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1 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 2013 NCAP Assessor Training Michigan Crossroads Council - Flint Office Flint, MI.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 2013 NCAP Assessor Training Michigan Crossroads Council - Flint Office Flint, MI."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 2013 NCAP Assessor Training Michigan Crossroads Council - Flint Office Flint, MI

2 2 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Agenda Welcome and Introductions Overview Camp Assessment 2013 How to conduct a Value Added Assessment National Camp Standards Standards Review Q & A Adjourn

3 3 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Welcome Thank You for taking the time to be here today! Thank You to Jay Sherwood for printing materials Thank You to Frank Reigelman for providing the delicious Donuts and Coffee! A Message from Lonnie Herrington - MCC Camping and Outdoor Program Chair Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @mcccamping

4 4 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Lists / Handouts Attendee Checklists –Attendance / Corrections /Member# Individual Paperwork / Special items… –2013 Assessment Team List –Assessment Visit Schedule –2013 National Camp Standards Team Visit Materials… –Given to Council Lead/Team Leaders only

5 5 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 2013 Assessment Team Patch

6 6 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Overview What is the purpose of this process? National Camp Accreditation Program - NCAP Youth and their safety are our #1 concern Standards are developed to protect the youth, the Council, and the BSA Helps maintain the entire year’s program Assists a council to provide a “Mountain-top” experience Adds a Council component to Assessment

7 7 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA How Did I Get Here ? You were chosen as an Assessor because: You have shown an interest in camping, health and safety, resident camp programs and property development. You were selected by your Scout Executive Demonstrated knowledge and commitment to the reduction of potential camping risks and/or improving camp program quality

8 8 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Appointment Process Local councils nominate Scouters each year Entered at time of online camp application One year certification – 1 year appointment Assessor Orientation is a responsibility of the Region/Area Region/Area is responsible to see that teams follow prescribed procedures

9 9 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 2013 Information Assessment Remains an Area Responsibility Camps are MCC Responsibility Assessment Teams from Field Service Councils –Council Lead as point of contact Recruitment Organization Follow Up –Team Captain Coordinates Visit Area Vice-Presidents

10 10 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Positions Regional Assessment Chair –Provides guidance in the Region to all of the Region’s Area Coordinators Area Assessment Chair –Provides leadership to Area volunteers to visit all facilities Area Director –Provides guidance and leadership to the Area coordinator National Outdoor Program Team –Provides support throughout and maintains the official records

11 11 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Positions NCAP Assessment Team Leader –Is the Lead Assessor, appointed by the home Council who guides the process and is an ambassador for the Region and the National Council. NCAP Assessor: –A trained volunteer that Represents the Region and the National Council –Is the eyes and ears of the National Council and local councils –Helps maintain quality programs in camps to deliver the best and safest possible programs for youth at all BSA facilities.

12 12 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Team Leader’s Duties Organizes a Team composed of Trained Assessors from Councils different from the Camp to be Visited Contacts Frank Reigelman, Outdoor Adventures Director, a minimum of 1 Month before the visit to confirm the date of the Assessment visit Completes the Score sheets and writes a letter to Joe Diederich, MCC President, about the visit and transmits them to the appropriate contacts Faxes completed score sheets to National Office and Jason Kasiorek, Area Assessment Chair, prior to leaving camp Mails copies of all documents within seven days of the visit to the Council, National Office and Jason Kasiorek. Attends Team Leader Webinar

13 13 Assessment Team Member Duties Attend Training and Orientation Session Annually Participate in at least one Assessment Annually Review all Standards prior to Camp Assessment Work as Part of a Team! Use a common sense approach!


15 15 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Letter to Council Opening –Thank attendees / Recognize local council volunteers Summary –Congratulate them on their achievement / Be positive Observation / Comments –List all items from other team members. –Can be either positive or improvement suggestions. –Suggest collecting names of staff who are doing an exceptional job for inclusion in this section. Closing –General thoughts about the assessment visit. –Thank staff for their work in getting the camp to the level of accreditation earned.

