Reports and Scores Fen Chou, Ph.D. Louisiana Department of Education August 2006.

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2 Reports and Scores Fen Chou, Ph.D. Louisiana Department of Education August 2006

3 LA’s NCLB Assessment Plan  Keep LEAP (CRT) grades 4 & 8  Keep GEE (CRT) grades 10 & 11  Augment The Iowa Tests (NRT + CRT) grades 3, 5, 6, 7, & 9

4 Augmented NRT Model English and Math Tests The Iowa Tests Items + GLE-Based Items  The Iowa Tests items  National norms  Most items measure Louisiana GLEs  Align with LA GLEs  Measure GLEs not assessed on NRT  Developed specifically for Louisiana

5 iLEAP Test Structure English and Math The Iowa TestsGLE-Based Items Entire iLEAP Test

6 Basic Scores Needed for a Test  Raw Score: Number of items correct Has little meaning unless you know the total number of items on a test and how difficult the test is  Scaled Score: Scores to which raw scores are converted by statistical transformations Put results from different tests on the same scale Allows for comparisons

7 NRT Component of iLEAP English and Math The Iowa TestsGLE-Based Items Count for NRT Score Compares LA students’ performance with the national norm group

8 The Iowa Tests Scores  Reading Total  Language Total  Mathematics Total  Survey Total (grades 3, 5, 6, 7) Core Total (grade 9)

9 NRT Score: Percentile Rank Percentile Rank: Percentage of students in the norm group that the student scored equal to or above The norm group is the group used to establish “typical” or average performance on a particular test. Example: A percentile rank score of 70 means that the student scored the same as or higher than 70% of the students in the norm group

10 NRT Score: Stanine Score Stanine Score (Standard Nine): The entire range of scores is divided into 9 parts and each is given a number. Stanine Score 123456789 Below AverageAverageAbove Average

11 Purposes of Using NRT Results  To determine how well individual students perform relative to the norm group students who took the same test. Example: Norm Group Score Range Average Performance PR Score of 50 Student A PR Score of 25 low high

12 Purposes of Using NRT Results (continued)  To determine how well groups of students perform, on average, compare to the norm group students who took the same test. Example: Norm Group Score Range Average Performance School A Average lowhigh School B Average

13 Sample of NRT School Summary Report

14 CRT Component of iLEAP English and Math Iowa Items not aligned with GLEs The Iowa Tests Items (Aligned with GLEs) GLE-Based Items Count for CRT Score How well a student mastered the state content standards

15 Achievement Level Scale d Score Achievement Level Descriptors Advanced 500 Apply strategies of measurement to solve real-world problems MasterySelect and use appropriate tools and units of measure BasicMeasure objects using specified tools and units Approaching Basic Identify measurement tools and units Unsatisfactory 100 iLEAP CRT Scores (Grade 3 Math Example)

16 Purposes of Using CRT Results  To compare the performance of individual students to a criterion or standard of performance. A criterion may be a predetermined number of correct responses (e.g., 8 of 10 responses). Standard of performance can be like LEAP achievement levels (e.g., Advanced, Mastery, Basic).

17 Purposes of Using CRT Results (continued)  To determine the percentage of students in a school, district, or state who obtain the criterion or achieve a performance standard. Example: Grade 4 English (2004), State

18 Purposes of Using CRT Results (continued)  To compare the percentages of students at different schools who attain the criterion or achieve a performance standard. Example: Grade 4 English (2004), Allen Parish

19 Purposes of Using CRT Results (continued)  To evaluate the extent to which students are achieving relative to a particular curriculum. Example: Math Results by Content Standard

20 iLEAP Test Structure Science and Social Studies ♦ Contain all GLE-based items ♦ Align with Louisiana GLEs ♦ Developed specifically for Louisiana ♦ Provide CRT scores only

21 Difference between CRT and NRT  Not the types of test items  Not the procedures used to develop items  Not the procedures used to construct tests But  The manner in which test results may be interpreted

22 Cautions for Comparison of CRT and NRT Scores  Not an apples-to-apples comparison  NRT score does not represent a student’s performance on the entire test.  A student may have a high score on CRT but a low score on NRT or vice versa.  Two students may have the same CRT achievement level but different NRT scores.

23 Possible Explanation Iowa Items not aligned with GLEs The Iowa Tests Items (Aligned with GLEs) GLE-Based Items Count for CRT Scores Count for NRT Scores

24 Possible Explanation (continued) CRT Scores NRT Scores lowhigh low high

25 Projected Release Dates 2006 iLEAP HardcopyOnline Student Report Student Label School Roster Summary Reports CSV File iLEAPSeptember 8, 2006

26 Reports for Schools NRT Student-Level Reports and Summary Reports CRT Student-Level Reports CRT Summary Reports

27 Where to Find Interpretive Guides


29 iLEAP uses achievement levels Advanced – 200 pts. Mastery – 150 pts. Basic – 100 pts. Approaching Basic – 50 pts. Unsatisfactory – 0 pts. 2006 Baseline SPS Bulletin 111, Section 405

30 2006 Baseline SPS – K-8 Assessment Index Grade – Subject weighting GradeELAMathScienceSoc. Stud. 3 rd 21½½ 4 th 2211 5 th 1111 6 th 1111 7 th 1111 8 th 2211 Bulletin 111, Section 405

31 2006 Baseline SPS – High Schools Assessment Index Weights Grad e ELAMathSci.Soc. Stud 9 th 11 10 th 1.25 11 th 1.25 Bulletin 111, Section 409

32 Reports and Scores

33 Achievement Level Scale d Score Achievement Level Descriptors Basic 340 show some understanding of fractions, decimals, and percents and their relationships Approaching Basic recognize fractions, decimals, and percents Foundational demonstrate minimal recognition of fractions, decimals, and percents Pre- Foundational 100 Need to develop the ability to demonstrate minimal recognition of fractions, decimals, and percents LAA 2 CRT Scores (Grade 4 Math Example)

34 Projected Release Dates 2006 LAA 2 HardcopyOnline Student Report Student Label School Roster Summary Reports CSV File LAA 2September 8, 2006

35 Where to Find Interpretive Guides

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