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Session 3.1 A Framework for Gender Equality Programming: ADAPT and ACT Collectively 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3.1 A Framework for Gender Equality Programming: ADAPT and ACT Collectively 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3.1 A Framework for Gender Equality Programming: ADAPT and ACT Collectively 1

2 Content of Gender Handbook SECTION A: FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 1. The Basics of Gender Equality 2. The International Legal Framework for Protection 3. Coordination on Gender Equality in Emergencies 4. Gender and Participation in Humanitarian Action SECTION B: AREAS OF WORK 1. Gender and Camp Coordination 2. Gender and Education in Emergencies 3. Gender and Food Issues in Emergencies 4. Gender and Health in Emergencies 5. Gender and Livelihoods in Emergencies 6. Gender and Non-food Items in Emergencies 7. Gender and Registration in Emergencies 8. Gender and Shelter in Emergencies 9. Gender and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies

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5 Sector example: Shelter A nalysis of gender differences Participatory assessment on shelter construction is conducted with women, girls, boys and men of diverse backgrounds - and results fed into programming. D esign Public spaces for social, cultural and informational needs of women, girls, boys and men are designed used equitably. 5

6 Sector example: Shelter A ccess Male and female heads of households and single women and men have the same access to housing and shelter supplies. P articipation Women and men are equally represented and participate in the design, allocation and construction of shelters and camp facilities. 6

7 T raining/Capacity building Equal opportunities exist for training for women, girls, boys and men in construction skills training. A ctions to address GBV Routine spot checks and discussions with communities to ensure people are not exposed to sexual violence due to poor shelter conditions or inadequate space and privacy. Mechanisms put in place to ensure people can report any harassment or violence. Sector example: Shelter 7

8 C ollect sex and age disaggregated data The sector/cluster collects all data on shelter activities by age and sex. T argeted actions based on assessment Specific plans put in place to ensure elderly and female/child headed households have support to build their shelters. 8

9 Sector example: Shelter C oordinate actions with all partners The sector/cluster has a gender action plan, has developed and routinely measures project-specific indicators based on the checklist provided in the IASC Gender Handbook. Actors in the shelter sector liaise with actors in other sectors to coordinate on gender issues, including participating in regular meetings of the gender network. 9

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