16 16 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 2012 Statistics 9 Councils 13 Camps 18 Inspection Trips –10 Boy Scout –7 Cub Scout –1 COPE / Climbing only (Kiwanis) 9 Towers/ 7 COPE Courses 12 Visitation Teams (Representing 8 Councils) 105 Trained Visitation Specialists 111 Visitors Performed 135 Visits 14 Area Vice Presidents Performed Visits

17 17 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 2013 Projections 4 Councils 7 Camps 9 Assessment Visits –4 Boy Scout –5 Cub Scout 9 Visitation Teams (Representing 4 Councils) Over 116 Camp Assessors 24 Area Vice Presidents / Area Committee

18 18 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Camp Accreditation Process MCC submits Application To Operate –Region reviews Application and issues 1-5 year authorization – August (Only 3 camps – for 2014 Gerber BS, Cole, Munhacke) MCC files Annual Intent To Operate –Camps and Dates for upcoming camping season - September Camp files Declaration of Readiness –Paperwork/Documentation submitted for Assessment Team review - May Camp Assessment Visit conducted –Accreditation Decision

19 19 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Authorization All Camps will be required to complete the following for 2013: – Intent to Operate – Declaration of Readiness – Post Camp / Pre Camp Inspection These Requirements are to be completed on Rotating Schedule –Application to Operate –Camp Evaluation Tool –Camp Strategic Analysis –Level III Councils – Remedial Action Plan

20 20 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Application to Operate Approved By Regional Camp Accreditation Committee Based on review of Application for program quality and sustainability Includes clarification of Standards as appropriate Affirms Council “Commitments” Remains in force for 1 to 5 years May be appealed to Regional Camp Accreditation Committee 20

21 21 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Application Contents Description of Camps Program Goals Strategic Analysis Short Form Program and Facility Quality and Financial Sustainability Commitments Clarification of Applicable Standards Opportunity to request Variances or Waivers 21

22 22 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Declaration of Readiness To be Reviewed by Team before Assessment Due May 15 or as established by Area (Allows for Later Camp School Completions) States Camp is Ready to Operate May submit Standards and Authorization commitments documentation for review by camp assessment team before visit Submit the Continuous Camp Improvement Program prior year top/bottom goal report Post/Pre Camp Inspection Camp Facilities Evaluation Tool (CFET) 22

23 23 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA NCAP Implementation Start Up Rotation 23 Pilot, Level III Camps (at least 1/area) 2012 – 2013 Third of remaining Camps 2013 – 2014 Third of remaining Camps 2014 – 2015 Final third of remaining Camps 2015-2016 Camps may Volunteer to Participate fully in 2013-2014

24 24 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA NCAP Process and Why This is a National Process Coordinated through the 28 Areas of BSA Assessments are performed by Area Volunteer Teams and Staff Assists the councils by providing guidance for year round programs Maintains the same standards nationwide Records maintained in the National Office

25 25 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Camp Accreditation Process On-Site Assessment Visit –Certified Camp Assessors –Led by Assessment Team Leader –Scheduled with the Michigan Crossroads Council –Appropriate Council leaders attending.

26 26 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Visit Guidelines Preparation –Prior travel/lodging arrangements, maps, etc. –Review Pre/Post Camp Inspection form and Formal Application to operate Resident Camp. –Understand the standards Team reviews these in advance –Divide responsibilities to cover camp.

27 27 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Visit Guidelines Day of visit –Uniforming Includes Official Boy Scout Uniform - Look Sharp! Visitor Patch –Arrive On Time –Check in as a Visitor at the Camp Office –Most visits start at 9 AM and last 3-4 hours Lunch usually available –Pay your own way –Bring Training Card & Current BSA Medical Form Part A & B –Be of help to the Council, not a roadblock

28 28 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Visit Guidelines Review / Observe each standard Use a copy of the Standards at a Glance for reference Never interrupt an instructor or session Not just a check off Document findings –(Good and Bad) Score Sheet is the permanent record of the visit.

29 29 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Visit Guidelines Completion of Visit –Brief Team Consultation (No private team meetings) –Meet with Council/Camp Representatives –Present Certificate and Flag –Report and letter to: National (TL Forwards) Regional Camp Assessment Chair Area Camp Assessment Chair Michigan Crossroads Council President Outdoor Adventures Director –Within 7 days.

30 30 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Sampling Methods Observe Verify Records Review Procedures Interview Campers, Staff and Adult Leaders

31 31 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Visit Tips Talk with Scouts –Are you having fun? –What’s your favorite activity? –What did you and your patrol do last night? –How’s the food?

32 32 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Visit Tips Talk with Scout Leaders –Are you and the Scouts having fun? –What do you do during the day? –How many first-time campers are with you this week? –How are the meals? –How many years have you been coming to camp? Praise in public, criticize in private

33 33 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Assessment Visit Guidelines Don’t stray from Standards. Don’t belabor unchangables. Don’t compare camps. Don’t split hairs, complain. Don’t exclude council volunteers from final assessment report session. Don’t inspect, nit pick, brow beat. Relax! This is a dialog… Help resolve issues!

