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Introduction,Definition,Need for orthodontic care and Aims &Objectives of orthodontics BDS 3 rd year Dr. Gyan P. Singh, Deptt. Of Orthodontics&Dentofacial.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction,Definition,Need for orthodontic care and Aims &Objectives of orthodontics BDS 3 rd year Dr. Gyan P. Singh, Deptt. Of Orthodontics&Dentofacial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction,Definition,Need for orthodontic care and Aims &Objectives of orthodontics BDS 3 rd year Dr. Gyan P. Singh, Deptt. Of Orthodontics&Dentofacial Orthopaedics 04/08/2014 ( 12-1 PM) C.P. Govila Auditorium,

2 DERIVATION OF TERM ORTHODONTICS = Greek word = ORTHOS + ODONTOS + ICS right or tooth science correct Term coined = LE FOULON (1839) (French man)

3 In 1922, the British Society for Study of Orthodontics has defined the specialty as “Orthodontics” includes study of growth and development of jaws and face particularly, and body generally as influencing position of teeth; study of action and reaction of internal and external influences on the development ; prevention and correction of arrested and perverted development”

4 Blessed are those who bring a wonderful smile, for they shall be called Orthodontist. To perceive an attractive smile is no longer a luxury but rather a necessity in lifestyle & the changing orthodontic scenario says it all.

5 Intraoral Photographs (Pretreatment) R.Lateral L.Lateral Frontal U.Occlusal L.Occlusal 5

6 U/L Study models Orthopantomogram Lateral cephalogram 6

7 ( I/o Photos) I N I T I A L F I N A L Frontal R.Lateral L.Lateral Frontal R.Lateral L.Lateral 7

8 ( I/o Photos) I N I T I A L F I N A L U.Occlusal L.Occlusal 8

9 Intra oral photographs(Final Stage) U.Occlusal FrontalR.Lateral L.Lateral 9 L.Occlusal

10 Extra oral photographs(Final stage) R.Lateral L.Lateral oblique Smiling Frontal 10

11 Need and demand of orthodontic Treatment Protruding,irregular,or maloccluded teeth can cause tree types of problems of the patients. Discrimination because of facial appearance.

12 Problems with oral function,muscle incoordination or pain,temporomandibular joint dysfunction and problems with mastication,swallowing or speech. Greater suscepptibility to trauma,periodontal disease,or tooth decay.

13 Psychosocial Problems- Well –aligned teeth and a pleasing smile carry positive status at all social levels Appearance can and does make a difference in Teacher’s expectations and therefore student progress in school,in employability,and in competition for a mate. Individual’s self –esteem( how positively or negatively the person feels about himself)

14 Facial appearance of the patient following treatment after 1Yrs and 9 months P R E - T R E A T M E N T P O S T - T R E A T M E N T 14

15 Oral Function- A severe malocclusion may compromise all aspects of oral functions. Chewing is less efficient in malocclusion-more effort to chew or less well masticated food before swallowing. Even minor imperfections-trigger clenching and grinding activities-facial muscle pain. Relationship to injury and Dental diseases- In Class II Div.1 malocclusion cases.

16 Case-3 H.A. 14 Yrs/Male 16

17 Case-4 -S. Y.; 7.5 yrs /M 17

18 Demand for orthodontic Treatment- Lack of awareness Social and cultural conditions-Urban > Rural Family income Higher the aspirations for a child-More likely the parent is to seek orthodontic treatment.

19 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES IN ORTHODONTICS Summarized as JACKSON’S TRIAD Functional Structural Esthetic Efficiency balance harmony

20 A)FUNCTIONAL EFFICIENCY- Aim is to improve the function of oro-facial apparatus, as malocclusion causes – Improper deglutition Defects in speech Improper respiration

21 B)STRUCTURAL BALANCE- Aim to improve the function between the alveolar system, skeletal & soft tissue as malalignment causes- Difficulty in maintenance of oral hygiene Traumatic occlusion- periodontal tissue damage. Proclination of teeth - injury by accident. TMJ problems like pain & dysjunction.

22 C) ESTHETIC HARMONY- Aim to improve the appearance of teeth & face as malocclusion causes- Poor facial appearance Patient is self conscious Psychological disturbances.

23 BRANCHES OF ORTHODONTICS Preventive Interceptive Corrective Surgical

24 MCQ: 1.Orthodontics is the branch of Dentistry deals with (A)Gingiva (B)Restorative material (C)Irregularity of the dentition (D)None of the above 2. Most of the patients seeking Orthodontic Treatment because of (A)Periodontal problems (B)Caries (C)Body weight (D)Esthetic concern

25 3.Trauma to the dentition is common in (A)Class I malocclusion (B)Class II Div.1 malocclusion (C)Class II Div. 2 malocclusion (D)Class III malocclusion 4. Orthodontics is the science study the relationship of (A)Occlusion (B)Facial esthetics (C) Skeletal system of the jaws (D) All of the above

26 5.Self esteem is the (A)Fear of Treatment (B)Moral value (C)Well being of the individual (D)None of the above 6. The obstacle to avail orthodontic treatment (A)Lack of awareness (B)Low economical condition (C)Negligence of the problems (D)All of the above

27 7.The aim and objectives of the orthodontics (A)Functional efficiency (B)Esthetic harmony (C)Structural balance (D)All of the above 8. The branches of the orthodontics (A)Preventive orthodontics (B)Surgical orthodontics (C)Corrective orthodontics (D)All of the above

28 9.Malocclusion affects the (A)Chewing capacity (B)May cause muscle pain of the jaws (C)Unpleasing profile of the face (D) All of the above 10. Structural components of the face involves (A)Dento -alveolar (B)Skeletal (C)Soft tissues (D)All of the above

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