Operations / ITS Provisions in SAFETEA-LU What’s in There and What’s Not Jeff Lindley Operations / ITS Discipline Meeting August 16, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Operations / ITS Provisions in SAFETEA-LU What’s in There and What’s Not Jeff Lindley Operations / ITS Discipline Meeting August 16, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operations / ITS Provisions in SAFETEA-LU What’s in There and What’s Not Jeff Lindley Operations / ITS Discipline Meeting August 16, 2005

2 Outline Review of Reauthorization Objectives What’s In There (details) What’s Not How Did We Do? Challenges Next Steps

3 Operations / ITS Reauthorization Objectives Establish a specific foundation for Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) Implement programs and provisions that will help agencies enhance system performance Institutionalize freight management and increase freight management investment Continue strong ITS program

4 What’s In There (Operations) Real-Time System Management Information Program (1201) HOV Provisions (1121) Toll Provisions (1604) Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions Research Program (5502) Road Weather R&D Program (5308) Future Strategic Highway Research Program (5210)

5 What’s In There - Freight Freight Intermodal Distribution Pilot Grant Program (1306) Freight Planning Capacity Building Program (5204(h)) National Cooperative Freight Transportation Research Program (5209) Projects of Regional & National Significance (1301) National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program (1302) Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program (1303)

6 What’s In There - ITS ITS Research (5301-5310) CVISN Deployment (4126) Extension / Expansion of ITIP Program (5508)

7 1201 – Real-Time System Mgmt Information Program Program to provide real-time travel conditions and information sharing in all States Required data exchange formats established within two years Must be addressed in regional ITS architectures Planning and deployment eligible under NHS, STP, CMAQ programs

8 1121 – HOV Facilities States permitted to create HOT lanes States can permit low emission / energy efficient vehicles (will include most, if not all hybrids) to use HOV lanes Low emission / energy efficient vehicles may be tolled (not at full rate) Performance monitoring required High level of service must continue to be provided

9 1604 – Tolling Provisions Continues Value Pricing program and provides $59 million in new funding VPPP participation limited to 15 States (14 existing) New Express Lanes Demonstration Program –Focused on managing congestion, reducing emissions –New capacity or existing HOV or toll capacity can be tolled –Limited to 15 projects, no separate funding provided

10 5502 – Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions $36 million over 4 years for research, $3 million over 4 years for training and technical assistance Focused on congestion measurement and reporting, implementation of effective congestion relief strategies

11 5210 – Future Strategic Highway Research Program $205 million over 4 years National Academies of Science program 4 major program elements, including improving reliability 100% Federal share

12 1306 – Freight Intermodal Distribution Pilot Grant Program Grants to support intermodal freight transportation infrastructure and initiatives $30 million over 5 years Selection process defined, but funding fully set aside for projects in Oregon, Georgia, California, Alaska, and North Carolina Report to Congress after 3 years

13 5204(h) – Freight Planning Capacity Building $3.5 million over 4 years for freight training and education activities, including information dissemination, peer exchange, data and analysis tools, and technical assistance No match required

14 5209 – Nat’l Cooperative Freight Transportation Research Program National Academies of Science program to conduct freight transportation research Guided by advisory committee $15 million over 4 years No match required Other funds may be used to support research

15 1301 – Projects of National and Regional Significance $1,779 million over 5 years Major projects ($500+ million with national and regional benefits Selection criteria defined, but program funding fully set aside for 25 projects in 16 States

16 1302 – National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Pgm $1,948 million over 5 years Corridor projects designed to promote economic growth and international or interregional trade Selection criteria defined, but program funding fully set aside for 33 projects in 23 States

17 1303 – Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program $833 million over 5 years Border State projects designed to improve safe and efficient movement of motor vehicles and freight at or across borders with Canada and Mexico Formula program based on number of ports of entry, commercial truck and bus and motor vehicle traffic, cargo weight Projects in Canada and Mexico eligible Limited funding transfers to GSA permitted

18 5301-5310 – ITS Research $110 million per year with annual set asides for I- 95 corridor ($7m) and road weather R&D ($5m) New program plan within one year $250k annual cap on outreach activities New advisory committee required Specific system performance goals, including nationwide deployment of 511 by 2010 ITS Integration Program repealed as of 10/1/2005

19 4126 – CVISN Deployment $100 million over 4 years Core deployment and expanded deployment grants – capped at $2.5 million total per State 50% program share, 80% Federal share Administered by FMCSA

20 5508 – Transp. Technology Innovation and Demo Program Extension of existing Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Program 22 new eligible cities Existing contract will be completed Must create and compete new program to use uncommitted and any new appropriated funds

21 Other Provisions Temporary Traffic Control Devices (1110) Interstate Oasis Program (1310) GCM Corridor Earmark (1943) I-95 Corridor Earmark (5211) Catastrophic Hurricane Evacuation Plans (10204) Truck Parking Facilities (1305) Future of Surface Transportation System (1909) Categorical Exclusion for ITS Projects (6010)

22 What’s Not in There Separate section on TSM&O Congestion relief Federal-aid programs Separate ITS deployment funding Freight coordinator requirement NHS connectors set aside

23 How Did We Do? Additional Federal-aid funding for operations / freight / ITS projects and activities More focus on congestion relief, system performance, reliability, freight management Continuation of operations / freight / ITS focus in R&D programs

24 Challenges Constraints on R&D Funding Proliferation of deadlines, studies, Congressional reports, etc.

25 What’s Next Fact sheets and other outreach material Understanding short term requirements and getting organized to accomplish

26 Questions?

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