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Presented By: Chief Edward Medrano Gardena Police Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Chief Edward Medrano Gardena Police Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Chief Edward Medrano Gardena Police Department

2 One of The Largest Transformations in Recent Criminal Justice History! Implemented at an Unprecedented Speed Compared to Other Government Reforms

3 Community Corrections Panel (CCP) Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) LA County Called Post-Released Supervised Person (PSP) Post-Release Community Supervision (PCS) 3N’s ~ N3: Non-Violent, Non-Sexual, Non-Serious CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) State Prison Offense County Jail Incarceration Parole Probation Recidivism

4 Transfer of Parole Supervision to Probation Supervision Redefining Supervision and Sanctions Reclassification of Over 500 Prior State Prison Felonies County Jail Incarceration for N3 Offenses (Penal Code 1170(h)) Increase Credits for Custody Time Elimination of Parole for N3 Offenses Split Sentencing Parole Violation Hearings to Local Courts Charging and Sentencing Guidelines Restructured Redefining Recidivism A HUGE SOCIAL EXPERIMENT???

5 Prison Overcrowding Coleman/Plata v. Schwarzenegger Budget Criminologist and Evidence Based Theories PUBLIC SAFETY WAS NOT A TOP CONSIDERATION

6 Transferred all N3 Prisoners from Parole to Probation Supervision Limited Supervision Reduced from three (3) years to one (1) year, Unless Violations Occur that Could Cause Revocations Flash Incarceration / Intermediate Sanctions Maximum 180 Day Custodial Sanction Supervising Agency may Release after six (6) months with no Supervision and/or Mandates for one (1) year if there were no Violations Transfers all Rehabilitation Efforts to County including: Mental Health, Social Services and Drug Treatment.

7 Penal Code 1170(h) Reclassified 500 Previous Felonies to County Jail Increased Custody Credits to Reduce Incarceration Time up to 50% Elimination of Parole; no Supervision for N3 Offenses after time is served Creation of a new Sentencing Structure and SPLIT SENTENCING Restructuring Sentence and Charging Guard Lines

8 Speed of Change Lack of Available Data and Research Driven by Money, Overcrowding and Politics What Happened to AB 900? (No Discussion of Adding Capacity) Lack of Preparation to Implement Change Crime Impact v. Speed of Implementation HUGE GAMBLE WITH PUBLIC SAFETY

9 Strategic Planning for Significant Organizational Change Maintaining Public Safety as a Priority Creation of a Special Enforcement Unit 800K a year City Data Collection and Mapping Anecdotal Evidence for Concern SIMILAR EXPERIENCES BY OTHER JURISDICTIONS

10 One CaptainOne Captain Super DepartmentSuper Department Police Streets Development Services Contract EmployeesContract Employees Special Enforcement Unit (SEU) FormationSpecial Enforcement Unit (SEU) Formation


12 $6.9 Million Dollars coming to LA County Money will be shared by Local Jurisdictions to help deal with AB-109 New Legislation: N3 Tail Cutting off monitoring bracelets Flash incarceration Clean up language for state prison felonies

13 Chief Edward Medrano Email: Phone: 310-217-9601

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