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Human Skeleton NameCommon Name 1CraniumBraincase 8MaxillaryUpper Jaw 9MandibleLower Jaw 10HyoidNone 11 Cervical Vertebrae (7)Neck bone 12SternumBreastbone.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Skeleton NameCommon Name 1CraniumBraincase 8MaxillaryUpper Jaw 9MandibleLower Jaw 10HyoidNone 11 Cervical Vertebrae (7)Neck bone 12SternumBreastbone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Skeleton NameCommon Name 1CraniumBraincase 8MaxillaryUpper Jaw 9MandibleLower Jaw 10HyoidNone 11 Cervical Vertebrae (7)Neck bone 12SternumBreastbone 13ClavicleCollarbone 15ScapulaShoulder Blade 16SternumBreastbone

2 Human Skeleton 17Xiphoid ProcessBreastbone End 18Ribs (24)Ribs 19 Thoracic Vertebrae (12)Back Bones 20HumerusArm/Funny Bone 21RadiusForearm 22 UlnaForearm 23 Carpals (8 each wrist)Wrist Bones 24 Metacarpals (5 each hand)Hand Bones 25 Phalanges (14 each hand)Finger/Toe Bones 26 Lumbar Vertebrae (5)Lower Back Bones

3 Human Skeleton 27PelvisHip Bone 28Sacrum (1) 29Coccyx (1)Tail Bone 32FemurThigh Bone 33PatellaKneecap 34TibiaShin Bone 35FibulaLower Leg Bone 37CalcaneusHeel Bone 38TarsalsAnkle Bones 39MetatarsalsFoot Bones

4 Skeletal System #1 Functions- Support & movement, muscle attachment, levers Protection of internal organs Manufacture of blood cells Storage of minerals, phosphorous, calcium

5 Bone Structure- #2 Figure 1- Typical Long Bone 1. Cartilage – Located at the ends of bones, reduces friction 2. Spongy bone – Located inside compact bone & at the ends of long bones, many air spaces 3. Marrow – Soft tissue located in the center of hollow bones, produce red blood cells & some white blood cells

6 Bone Structure- #2 Figure 1- Typical Long Bone 4. Periosteum – Tough membrane that encases the bone 5. Compact bone – Dense bone, strong, located along the center of long bones 6. Ligament or Tendon – Ligament- connects bone to other bone – Tendon- connects muscle to bone

7 Bone Structure- #3 Figure 2 a. Vertebral column – Protects spinal cord b. Thoracic cavity or Ribcage – Protects lungs & heart c. Cranium – Protects brain d. Mandible – Shapes face, allows chewing

8 Bone Structure- #3 Figure 2 e. Shoulder girdle – Supports, anchors arm f. Pelvis – Protects pelvic organs, anchors leg g. Cartilage – Reduces friction between bones h. Spongy bone – Bone with air spaces

9 Bone Structure- #3 Figure 2 i. Marrow – Forms blood cells j. Compact bone – Gives bone strength and hardness k. Blood vessels/nerves l. Osteocyte – Living bone cells m. Haversian Canal – Canal for blood vessels in bone

10 Bone Development- #4 Ossification The changing of cartilage to bone Osteocytes deposit minerals that replace cartilage forming bone

11 Cells Associated Tissue- #5 Osteocytes – living bone cells, deposit or absorbs minerals, bone growth and ossification Cartilage- 2 types – Temporary cartilage- ossifies into bone – Permanent cartilage- remain cartilage through out your life ends of bones, nose, ear

12 Cells Associated Tissue- #5 Tendons – Hold muscle to bone Ligaments – Hold bone to bone

13 Joints- #6 Point where bones meet Types- – Fixed- immovable, no movement, cranium – Semimovable- allows some motion, vertebrae – Freely movable- allows much motion

14 Joints- #6 – Movable- allows much motion Ball & socket- shoulder, hip Hinge- knee, elbow Pivot- top 2 vertebrae, elbow Gliding- wrist, foot Saddle- base of thumb

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