Bringing in the Best Volunteer screening as a retention tool Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) November 2, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing in the Best Volunteer screening as a retention tool Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) November 2, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing in the Best Volunteer screening as a retention tool Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) November 2, 2012

2 Screening -- measures Of the prospects who attend information sessions: 40% will submit an application 43% of applicants will be accepted for training 35% will be sworn in as CASA volunteers

3 Before In FY10 New volunteers never taking a case: 21% New volunteers dropping cases: 4% On October 1, 2010: Volunteers assigned to cases: 135 Children waiting: 53

4 After In FY12 New volunteers never taking a case: 2% New volunteers dropping cases: 2% On October 1, 2012: Volunteers assigned to cases: 157 Children waiting: 6

5 Screening at Fairfax CASA Establish clear expectations Identify the core competencies Take a behavior-based approach to interviewing Assess during training Reiterate expectations

6 The Application Process Information Session (orientation) Application Telephone Interview In Person Interview Accept Into Training (or reject)

7 Identifying Competencies Work as a team Base competencies on the job description List all competencies required for the position Prioritize the list Pare down to 8 – 10 key competencies Use the competencies throughout the screening process

8 Top Five Competencies Time/schedule flexibility Sense of commitment/responsibility Perseverance Objectivity Appropriate boundaries

9 Developing the Interview Questions should measure key competencies Behavior-based questions are questions that elicit specific examples of a skill Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior/performance For example: “Tell me about a specific time when…” “Give me an example of a time in which…”

10 Measuring Competencies Tell me about a time you were frustrated. How did you handle it? (Interpersonal skills: 1 2 3)

11 Conducting Behavior-based Interviews Be a skilled interviewer Look for concrete examples, not hypotheticals Ask follow up questions/probe as necessary Watch body language Remain objective Score the interview based on competencies

12 Red flags Scheduling difficulties Inappropriate sharing/boundaries Defensive about application/interview process In a time of transition/major life events Overly emotional

13 Conducting Behavior-based Interviews Look for concrete examples, not hypotheticals Ask follow up questions/probe as necessary Remain objective Watch body language Score the interview based on competencies

14 Final steps Program staff assess candidates as a group Continue to assess during training Meet with the Executive Director Reiterate commitment

15 Contact Information Elisa Kosarin Associate Director, Recruitment And Training (703) 273-3526, x22 Fairfax CASA 4103 Chain Bridge Rd., Suite 200 Fairfax, VA 22030

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