 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Aside: Most people get it Even untrained observers can easily tell when an image has a story and whether it works or not. The exact story or how good a composition looks is a matter of personal perspective, training, and values.

10 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Team Work: Assignment review Once you’ve made your personal judgments, it’s time for a team review process. This review will be facilitated by the team leaders. Team leader will make sure that the process is done with a focus on full participation of all the team members And the team leader is responsible for the overall timing and to keep the group from getting side tracked.

11 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Team Review: 2 parts 1.Every member of the team will present using a conversational manner. Use the following format: Pro – what workedPro – what worked Con – what was problematicCon – what was problematic Constructive Conclusion – solution to Con.Constructive Conclusion – solution to Con. 2.Every member of the team will choose 2 or 3 other student assignment images and present them as their own. Read the next slide before starting…

12 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Audience Member: Responsibility 1.Use active listening…. to get it. 2.Pay special attention to the title to make sure that it makes sense for the assignment image. 3.Notice if the title misses, takes away from the image, or gives extra depth and meaning to the story. 4.Ask clarification questions when prompted by the presenter.

13 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Team Member: Present to class Every team will field one student to present to the class. The style will be more formal but the delivery must remain conversational and using the following formula: Pro – what workedPro – what worked Con – what was problematicCon – what was problematic Constructive Conclusion – solution to Con.Constructive Conclusion – solution to Con. Read the next slide before starting…

14 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Review Process Class Present: Process 1.Do it from the front of the class and keep it focused and relatively short. 2.Start by stating your first and last name clearly. While you do this, scan the room making eye contact with every student. Get everyone’s attention. 3.State your story title with confidence. 4.Then deliver your Pro, Con, & Conclusion in a confident but conversational manner. 5.When finished, thank the audience and ask for questions and feedback.

15 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Feedback: Free Choice Feedback: Responsibility It’s sometimes difficult to be honest. But, that’s what’s required if we’re to learn from each other in this class. The constructive feedback must possible. And practical suggestions must be made to go along with the feedback.

16 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Feedback: Free Choice Feedback: Presenter responsibility The presenters main goal is to listen for useful ideas to implement in the re-shoot. And except for asking clarification, the presenter is not allowed to confront the person giving the feedback. To that end, it’s vital that feedback be given in the spirit of helping (be constructive).

17 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Assignment Feedback: Free Choice Summary: You get back what you put into this class. Hopefully, you gave your best effort doing the FC assignment. If not, figure out ‘Why not?’. And be sure to do your best in the ‘re-shoot’. Don’t rush either, the ‘re-shoot’ is not assigned until Wednesday. Try to fully learn from your assignment feedback. Be ready to ask more ‘clarifying’ questions on Wednesday. Only you can do the learning for you…..

18 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I x End

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