34 34 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Key Points Camp Assessor position is not a right, but an honor – treat it like one Assessment Visit is not negative – it is positive – Focus on solutions Ensure visit is good for team and camp Visit to be –Organized –Professional Match message to audience

35 35 2013 Pennant

36 36 Introduction to the Standards 36

37 37 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Categories of NCAP Standards PD 1xx – Program Design & Recommended Practices PS 2xx – Program Substantive & Recommended Practices PT 3xx – Trek Program & Recommended Practices SQ 4xx – Staff Qualification & Training & Recommended Practices HS 5xx – Health & Safety & Recommended Practices FS 6xx – Food Service FA 7xx – Facilities & Recommended Practices AO 8 xx – Administration & Operational Mgt. & Recommended Practices

38 38 Project COPE COPE Standards review will be conducted separately, not in conjunction with Assessment Visit.

39 39 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Why National Standards Assist councils in conducting programs in a safe manner Standards represent a minimum level of program required State and local laws trump BSA Standards (but visit does not assess compliance with laws) Provides an avenue to accredit a camp that meets the standards Sets a level of expectation for quality program

40 40 NCAP Standard Title Revised Date Applies to: Standard or Recommended Practice Specified Requirements of the Standard Interpretation Verification

41 41 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA NCAP Standard Sample

42 42 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Standards at A Glance Document 42 Developed to help Navigate the Standards

43 43 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA NCAP Scoresheet There are Four Parts to the NCAP Scoresheet Standards Assessment Scoresheet – Individual Standard Scoring Scoring Continuation Sheet – Used for Findings and listing Deviations Program Narrative Assessment Assessment Recommendations 43

44 44 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Scoring Legend Using the Scoring Legend C – Compliant, Full Compliance with Standard Dv – Deviation, Substantial but not full compliance w/ Standard NC– Noncompliant, Deficiency, Failure to comply with Standard or Recommended Practice NA – Not Applicable to the Camp Refer to Pages 10-18 of the 2013 Standards for Greater Definition on Scoring

45 45 Scoring Legend - # Designation 45 # - If a Deviation (Dv) or Non Compliance (NC) occurs while scoring, place a number in the # column next to the Standard. Rewrite that number on the Camp Assessment Continuation Sheet and explain the Deviation or Non Compliance vs. the Standard. If a Deviation or Waiver was granted by the Region, cite that it was. If there is a variation explain it.

46 46 Variance/Waiver Waiver - A waiver may be granted for a standard due to an emergency or other good cause shown. A waiver may be conditional and require the camp to meet an alternative control. Good for one season, may be renewed once. Variance - A Variance establishes an alternative to a national standard that achieves an equivalent level of protection. Variances are permanent though subject to review during the authorization renewal process.

47 47 Other Score Sheet Acronyms CAT – Camp Assessment Team CFET – Camp Facilities Evaluation Tool SWOT – Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats

48 48 Scoresheet Distribution Three Copies in Each Scoresheet: 1.White Copy - National Office 2.Pink Copy - Council/Camp Director 3.Goldenrod Copy - Assessment Team leader

49 49 NCAP Score Sheet (Sample) 49

50 50 Scoring Continuation Sheet for Findings 50

51 51 Continuation Sheet for Findings Non-Applicable and Deviation Findings from score sheet should be addressed here so there is a written record. Number corresponds to number on first score sheet column #

52 52 Scoring Program Narrative Assessment 52

53 53 Program Narrative Assessment Does the camp deliver the program as explained in the leaders guide, etc. Are the BSA’s aims and methods being met How well the camp is implementing the Continuous Camp Improvement Program A camp’s accreditation status is determined solely by the objective scoring portion of the assessment.

54 54 Scoring Assessment Recommendations 54

55 55 Scoring Recommendations Similar to the information that goes into the follow- up letter –Things that you found good/bad –Things you saw –Things that may need to be fixed

56 56 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Examples of Failing Scores 56 Failure to have a required certification (e.g., National Camping School card, approved Lifeguard status, etc.), or an approved alternate (listed in the Standard, Authorization, or a Variance or Waiver) warrants a non-compliant finding. Failure to meet an age standard, without a waiver, is a non- compliant finding. A single instance of not having a first aid kit prominently marked in an otherwise well marked camp is a deviation. Failure to have a certificate of insurance, when other proof of insurance is available, is a deviation. Minor changes from the approved training plan, but where the material elements were met, is a deviation. Importantly, any Standard, Authorization, Commitment or Variance corrected during the assessment to the satisfaction of the assessment team, should be scored as a deviation and not as non-compliant.

