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What Russians think (evidence from various opinion surveys) Ekaterina Zhuravskaya Nov 2008, New Delhi.

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Presentation on theme: "What Russians think (evidence from various opinion surveys) Ekaterina Zhuravskaya Nov 2008, New Delhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Russians think (evidence from various opinion surveys) Ekaterina Zhuravskaya Nov 2008, New Delhi

2 Data Large-scale surveys of representative samples of Russian residents RLMS (Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey), 10,000 respondents, Fall 2006 EBRD Life in Transition Survey (1,000 in each transition country, 28 transition countries) Fall 2006 GeoRating, Public Opinion Foundation (FOM), 35,000 respondents quarterly since 2003

3 Overall assessment of transition

4 How the economic and social changes of the last 15 years affected lives of people % of population by age quintiles Age group: Total population: 48.7%: “worsened”, 32.3%: “did not change”, 19%: “improved” Source: RLMS, fall 2006

5 How the economic and social changes of the last 15 years affected lives of people (Effect of income) % of population, who claim that transition worsened their lives by income decile The poorest 10% The richest 10% Source: RLMS, fall 2006

6 Question framed without a link to reforms gives the same picture The rest of people are indifferent Source: RLMS, fall 2006

7 Wish for kids to grow up in the modern Russia rather than the USSR by age decile % of population who wish for kids to grow up in the modern Russia rather than the USSR by age decile: (13-19)(71-100) Total population: split 50%-50% Source: RLMS, fall 2006

8 Attitudes towards market economy, private property, democracy, and the West

9 Uniquely low support of democracy and market among transition countries Source: EBRD Life in Transition survey, fall 2006 “market economy is preferable” “democracy is preferable” Fraction of population who agree that:

10 What is the best form of governance for Russia? Source: “Pew Global Attitudes” project

11 Price controls are immensely popular % of population who think that the state rather than the market should set prices for the following goods and services: Source: RLMS, fall 2006

12 State or market should provide medical care, roads, trash collection… and employment? Source: RLMS, fall 2006

13 Younger people in large cities do not rely on the state to provide employment age quintiles (13-24)(61-100) % of population in large cities State or private firms should provide employment for people? Source: RLMS, fall 2006

14 What (if anything) should be done with the majority of private assets? % of population Source: RLMS, fall 2006

15 In your opinion, what should be done with most privatized companies? They should be… Source: EBRD Life in Transition survey, fall 2006

16 There is lower support of renationalization among the young % of population by age quintiles Source: RLMS, fall 2006

17 Could there be understanding and cooperation reached between… People demand increased state involvement despite the fact that they think that cooperation with people in power is less feasible than even cooperation with the rich Source: RLMS, fall 2006

18 What should be done in order to reduce income inequality in Russia? % of population, multiple answers Price controls are the most popular policy measure to reduce wealth inequality Source: RLMS, fall 2006

19 Importance of different institutions 1 is “not at all important”, 2 is “rather unimportant”, 3 is “yes and no”, 4 is “rather important”, and 5 is very important” On the scale from 1 to 5 Source: RLMS, fall 2006

20 Political accountability % of population The rest of people are indifferent Source: RLMS, fall 2006

21 Legal social norms % of population The rest of people are indifferent Source: RLMS, fall 2006

22 “Is the Western society a good model for Russia?” Source: FOM “GeoRating”

23 “Is the U.S. a friendly country?” Source: FOM “GeoRating” 2003

24 Is US a friendly country? by age Source: RLMS, fall 2006

25 General trust toward people Source: RLMS, fall 2006

26 Trust towards organizations and certain groups of people 1 is “completely distrust”, 2 is “rather distrust”, 3 is “neither trust nor distrust”, 4 is “rather trust”, and 5 is “completely trust” On the scale from 1 to 5 Source: RLMS, fall 2006

27 Where do people get information (which may shape their views) ?... TV

28 Summary Approximately one half of Russians even before the crisis (in 2006) were strongly –pro-state intervention into the economy and anti-market –anti-US and anti-Western –anti-democracy and pro-strong leader Age and income help, but some of the effects are non-linear with very young looking more like older generation

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