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Chapter 5: The Internet Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools.

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1 Chapter 5: The Internet Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools

2 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Frameworks: What we know... Do schools and classrooms have Internet access? –NCES (Wells and Lewis, 2006) study Involved 11 years of data 94% schools reported access in instructional rooms Ratio of students to computers: 3.8 to 1 –Type of connections 95% schools reported broadband connections –How is the Internet used? 89% provided data to inform instruction 87% reported using libraries and museums

3 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Ways to Use How can teachers use the Internet? –Instruction Planning Facilitating online projects Facilitating WebQuests Web-based Software –Communication Web 2.0 applications Websites –Research and development

4 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Ways to Use How can students use the Internet? –Research Information gathering –Development Web-based applications –Virtual Field Trips –Communication Blogs, wikis, podcasts, photo sharing –Problem-Based Learning Real-time projects, WebQuests

5 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Web 2.0 What is Web 2.0 and how does it differ? Web 1.0 Application based Isolated Offline Licensed or purchased Single creator Proprietary code Copyrighted content Web 2.0 Web-based Collaborative Online Free Multiple collaborators Open source Shared content Soloman and Schrum (2007)

6 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Web 2.0 How does the participatory web effect learning? –Profound effect on learning –Promotes creativity, communication and collaboration –Grounded in constructivism Learner constructs knowledge based on past and present knowledge –Promotes project-based learning

7 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Web 2.0 What are the Web 2.0 tools for classrooms? –Blogs –Wikis –Podcasts –Social Bookmarking –Aggregators –Photo Sharing –Video Showcasing

8 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Blogs What are blogs and how can I use them? A webpage that contains text, images and links. –Individuals are called bloggers –Entries are called posts –Posts are arranged in reverse order with links –Similar to journal and is used for communication –Well known software used in education Blogger - GoogleBlogger WordPress Edublog

9 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Wikis What are wikis and how can I use them? Site that contains pages of text, images and links, sound, movies. –Individuals are called members of a community –Wikis are organized into pages of information –Members may read, post, modify, delete information –Asynchronous communication and collaboration between members who develop information on topics –Well known wiki software used in education PBWorksWikispacesWetpaint

10 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Podcasts What are podcasts and how can I use them? Audio or video files distributed through the Web or mobile device. –Name formed from “broadcasting and iPod” –Individuals are called podcasters –May be audio –May be enhanced (audio and video) –May be created in the classroom –Speeches, interviews, reading, storytelling, etc The Educational Podcast Network

11 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Social Bookmarking What is social bookmarking and how do I use it? Web service that allows web access to bookmarks. –Bookmarks are web-based –24/7 accessibility with a computer and browser –Use “tags” to classify –Well known services Delicious Diigo

12 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Aggregators What is an aggregator and how do I use it? Software program that aggregates syndicated web content and “pulls” it to you in simple form. –Same as RSS readers, feed readers, or news readers –Reduces the time and effort of checking websites by providing frequently updated content –Content provider will publish a feed link for users who drag the link to the aggregator –Web-based services iGoogleBloglinesGoogle Reader NetvibesGoogle NewsPageflakes

13 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Photo Sharing What is photo sharing and how do I use it? Software that allows the management and sharing of photos on the Web. –Viewed in albums or slideshows –Add notes and tags –Use to document field trips, digital scavenger hunts, change over time, student classroom work, etc –Well known services Picasa (Google)Picasa Flickr

14 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Video Sharing What is video sharing and how do I use it? An online community where videos are hosted. –Community member –Upload video, tag and link –May upload support files Lesson plan, activity sheet, notes –May be for instruction, document, share field trips, etc –Well known educational service TeacherTube

15 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Netiquette, Ethics and Safety Are there concerns when using the Web? –Netiquette Being courteous to others when using the Web –Ethics Appropriate and responsible use Acceptable Use Policies –Copyright Information from Web typically carries copyright Fairuse Creative Commons

16 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Netiquette, Ethics and Safety Are there concerns about using the Web? –Plagiarism Web promotes plagiarism – –TurnitinTurnitin –Safety Web is unregulated Schools may use filtering software Teachers should always monitor students Bookmark sites for student research

17 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Evaluating Web Sources Are there criteria to follow when considering websites for use with my students? Reliability can be determined by reviewing: –author Is the author identified? Expert? –publishing body Is the publishing body familiar? Recognized as a leader? –lack of bias Is the author a member of a political or extreme group? –accuracy Is the information accurate? Are there additional sources? –currency Is there a revision date?

18 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Adapting for Special Learners Are there considerations when special learners are using the web? –General accessibility Text equivalents Logical, consistent design Test with BobbyBobby –Vision barriers –Hearing barriers –Cognitive barriers –Economic barriers –Physical barriers

19 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Voices in the classroom The Teacher/Learner and Web 2.0 Jennifer Lubke, MS Content Specialty: English Former High School Teacher in TN. In this Voice, Jennifer Lubke, doctoral student in Literacy Studies, explains how she uses free, web-based tools to expand her personal learning network and enhance her traditional, face-to-face learning experiences. In the face of time pressures, limited resources, and geographic isolation, individuals and even entire school systems are using web-based technologies to access high-quality professional development opportunities.

20 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Voices in the classroom The Internet Enhances Communication and Student Learning Dave Carroll Content Specialty: Science Governor’s Award for Technology: Virginia In this Voice, Dave Carroll discusses various ways that he uses technology with his science students. He communicates through email, conducts online “help sessions” and uses the Internet to bridge the gap between the school and community. He takes students on a two week storm-chasing adventure each summer. Visit the archives to view videos.Visit the archives to view videos

21 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet Voices in the classroom The Internet: An Effective Teaching Tool Deb Drew, MS Content Specialty: English High school teacher : Ohio In this Voice, Ohio teacher Deb Drew explains that she uses the Internet to make real-life connections to the information that her students are studying….a way to “tie literature to the present day”. In addition, she discusses the use of WebQuests for problem-solving and collaboration.

22 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet For more information Go to the textbook companion website: Or

23 Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools | Chapter 5: The Internet

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