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Digital Citizenship Lisa Burch ED 505. Nettiquete on Social Media Sites What is it? How we handle ourselves when interact on sites such as Facebook, Twitter,

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship Lisa Burch ED 505. Nettiquete on Social Media Sites What is it? How we handle ourselves when interact on sites such as Facebook, Twitter,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship Lisa Burch ED 505

2 Nettiquete on Social Media Sites What is it? How we handle ourselves when interact on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and etc.

3 Do’s and Don’ts of Nettiquete  Always be truthful.  Don’t post negative posts. Always stay positive.  Share positive helpful information.  Don’t curse in your posts. Cursing is considered bad grammar and bad grammar is a no no.  Do not disrespect others on social media sites.  Only share accurate information with others. Make sure to check your facts before sharing information.  Check posts for proper spelling and grammer. If you post something with mistakes, make sure to correct them.  Always show kindness and respect for people even those who post negative comments. Do not respond negatively.  Respect everyone’s privacy. Do not share personal information of your friends.  Post information in moderation. Often less is more.

4  Copyright is the author’s right to produce, make copies, and perform and display their works.  Fair Use provides limited uses for author works without permission from the author.

5 Fair Use Rules  For a chart listing Fair Use guidelines for teachers, visit: pdf/events/techforum/tx05/TeacherCopyrig ht_chart.pdf pdf/events/techforum/tx05/TeacherCopyrig ht_chart.pdf

6 Plagarisim and How to Avoid It  Plagarisim is using someone else’s words or ideas without giving them credit.  Best ways to avoid plagarisim are to always give credit when you use someone else’s ideas or opinions, use facts or statistics that are not common knowledge, use quotations of another’s actual spoken words, or paraphrase other’s words.

7 Technology to help reduce plagarisim     giarism giarism  ce/589/01/

8 Internet and Computer Safety  Do not use simple passwords. Use long passwords with letters and numbers.  Always read fine print when downloading or signing up for something over the internet.  Do not give out ANY personal information online to anyone you do not know personally.  Watch out for online scams.  Make sure you are using up to date anti virus software that includes anti spyware and a firewall.  Do not share files when using public wireless connections.  When paying for items or services online, make sure to check for secure transactions information.  Block content that is not appropriate for the audience that will use your computer.  Only download software or files from verified and trusted sources.  Never open email attatchments from strangers unless you have used your anti virus scan on them.

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