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JCPS Human Resources – Informational Session Curriculum Resource Center.

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Presentation on theme: "JCPS Human Resources – Informational Session Curriculum Resource Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 JCPS Human Resources – Informational Session Curriculum Resource Center

2 Welcome ▪ Introductions ▪ HR Staff – Tony Moore, Middle School Hiring Specialist – Anetria McGhee, HR Resource Teacher – Paulette Roberson, HR New Teacher Support


4 District Mission To provide relevant, comprehensive, quality instruction in order to educate, prepare, and inspire our students to learn. District Vision All JCPS students graduate prepared to reach their full potential and contribute to our society throughout life. Core Values Our students are cared for and treated as if they are our own. Children learn differently. What happens in the classroom matters most. The differences of each are the assets of the whole. High-quality teaching is the most powerful tool for helping students reach high standards. Leadership and innovation are essential to prepare students for their future. Talents and resources are used wisely to benefit students. Partnerships among schools, families, and community are important for the health and well-being of our students. Adults model integrity, respect, creativity, and accountability.

5 Field Experience and Beyond ▪ Make Connections ▪ Demonstrate professionalism ▪ Take initiative, don’t be a passive observer ▪ Seek out professional development opportunities ▪ Visit classrooms, seek out opportunities to vary your experience

6 Separating yourself from the pack ▪ In this competitive teaching market, success is all about separating yourself from the pack. ▪ You can't just be a candidate - you have to be the BEST candidate. ▪ A summer job that will complement what you have been learning in the classroom is a great way to increase your value as a job applicant.

7 Developing your resume/experience Summer jobs can be useful in multiple aspects of your job search. Some of those are listed below. ▪ Resume: The right job can make your resume "pop" and rise to the top of the applicant pile. It can help you to build a work history that makes the resume more interesting and varied. ▪ Interview: You can gain solid experience to explain, when asked, "How you have demonstrated your passion for teaching beyond your academic requirements?"

8 ▪ Contacts: You're going to need, as references, people who have supervised your work with school-aged students. ▪ Confidence: The more experience that you can gain in working with children, the greater your confidence in facing students in the classroom. Consider the potential to exercise discipline, resolve interpersonal conflicts, and to engage in problem-solving.

9 Ideas for Summer Work Outdoor ▪ Summer camps - residential, day, and special interest camps ▪ National, state parks and county parks/nature centers General Interest ▪ Community park district programs ▪ YMCAs ▪ Community outreach activities ▪ Scouting

10 Academic/Enrichment ▪ Tutoring ▪ Summer school programs ▪ Language programs for ESL/ELL children ▪ Children's museums ▪ Library/summer reading programs and story hours Social Service ▪ Respite care (short term, temporary care of people with disabilities to give families a break from care-giving. ▪ Big Brother/Big Sister programs ▪ Hospitals: children's ward aides ▪ Mentoring programs for at-risk children and adolescents ▪ Social service agency and court service summer programs ▪ Service trips - both in the U.S. and abroad

11 Field Experience to Student Teaching

12 Certified Recruitment and Staffing We are looking for candidates that embody the JCPS: ▪ Vision ▪ Mission ▪ Values

13 Teacher Candidate Observations ▪ What to expect from HR? – Someone will contact you to schedule an observation during your first or second placement. – You will receive an email asking you for your availability and time preference; important to respond quickly. – During the observation, we will be using an observation template that mirrors expectations outlined in the Kentucky Teacher Standards

14 Student Teacher Observations ▪ Placement 1 – February 1 st - February 28 th ▪ Placement 2 – March 3 rd – April 25 th ▪ These dates will vary based on the nature of placement (length of time in one placement)

15 You are almost finished student teaching… Now what???

16 Begin the online application process

17 Select job list










27 The process continues with prompts…

28 Teacher Disposition Survey ▪ Soon after submitting your application, you will be asked to complete a web-based survey. ▪ Approximately 30-45 minutes

29 The Key… ▪ All essential documents must be received by the Human Resource department or attached to your application file. ▪ After the disposition survey is complete, HR staffing specialists review the candidate's file in great detail. 1.Completed application 2.Philosophy of Education (Writing sample) 3.Praxis Scores 4.Transcripts 5.SOE (Statement of Eligibility) 6.Resume 7.References (6) 8.Completed Teacher Disposition Survey

30 Enhancing your file… ▪ Previous teacher evaluations ▪ Student teacher observations *Make sure you are getting quality letter of recommendations ▪ Ask individuals that can attest to the quality of your work ▪ Ask individuals if they are willing to write a letter before listing their name!!!

31 Student Teacher Interview Days

32 Upcoming Student Teacher Interview Days Grade Level/ Certification Date Room(s) @ Gheens Times ElementaryApril 29, 2014Flex A8:00am-2:00pm Middle, High, P-12 Certification Areas (PE, WL, ECE) April 30, 2014Flex B8:00am-12:00pm



35 Reviewing the pool of candidates

36 The process ▪ HR Staffing Specialists select candidates to send to the school level and interview with the school-based interview committee. ▪ With vacancies occurring year-round, this step continues throughout the school year ▪ This phase is entirely dependent on the vacancies, certification requirements, and school/cultural match. It is impossible to predict the vacancies from year to year.

37 Keep in mind ▪ HR shares candidate names with principals. Principals decide who they will contact. ▪ Schools will contact you directly for school level interviews ▪ The principals will make their selections based on recommendations from their School Based Decision Making Council (SBDM) ▪ Official offers are made by the personnel specialists - not by the school administrator!!!

38 Remember – Timing is everything!

39 In the meantime – things you can be doing ▪ Apply for a substitute position – application is online (Call 485-3310 for more information) ▪ Make sure paper work is intact (i.e. application for KY Certification – TC-1 application form) ▪ Make sure the necessary documents are on file at your college/university certification office

40 Candidates seeking their first teaching certificate will receive a Statement of Eligibility from the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB). This is issued free of charge. To apply for the Statement of Eligibility, please complete a TC-1 form Your university’s certification officer will assist you with this process


42 Please contact us if you have additional questions ▪ Carl L. Williams, High School Specialist – 485-3356 ▪ Anthony (Tony) Moore, Middle School Specialist – 485-3356 ▪ Dr. Aimee Green, Elementary School Specialist – 485-3229 ▪ Anetria McGhee, Resource Teacher, Human Resources - 485-3745 ▪ Christopher S. Wood, HR Administrative Support– 485-3745 ▪ Paulette Roberson, HR New Teacher Support – 485-3745

43 Scan to access our powerpoint and wiki resources related to student teachers

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