57 57 Outcomes Accredited Accredited With Silver or Gold Recognition (2014) Conditionally Accredited Denial of Accreditation

58 58 Accredited All applicable standards are scored “compliant” or “deviation” The conditions of any variance or waiver are scored “compliant” or “deviation” The team should review any waivers to ensure they do not specify conditional accreditation. Twenty Percent or fewer of the total scores are “deviations”

59 59 Conditionally Accredited Any applicable standard is scored “noncompliant” The conditions of any waiver state that the camp must be “conditionally accredited”, which may occur if the waiver addresses a substantial deficiency The conditions of any variance or waiver are scored “noncompliant” More than 20% of the scores are “deviations”

60 60 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Handling Accreditation Issues Contact the Area Lead if issues are detected before and during the visit. Rarely close an entire camp; occurs if a council fails to take corrective action on a Standard. Volunteers will not make that decision - Must get professional involvement. Get advice before acting. Contact the Area Director/Assessment Chair Rarely close a Program area; only if there is an immediate health and safety issue that cannot be resolved.

61 61 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Review of the Standards 2013 NCAP Standards Review Resident Camp Accreditation Cub, Boy and Venture Scouting

62 62 Errata Standard RP 164 and RP 251 are identical, so councils can comply with either one.

63 63 Exercises

64 64 Exercise #1 You and your team are conducting an assessment visit at Camp Lone Star. While touring the aquatics area you see a zip line that runs from the top of the bank, out to a pole in the lake. At it’s highest point the line is 20 ft over the water and is about 50 ft long. The zip line is part of the aquatics program at Camp Lone Star. Is this OK and what standards are involved in this decision?

65 65 Exercise #2 While visiting camp Gichigami your team goes through the kitchen and food preparation area. You notice that wile there are “Keep it Cold” Temperature charts, they have not been filled out. You also notice a bottle of insecticide in the food prep area with most of the label missing. When you ask about it, you are informed it is “used to keep the ants under control”. What do you do next? What Standards are involved with this decision?

66 66 Exercise #3 During the course of your assessment visit, one of your team members, a licensed electrician, notices that some of the electrical work on one of the cabins is not up to code. He is insistent that it be fixed as soon as possible and makes a very bog deal about it. What do you do next? What Standards are involved with the decision?

67 67 Exercise #4 You and your team are visiting a camp and while reviewing the Rangers Area, it is discovered that the camp does not have diagrams of electric, gas, water and sewer systems with locations of emergency shutoffs. The Ranger indicates that those are kept at the council office and that no one has ever given them a hard time about not having them before. What do you do next? What Standards are involved in this decision?

68 68 Exercise #5 While visiting camp Rattlesnake, you discover that the shooting sports director does not have a valid National Camping School Card. The camp still intends to run a shooting sports program. What do you do next? What Standards are involved in the decision?

69 69 Exercise #6 At Crystal Lake Scout Camp you and your team are being driven around as part of your visit. While in the camp vehicle you notice that there is not a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. The staff member driving the vehicle indicates that the fire extinguisher was discharged by another staff member while “surfing” on the trailer he was pulling earlier in the day. What do you do next? What standards are involved with this decision?

70 70 Exercise #7 While at Camp Ottawa you and your team are walking past the back of the dining hall and notice that the big propane tank is not labeled “Danger - No Smoking”. It is also near to where leaders go to smoke. When you ask a staff member about it he indicates that they used to spray stencil the warning on the tanks, but now they don’t own them and can’t paint them. What do you do next? What Standards are involved with your decision?

71 71 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Questions and Answers

72 72 Resources Central Region Area 2 Camp Assessment Website The Guide to Safe Scouting Safety/GSS/toc.aspx National Camp Accreditation Home CampAccreditation.aspx

73 73 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Thanks for Serving Pick up your Training Card and Patch Did you Sign in on the Training Roster ? Team Leaders Sign out Patches/Pennants/Certificates Do we have your Member Number so you can get credit for the training? Congratulations on your Training Completion Drive Safely, See you at Camp !

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