National Conference on Agriculture Rabi Campaign

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1 National Conference on Agriculture Rabi Campaign - 2014
Group – IV Interventions to increase Oilseeds, Pulses production in different ecologies 18th Sept. 2014 Presented by K. Madhusudhan Rao, IAS Commissioner & Director of Agriculture Government of Andhra Pradesh

2 Productivity Enhancement and Increase of Production in Pulses and Oilseeds
1.Cropping system approach. 2.Replacement of Varieties. 3.Weed management 4.Nutrition Management. 5.Pest and Disease Management 6.Farm Mechanization 7.Post harvest technology and 8. Capacity building

3 Strategy for area expansion in Pulses
Increasing the area under rice fallow like blackgram and greengram in AP, Odissa, Telangana, Area remained unsown during kharif also targeted for additional area under pulses. Growing pulses on bunds like in CG, MS, MP Introduction of moong and urd bean before and after mustard & chickpea under irrigated conditions. Intercropping of chickpea with sugarcane & mustard, chickpea with coriander, lentil with coriander in MP, MS, UP. Harnessing summer pulse potential inAP, MP, UP, TN etc. Introduction of chickpea after cotton in Gujarath, MS, MP. Promotion of chickpea, urd, lethyrus and pea as utera in rice. Preparation of district wise micro level action plan at the field level for expanding the area of pulse. 3

4 Increase of Area in Oilseeds
Increasing the area under rice fallow mustard in MP, CG, MS, Gujarath, UP Area remained unsown during kharif also targeted like safflower in A.P., mustard, safflower in Maharastra, mustard and fieldpea in M.P. Rajasthan and CG act. Growing oilseed on bunds like in CG, MS, MP Introduction of Oilseeds in non traditional areas. Harnessing summer groundnut potential li AP, MP, UP, TN etc. Encouraging Intercropping Groundnut with bajra/sorghum in Gujarath, Karnataka, MS. Covering additional area under Sunflower in situations where water is available for shorter duration in rabi/summer season. Specific planned programme for increasing area under oilpalm in Mizoram and Arunachal. Increasing groundnut in rabi and summer in AP, Gujarath, Karnakata, MS.

5 Critical Interventions to increase Oilseed & pulses Productivity and Production
Seed Replacement Ratio (SRR) may be targeted to 1/3 of the total area. (9 to 10 % at present in oil seeds) Enhancing the Varietal Replacement Ratio (VRR) to 10% per year to popularize recently released varieties. Seed Rolling Plan for next three years, indenting Breeder seeds for promising varieties. Popularizing the new varieties through conducting FLDs and also through distribution of Minikits Strengthening of seed chain i.e, seed production programme from Purchase of Breeder seed to Foundation and Certified seed. 5 Contd…

6 Critical Interventions to increase Oilseed & pulses Productivity and Production
Contd… Popularization of short duration varieties in water scarcity areas. Popularization Drought resistant stress tolerant varieties in oil seeds and pulses. Sowing through Multi crop planter for maintaining plant optimum population . Popularization of pre emergence weedicides for effective control of weeds. Effective use of water through sprinkler sets and water carrying pipes in low water availability areas. Adoption of BBF (Broad Bed Furrow) for insitu moisture conservation. Capacity building : On farm training through FFS 6


8 Enhancement of Productivity Through INM and IPM
Seed treatment with fungicides and Bio agents. Popularization of Rhizobium culture, PSB application. Application of Soil test based recommendation of nutrients. Rectification of Micronutrient deficiency through application of ZnSO4,Boron, gypsum. Pest monitoring and control through pheromone traps, Trichoderma cards also through crop sap. 8

9 Enhancing productivity through different schemes
To take steps to prepare District Action Plan with a view to converge Departmental Schemes by Identifying the Existing gaps at Village level. The major gaps identified in the last 2-3 seasons and appropriate interventions like: - Organizing Demonstrations under Organic farming where problematic soils have been noticed - ICM practices to be taken up where major Pests, Diseases outbreaks. 9

10 Good governance in Transfer of Technology (TOT)
Linkage between demonstration and FFS. Assured input supply to the SHGs/Farmers federation Clusters. Involvement of ICRISAT with the states for conducting demonstrations with varieties. Reform of Extension technologies through farm field school, training, demonstration, exchange programme through study tour, transfer of technology through Mobile SMS Other activities: Field day, Kisan Sangosthi, Farmer's Scientist interaction, Krishi Mahostav, Kisan Mela. Comunity Radio Station.

11 Outcome of Surveillance and Monitoring of pest and disease CROPSAP Project
Through this project, pest incidence on Rice, Soybean, Cotton, Tur and Gram crops is scientifically and rigorously monitored on-line. Experts send advice on-line to Field Officers and advisory SMS are sent to farmers.

12 Specific Issues & Suggestions
Assistance on purchase of Breeder seed and production of foundation and certified seed which is available under NMOOP may be extended to NFSM. Procurement of pulses and oil seeds under MSP when the price is not encouraging. Supply of water carrying pipes with 50 % financial assistance. Providing subsidy for transportation of planting material of oilpalm in NES. Increasing the central share from 75 to 90 per cent in NES. Access to Agro implements through CHCs. Assistance to value addition – Dal mills, oil expelling units to SHGs/FPOs.


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