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Gaining HEA Accreditation Bradford College, March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Gaining HEA Accreditation Bradford College, March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaining HEA Accreditation Bradford College, March 2014

2 Our Context – key drivers Having a professional development framework Leadership support for staff to gain professional recognition Improving staff motivation, recruitment and retention Benchmarking of quality possible across institutions Supporting our application for TDAP Demonstrating scholarly activity Improving teaching 1 of 11

3 Accreditation applies to the outcome of the process whereby such a programme or scheme is accredited by the HEA as meeting the requirements of the UKPSF. Accreditation It entitles successful participants to be ‘recognised’ as Associate Fellows, Fellows, Senior Fellows or Principal Fellows of the HEA. The term always applies to a programme or scheme to develop academic staff and never to an individual or group of individuals. 2 of 11

4 aligned with Associate Fellow for those with a limited teaching portfolio/responsibility aligned with Fellow increasingly recognised as career entry grade aligned with Senior Fellow used to articulate expertise, excellence and impact aligned with Principal Fellow used to articulate expertise, excellence and impact UKPSF Descriptors D1 D2 D3 D4 3 of 11

5 1.The provision is fully aligned with the UKPSF Criteria 2.Participants fully engage with the UKPSF and evidence this engagement 3.Judgments made on this evidence are robust and sound 4.Evidence of institutional commitment to embedding the UKPSF as a vehicle for the on-going professional development of all staff who teach and support learning 4 of 11

6 The centrality of the UKPSF to the provision is evident The routes through the provision and the relationships between them are identified The opportunities for participants to engage with the UKPSF are clearly identified Progression opportunities and APL mechanisms are clearly described Criterion 1 – Alignment 5 of 11

7 Taught route Experiential route Taught modules with links to UKPSF assessment in the marking criteria PG Dip awarded with evidence to achieve fellowship built up over qualification so academic sessions and assessment have dual purpose PG Dip Awareness and understanding of UKPSF across both routes Qualified teacher Completion of e-portfolio Submission of evidence to College panel Academic staff support Judgement panels, consisting of HEA fellows who have not been involved in supporting any individual submission. Set up and monitored through staff development. Application to HEA 6 of 11

8 How is it encouraged/expected? How is it evidenced? How are participants supported? Criterion 2 – Participant engagement 7 of 11

9 Are they transparent, robust and consistent? Are they made against the UKPSF ? How are they quality assured ? What support and training is provided for those making judgments? Are arrangements for assessment of APL clear? Criterion 3 – Judgments 8 of 11

10 Are there are clear institutional strategies to embed the UKPSF? Is the institutional context for the provision clear? Is there a clear rationale for the provision ? Is the institutional infrastructure managing and supporting the provision described effectively? Is the centrality of the UKPSF apparent in all routes to recognition? Criteria 4 – Institutional commitment 9 of 11

11 Work on submission so as to be achieved by April 2014 Approval from HEA of submission by end of April 2014 Possible pilot with a few staff deemed able to achieve level D1, D2 or D3 Launch day July 8 th 2014 with view to roll out September 2014 Monthly workshops Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan across different curriculum areas HEA Institutional Accreditation - Bradford College 10 of 11

12 Dr. Clive Opie PFHEA Dean, McMillan School of Teaching, Health and Care Questions 11 of 11

13 13

14 Route 1 (for staff without a teaching qualification) Follow the PG Dip/Cert Ed course which, after modification, will lead to either level D1 or D2 Route 2 (for academic staff with a teaching qualification and support staff ) Completion of an e-portfolio with the option to move directly to an end-point submission leading to level D1, D2 or D3 Which level is submitted for will depend on the individual experience and decision by the mentor Independent of which route is taken the focus of judgments will be based on how individuals can evidence the UKPSF framework

15 6 Identify elements to be accredited Gain institutional endorsement Produce narrative(s) and supporting evidence Self-assessment checklist Initial check for completeness Send back (incomplete) Upload to Groupspace Accreditation Panel Meeting Accredit Subject to Conditions Refer Accreditor Feedback 0 Week1Week 4 Week 6 Preparation Submission Panel Outcome Week3

16 Questions and Comments Rónán O’Beirne M.Ed. FCLIP, SFHEA Director for Learning Development and Research Blog:

17 All about people

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