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Disbursement Linked Indicator Approach. Origin Aim: To achieve better results Respects institutional autonomy and leadership, and still align institutional.

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Presentation on theme: "Disbursement Linked Indicator Approach. Origin Aim: To achieve better results Respects institutional autonomy and leadership, and still align institutional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disbursement Linked Indicator Approach

2 Origin Aim: To achieve better results Respects institutional autonomy and leadership, and still align institutional goals with development goals Improve Institutional capacity to plan, decide and implement Increase accountability Objective, predictable, and transparent funding allocation Additionally for the WB: support a government program, pilot an approach to results-based financing, and use of government procurement rules to strengthen capacity Traditional FundingPerformance-Based Funding Characteristics Funding based on input factors Expenditures Issues No talk of performance of institutions: Quality of education Learning/employability Scale-up of education Research publication and outreach to companies Institutions pursue their goals

3  Govt, WB and institutions design a government program: performance and funding agreement to establish Africa Centers of Excellence: 1.Results: measurable and within control of institution 2.Disbursements  Linked to results and  Reimbursement of selected costs 3.Costs:  Investment line - in budget  regular salaries and other recurrent costs– in budget

4 GovtInstitution WB Financing Agreement: - Results -Disburseme nt -Costs Performance Agreement: - Same Results -Same Disb. -Same Costs + TA = Govt only disburses when WB disburses => no financial risk to government

5  DLI 1: Regional specialization endorsed and institutional readiness (800,000)  DLI 2: Excellence in education and research capacity and development impact (6,400,000) ◦ New short term students in ACE courses of which 30% must be regional students -$400 per student (double regional) ◦ New Master students in ACE courses of which 30% must be regional students -$2000 per student (double regional) ◦ New PhD students in ACE courses of which 30% must be regional students-$10000 per student (double regional) ◦ N# of outreach “periods” for faculty, master and PhD students-2000 per outreach period (double within the region) 5

6  DLR#2.5: International evaluation and accreditation of quality of education programs. ◦ Amounts: 600,000 per program internationally accredited; ◦ 100,000 per program nationally or regionally accrediated; ◦ 100,000 per program per gap-assessment certfied or undertaken by an international quality assurance agency; ◦ 100,000 per program for self-evaluation a satisfactory international standard; ◦ 100,000 per program description meeting international standard

7  DLR#2.6 Published articles in internationally recognized and peer reviewed journals ◦ Amounts: 15,000 per article and 30,000 per article with a regional co-author.  DLR#2.7: Externally revenue generation ◦ Amounts: US$ 1 per externally generated revenue, and US$ 2 per externally generated revenue from the region  DLR#2.8: Meeting milestones for improved learning and research environment specified in the Performance and Funding contracts. ◦ Amount per milestone: 400,000

8  DLI 3 Timely, transparent and institutionally reviewed Financial Management (400,000) ◦ DLI : Timely withdrawal application supported by financial reporting for the ACE account for the period ◦ DLI: Functioning Audit Committee under the university council ◦ DLI: Functioning internal audit unit for the university ◦ DLI : Web Transparency on Financial management (web- access to audit reports, interim financial reports, budgets and annual work plan)  DLI 4 Timely and audited Procurement (400,000) ◦ DLI: Timely procurement audit ◦ DLI : Timely and Satisfactory Procurement Progress 8

9 ObjectiveIndicatorMinimum target (project duration) Expected Disbursemen t Unit price Institutional readiness  Approval of MoU for regional specialization through the ACEs  Creation of ACE endowment fund  Signed Govt-ACE Performance agreement with partner agreements  800,000 Strengthen education capacity (excellence) N# of new students in ACE courses (30% must be regional students):  New PhD students  New Master students  New Short term students (min. 40 hours)  40  200  1,000  400,000  $10,000  $2,000  $400 (x2 for regional students) Strengthen Education Capacity & Dev. impact  N# of outreach “periods” (faculty and students working 1 months outside of ACEs)  200  800,000  $4,000 (x2 for regional periods) Strengthen education capacity (excellence)  International accreditation  Gap assessment undertaken by an international QA agency  Self-evaluation undertaken following a satisfactory international standards  Regional or National Accreditation or ISO  Bologna Compliant programs  Institutional and/or 2 program accreditation  Gap assessment  Self-evaluation  Regional accre  Bologna compliant  800,000  $600,000 (Institutional acc.)  $100,000 (per program acc. And per other quality result) Strengthened research capacity (excellence)  N# of published articles in internationally recognized and peer reviewed journals  40  800,000 $15,000 (x2 if co-authored regionally) Strengthen education and research capacity  $ externally generated revenue  $1,200,000  1,200,0 00  $1 (x2 for regional revenue) Strengthened education and research capacity  Improved teaching and learning environment as per approved proposal (institutional specific annual milestones)  1 annual milestone  1,600,0 00  400,000 (per annual milestone) Financial Management  Timely withdrawal application  Functioning Audit Committee  Functioning internal audit Web Transparency on Financial management  Timely submission  400,000  100,000 (per annual milestone)  Procurement  DLI: Timely procurement audit  DLI : Timely and Satisfactory Procurement Progress   400,000  100,000 (per annual milestone) TOTAL 8,000,00 0

10 We welcome opportunities for collaboration and partnerships and Andreas Blom, More info on Africa Centers of Excellence on WB support and analysis of Africa higher education: #sci4dev 10

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