Selling the Benefits of Hydraulic Modelling to Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Selling the Benefits of Hydraulic Modelling to Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selling the Benefits of Hydraulic Modelling to Management

2 Why the Hard Sell?

3 Hydraulic Modelling is an Important Planning Tool; Provides understanding of Asset Performance; Can save thousands on Capital Expenditure by ensuring that proposed works achieve design objectives; and Allows the most cost effective solutions to be developed. 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 3

4 So What Scares Management?

5 Hydraulic modelling requires managers to commit significant expenditure for an unknown return; Modellers can sometimes over-analyse things; Modellers are viewed as boffins who must always have the latest technology to play with. 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 5

6 Tools not Toys!

7 Models are part of an overall Asset Management Strategy; Models are digital representations of real systems; Modelling must have a clear objectives; and Need to promote how the completed models will be used to better manage hydraulic systems. 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 7

8 Asset Management Tools

9 Asset Register; Maintenance Management System; GIS; SCADA; and Hydraulic Models: - to be able to analyse system performance and propose solutions to system deficiencies. 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 9

10 Digital Representations of Real Systems

11 Modelling is an engineering exercise; Target Young Staff who have fresh minds; Experienced Engineers can help with reality checks; Need to consult widely with system operators. 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 11

12 Objectives of Model Development

13 Design Tool for Major Capital Works Projects; Provide Understanding of System Liabilities; Planning for future growth; System optimisation; Models need to be built to suit the desired objectives 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 13

14 What is the Model For?

15 The Value of Modelling is not in the Model itself; The Value of Modelling is in how the models are used; Modelling Proposals must focus on what the models will be used for. 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 15

16 Publicise the Benefits of Modelling

17 Models can and do save millions in capital works; Where this has occurred, make sure that people know about it; Don’t be backward in coming forward! 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 17

18 Tatura Water Main Augmentation Example Need to augment supply capacity to TMI Strategy to augment supply along Service St 2 sections of Hogan St Main previously upgraded 12 Months later Council announces partial reconstruction of Hogan St. Service St Water Main no longer required Council will pay for bulk of the cost associated with main replacement. Water Authority pays for larger pipe size. Remaining section of Hogan St Main to be upgraded at a later date. Capital Cost saving of over $3M. 5/22/2015Presentation TitlePage 18 WTP TMI SHOW GROUNDS Service St Brown St Ross St MaherSt Hogan St O’Reilly Rd Tatura Water Supply Master Plan Proposed Ross St, Service St, Brown St Main Augmentation

19 Selling Models to Management

20 Selling Modelling to Management Promote Modelling as a key component of an overall asset management plan; Detail what you expect to achieve from hydraulic modelling; Document how the modelling tools you intend to develop will be used to meet the desired objectives; Celebrate Savings Attributable to Modelling 5/22/2015Selling Modelling to ManagementPage 20

21 Thank You

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