Asustarse de- aburrirse - cansarse -darse cuenta de - despedirse (e-i, e-i)- disculparse- Los Verbos Reflexivos To conjugate: 1.change the reflexive pronoun.

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Presentation on theme: "Asustarse de- aburrirse - cansarse -darse cuenta de - despedirse (e-i, e-i)- disculparse- Los Verbos Reflexivos To conjugate: 1.change the reflexive pronoun."— Presentation transcript:

1 asustarse de- aburrirse - cansarse -darse cuenta de - despedirse (e-i, e-i)- disculparse- Los Verbos Reflexivos To conjugate: 1.change the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) to agree with the subject, putting the pronoun in front of the conjugated verb 2.conjugate the verb in the correct tense, remembering to watch for stem-changes 3.For this exercise use the IMPERFECT TENSE!

2 divertirse (e-ie, e-i)-pelearse - esconderse - portarse (bien/mal) - enojarse- preocuparse por - Los Verbos Reflexivos To conjugate: 1.change the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) to agree with the subject, putting the pronoun in front of the conjugated verb 2.conjugate the verb in the correct tense, remembering to watch for stem-changes 3.For this exercise use the IMPERFECT TENSE!

3 reírse (e-i, e-i) -reunirse - sonreírse (e-i, e-i) - caerse- Sentarse (e-ie, e-i)- Los Verbos Reflexivos To conjugate: 1.change the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) to agree with the subject, putting the pronoun in front of the conjugated verb 2.conjugate the verb in the correct tense, remembering to watch for stem-changes 3.For this exercise use the IMPERFECT TENSE!

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